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文章 發表由 MikiRei

  1. 來Campsie吃包子

    Where's this?

    Watch out for bird shit from above when you go to the Opera House.

    Last time when I went there with my friends and I saw bird shit comming down, I just yelled in Chinese:「鳥屎!」......

    and then all nationalities around us stopped......

    That's a lot better than what happened to me at Bondi Beach. My friends and I were having a birthday BBQ. A pigeon flew by and dropped a gigantic dump RIGHT ONTO our steak on the sizzling platter. Stank like hell, splattered everywhere and completely ruined our appetite.

    I just remembered one thing. If you ABSOLUTELY LOVE your steaks, go to ribs and rumps in Gordon or at Darling Harbour. 500g to 1kg Wagyu steak. You'll never want to see another steak again if you go there (but oh so satisfying).

  2. 大家把停戰合約給簽一簽吧


    好! 我簽.

    但財產就免了 :p

    題外: 米奇姊姊原則與正義感十足,請問你在修justice or ethics 嗎LOL

    I sense sarcasm there but whatever. I'm doing software engineering, funnily enough. Probably the most UNethical profession you can get into. (60% software projects fail yet it is within OUR ethical duty to produce software that works. Oh, the irony~~~! :p)

  3. ...........................



    Debating whether to laugh or cry....

    Debating whether to enjoy the show or join the trolling.

    Realising that the show was partially my doing.........................but I think I don't care. I can still laugh.

    Wait....am I making sense? Oh wait. Nothing's making sense

    Holy crap! This world's gone crazy. Oh wait, what?

    Nah - whatever.

    I'll sit back and enjoy the show. :p

  4. 其實我是想跑夜店(亞洲店)

    Cheers! on Goerge St. seem to attract a lot of Asians. I, personally had never been in there. (I don't like clubbing).

    You can also go along Oxford St. There's a lot of clubs there.


    QVB, Pitt St. Mall and the Rocks will probably be sufficient. Also, Bondi Junction Westfield and Chatswood Westfield and Chatswood Chase.


    Well..there's the usual....check out Lonely Planet and they'll tell you the ones to check out.


    Errrm...endless. The problem with Australia is we don't really have like...a specific "food" that we're famous for seeing we have a lot of cultures mixed in here. What type of food are you looking for?

    You can also check out www.eatability.com.au to find restaurants.

    Personally recommend Wagaya on Haymarket. It's a Japanese restaurant with very good service and very good food. You order through a touch screen. It's really popular since opening only 6 months ago.

  5. Miki: I know you are simply joking around with the lad in America xDDDDDD

    Thank you mate. :D

    Glad to know certain people still have a sense of humour.

    EDIT: I did write a big, long post in reply..................but in retrospect, I don't think it's worth it. Meh.

    Just to tell you, 0124NYC, I did report you on the following:




    As I've said, you're inciting racial hatred and I find it highly inappropriate, especially for Deep Blue. I also wasn't threatening you. It was a REMINDER. However, seeing that you don't care, then I think I'll have to report you. Sorry mate.

    I didn't report you on your following reply because you were making your points, as much as I highly disagree with it and as much as I see LOTS of illogical reasoning and irony in it (and yes, it was oh so tempting to point it out but no...seeing this line



    tells me you are NOT interested in my ideas so why bother? This sentence cracks me up a bit too because I never intended to start a flame war. You went bananas yourself, mate. >_> lol!)

    I've also reported on 大歪. Again, sorry, but I strongly believe it's inappropriate. Of course, the moderators are to decide in the end. =/ (though I did report in English so they may just ignore me. >_> Oh well. *shrug*)

    Oh...and um...by reporting you, I meant alerting them of inappropriate behaviour. Since when does it mean trying to censor you? Geez lol. The board rule does state to refrain from posting comments that may ignite flame wars (or something along those lines) and ... well...look what happened? :p:p

    One thing I will say is, maybe Japan (at least the government) is being an a** for denying all the atrocities they've done during WW2, maybe Korea's being a little ridiculous claiming many things to be a creation of them or a part of their history when it's clearly Chinese, but does that mean you condemn the entire race? No.

    Put it this way. In Sydney, there's this gang called the Sin Wa. It's a Taiwanese gang (not sure if they're active anymore) but back in the 90's, they've disrupted a lot of businesses in Chinatown. Now, if someone was to say that all Taiwanese were...well..I dunno - choose whatever deragotry term you'd like to use - simply because of this Taiwanese gang, would you be happy? Is it fair to generalise our traits racially due to the irresponsible actions of a few people who just happen to be of the same racial background as you? Even though you, personally, DO NOT agree with their actions? Is it?

    If your answer is yes, then you probably should NEVER complain if ever anyone is racist against you because quite frankly, a person who is racist towards others, for whatever reasons, don't have any right to complain if someone is being racist towards yourself.

    Patriotism may fill you with a sense of power, fulfillment or whatever it is that drives people with such a strong sense of justification. However, is it worth it in the end if this sense of patriotism blinds your rational judgement?

    That's all. ;-)

  6. MikiRei 報告了一個文章。



    Sorry. I express better in English. I don't really think this post is appropriate as it is inciting racial hatred and I don't think it's an appropriate behaviour.

    aka: 容易引起爭鬥


    文章: 【新聞】中韓的反日情結

    討論版: *海外學生聯版*

    負責版主: Sky。欣

    文章作者: 0124NYC





  7. 天阿....我認識很多從小來的華裔





    Ummm....your point...? :s


    人家聽不懂時, 我都會換用中文講

    要嘛就講很慢 (我講話比一般人快)

    我常常想跟海外生搭話, 可是人家都會躲我遠遠的

    只有一兩個不會 T_T

    要嘛我一開始講中文, 人家戒心才會減低

    但外國朋友一來, 我跟他們講英文時

    人家又會看我像看到鬼一樣 T_T

    只有一個人不會躲我, 還硬找我講話

    但他是我朋友的女朋友 (中國人)

    他男朋友是外國人, 常常笑他英文講的不好 (其實講的不錯. 我哪朋友超沒神經的 = =|||)



    (我跟我表妹就會這樣. 但還是中文講的比較多. 在家比較習慣講中文吧)




    到澳洲來的時候, 也看到人能講就講


    (ok. What the hell am I on about now? I think I lost my point - if I had one. :s My Chinese had deteriorated so much since I started uni. = =|||)







    你不問, 人家也不知道你聽不聽的懂啊....




    如果你問, 他們不跟你解釋



    的確是多跟講英文的練習 進步的效果最顯著




    (雖然有點虛偽 而且常常要聽他們的奇蹟故事 而且還可能被洗腦變成主的俘虜...)





    我個人是兩個都沒做 所以來5年了英文還是個死嫩嫩

    聽跟說都還不到位 lol (跟周遭朋友比 他們有的參加社團 有的有去教會)






    文法應該是要多看原文書 然後多練習自己寫吧



    你才剛到美國 所以機會和時間都還很多喔 加油


  8. 朋友是有











    Then talk. = =|||

    Forget about your pride. Forget about the fact you'll make lots and lots of mistakes. It's a given. It's inevitable and people will understand and they'll be more than happy to help you and correct you. You learn through your mistakes so open your mouth and start talking to your friends and within months, you'll see a great improvement.



    找馬來人當朋友 是你最好的選擇!


    澳洲從小來的華人特多的 (我就是)




    再說, 即使是當地的澳洲人也不會笑你講錯

    相反的, 他們反而非常樂意幫你



    真的有必要怕到這種程度嗎? :s





    澳洲人拼命講, 即使被笑也造講不誤

    到頭來, 澳洲人的日文越來越好



  9. I am wondering our educational policy is correct or not.

    because we Taiwanese often put a lot of emphasis on your "testing abilities,"

    that is reading and writing.

    but after scoring high in the Joint College(University) Entrance Exam, we students are not equal to speak fluently like a foreigner or understand what CNN's reporters talking about.

    Just a short comment. Please don't press enter after every phrase. That's Chinese style writing. Press enter when you need to start a new paragraph.

    because we Taiwanese often put a lot of emphasis on your "testing abilities,"

    Quite true. The education policy seem to want to create testing robots. The fact that even applying for COMPANY jobs require some sort of written test boggles me. You don't want exam writing machines. You want innovative and independant workers. The fact that an emphasis is placed on your exam skills makes me wonder whether we're creating enough critical thinkers. Clearly, from this thread, we are, but it may not be the education policy at work here. = =|||

    but after scoring high in the Joint College(University) Entrance Exam, we students are not equal to speak fluently like a foreigner or understand what CNN's reporters talking about.

    Neither do many English-speaking countries produce students that can speak a second language fluently by default. Only Europe seem to be able to do that. I think, if anything, we should all copy the way Europeans educate their people. They seem to do a great job in creating capable, intelligent human beings with multiple talents.

    What if added "speaking and listening test" in JCEE?

    Yes, they should add speaking and listening. In Australia, we test languages through writing, reading comprehension, listening and speaking, which makes sense because that's what you're using the language for - listening, speaking, reading and writing. Interesting that they didn't add listening and speaking by default.

    So, my suggestion to improve the English education in Taiwan is to use all the textbooks except Chinese in English. Or, at least all the English teachers should teach in English but not Chinese.

    That would help but won't it degrade our national identity? You might as well declare Taiwan as an English speaking country and teach Chinese as a second language but that's going to extremes. I think it's time to look into how the Europeans do it because most of their citizens can speak English at a very advanced level. They just have an accent but grammatically, expression-wise and the level of vocabulary they have is just as good as any average native English speakers.

  10. 有沒有人推薦雪梨有哪些比較好玩的


    It's kind of hard to recommend when I'm not sure what exactly you're looking for. If you're into art or anything trendy, then take stroll down Newtown and Paddington, especially during the evening at Newtown during the weekends. If you like clubbing, then hang out around George St. on Fridays and Saturdays. If you want to check out museums, then there's Power House Museum and Australian National Museum. If you're into classical music, then don't miss a performance at the Sydney Opera House, especially since we have Valdimir Ashkenazy as principal conductor right now. If you're into indie music, then there's a few clubs that plays gigues at nights that you may wanna go to. If you're looking for good food, the list is endless too. If you like nature, then take a trip down to the Royal National Park or drive to the Blue Mountains. If you want to go fishing, rent out a boat to fish down the Hawkesbury. If you're looking for wine, drive down to Hunter's Valley. If you want to climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge, go right ahead. If you're looking to tap into Australia's history, head down to the Rocks, especially on Saturdays where a trendy market's set up. If you love your beer, again, head down to the Rocks and go to Lowenbrau. If you like pancakes, go to Pancake at the Rocks. If you like the beach, go down to Bondi or Coogee (I prefer Coogee. Bondi's too crowded. In fact, I prefer my beach - Maroubra Beach. Way less people there. :p)

    Anyways, list is endless. You have 4 days. Tell me exactly what you're looking for so I can recommend. :p

    Also, buy Lonely Planet guide for Sydney. They usually have a walking tour in there which I find very useful. Basically a tour map that you follow on foot for the whole day where you get to see everything you need to see while eating at good places. The first few pages will also give you a 3 day, then 5 day then 7 day itinerary

  11. 各位版友所在的地區有類似的情況發生嗎


    聽說華人很多(只要是雪梨北區, 華人特多), 還有分派系.


    結果第二天, 韓國派系的學生就那著棒球棒到學校, 要把越南派系的修理一頓


    好像最後給他們detention還是什麼 (不清楚)

    不過, 先聲明, 這種事不常發生 (at least I hope so. I certainly never encountered much of these things. And when it does happen, if kids are at school, they get punished either by detention or by expulsion - usually expulsion, especially if you're talking about PHYSICALLY HARMING someone. If anyone else, you get charged for racially motivated attack or whatever it's called. It's against the law in Australia to attack anyone based on racial background.)







    OMG! Guess what?! My cousin got his cell phone stolen from him in Taiwan. HOLY CRAP! We're all theiving scumbags! What shall we do?! *roll eyes*

  12. How do you think about Christina Agueilera?

    I'm ok with her. She can sing. I didn't mind her last album ("Back to Basics"). Just that the SUBJECT MATTER of her songs isn't interesting though. Compositionally...well...it's well-composed. Still, nothing we haven't done before.

    Correction: Probably better to say "What's your opinion on Christina.. etc."

    Kelly Clarkson, Alicia Keys, Jennifer Lopez

    Kelly Clarkson:...She can sing. I'll give her that. Her songs...well..SUBJECT MATTER WISE...nothing we haven't done before. Compositionally....yeah, it's ok too...but it's not like she wrote it. If anything, I'll rather commend her producers for writing it, not her.

    Alicia Keys: Yeah, she can sing. Her songs are pretty good too. Subject matter wise, again, not THAT interesting (I mean, how many love songs do we need already?)

    Jennifer Lopez: Errr....sorry. I'll have to disagree there. I heard her live on TV once. EXTREMELY weak voice. Songs are...well....disastrous, in my opinion, compositionally AND subject matter wise. One good example is "jenny of the block" or whatever it was. TERRIBLE song in my opinion. >_> Sorry.

    Taylor Swift-I like the style of music, but her songs are pretty similar

    Just a point of interest, her voice had been COMPLETELY digitalized in her albums. Makes me doubt her vocal ability - if any. >_>



  13. :)

    Since we're on the topic of music, I highly recommend the following documentary:


    It's mainly the reason why I am incredibly cynical towards many of the popular artists these days - because more than half of them can't sing nor do they care about the music they make. Or rather, music their PRODUCERS make in order to rake in loads of money for the recording companies.

  14. well, i'd try to be mild if i have to give a constructive criticism. it'll sound a lot more encouraging to people. don't you think?

    Please provide me with an example. I can't really benefit from your feedback if I'm not exactly sure what you meant.

    "My only problem is, however, it really sounds...unnatural. I sometimes feel like I'm talking to a textbook and not a real person which bother me a bit...but I'm sure that can be remedied."

    Is this the line you're commenting on?

  15. And one more thing. This board is called "Communicate With Confidence" for a good reason. Therefore, I think you should talk a bit more nicely. No offense meant.

    None taken but I will appreciate it if you point out WHICH PART you think I'm being mean. I may be blunt or I may be giving constructive criticism a few too many times, but I do it with the intention to help people improve as this is what this board is about. :p

  16. 不管誰的英文再爛,都是能救起來的

    That goes for ANYTHING.

    Good work! And nice of you to share it with others. I've always maintained the opinion that languages should be taught through experience, not rote learning. Afterall, that's how ANYONE learned their first language. Again, good work and I hope you continue to enjoy learning English or anything else for that matter. =)

  17. O.o thats a bit too overXDDD

    you know, i had a chinese classmate, who has never heard of taiwan

    im like, im from tw, shes like tailand?

    me: no tw, um its beside china

    her: okay.

    Is she Chinese chinese or Chinese ABC (or similar)? My case was Chinese ABC so it might explain it.

    In fact, I find a lot of Chinese ABC's seem to have an EXTREMELY glorified image of China, almost to the point that they're living in fantasy land. They're also abnormaly patriotic but when they talk about China, you can't help but laugh because their idea of the place AND the culture is so obscured that it's clear from listening to them they've only ever HEARD about the culture but never LIVED it.

    One example is this friend was so shocked and accused me of lying when I said Chinese emperors used to have concubines. He was like, "That's not true! They will never let hiim do that! The Chinese culture values family unity!"

    Me:.....your point being?

    Him: So they'll never let him have more than one wife!

    Me:.....who's "they"?

    Him: .... it's just not part of the Chinese culture

    Me:.....errrm...You do realise that taking more than one wife was common practice in the old days?

    Him: No! You're lying!

    Me:...Haven't you've watched some of those dramas set in the past?

    Him: But that's just drama! So it's made up!

    Me: ...for crying out loud. It's SET IN THE PAST so even if the PLOT is made up, the culture practice is definitely not.

    Him: No! It's drama! It's made up!

    Me:.......dude, read Wikipedia.

    Him: Wikipedia's written by other people so it can't be trusted!

    Me: .... oh, so what? Asking randoms is just as trustworthy?

    Him: That's just not part of the Chinese culture

    etc.etc. = =|||

    Though maybe it's just him....it's just more often than not, when I find someone who has an obscured and glorified image of China, they're usually ABC's. Friends ACTUALLY from China don't have that trait I find (well, they can still be patriotic but atl east they don't have an obscured image of what the culture is like).

  18. cradle snatcher, sugar daddy just where did you learn these ?

    I don't know. Friends, movies and books I guess. How am I supposed to remember?

    Oh, new term. Sugar mummy. :p Take a guess what it is.

    Cradle snatcher...if I remember correctly, was due to my piano teacher. He was talking about his friend was a cradle snatcher 'cause she was marrying some guy who's like, 12 years younger than her and they all called her a cradle snatcher.

  19. pursuiting.

    pursuing. Pursuit is a noun.

    For example, when I type responses like this, sometimes I would stop to think if it is OK to use this word or is there any word to replace the original word. I think I have difficulty expressing what I think fluently and correctly, let alone using English naturally.

    Yeah, I get the impression that you probably spent a good deal perfecting it so that it's grammar perfect AND using as many sophisticated words as possible - not that it's a bad thing. However, that may be the reason why there's a tinge of unnaturalness to it because most people don't really spend that much time making sure whatever spouts out of their mouth sounds like an English essay - though I had met people like that....and it's usually weird talking to them because they get too verbose to the point that it makes no sense.

    Maybe what you can do is try writing as you think without stopping to think whether it's grammar perfect or not. After you're done, then have a quick scan to check the obvious grammar mistakes are gone. POSSIBLY change a couple of words if it helps expressing your points better but don't go overboad and see how that goes.

    (By the way, I find it very interesting to learn by watching movies)

    That's probably the best way to learn. Gets an insight into the culture as well. My Japanese is better amongst the other languages I've learned simply because of this reason.

    One thing I always had a problem with the traditional way of teaching languages is the lack of cultural references they had while teaching. Cultural references always makes a language more interesting and you actually understand the language better in the long run. (Also saves you trouble from hearing slangs and language derived from cultural references when you hear them)