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文章 發表由 MikiRei

  1. Actually, whether I can apply it to my life is much more important than scoring high. However, why I put a lot of emphasis on scoring high is that I want to use it correctly. I am convinced that the great demonstration of English ability(listening, speaking, reading, writing) is formed through reading widely and trying to use what I learn in conversations and writing. I am not the superficial people who just want to get good grades only in tests. Instead, what I want is that I can really master the language, so I get a good grade. In other words, if I can not answer correctly, I will think there must be some problems in my studying.

    Your argument here is slightly contradictory. First you said you're not a superficial person who just wants to get good grades yet immediately afterwards, you said you really want to master a language....so you can get good grades.......contradictory, no? :p

    If you don't get good grades, of course there's probably something you can improve in your studying techniques. However, I guess my point is, test grades are only as good as the criteria your teacher had set to mark you against. As for whether it's applicable in real life...that's very difficult to say. The bottom line is HOW you're being tested. If it's just answering a bunch of questions, then anyone who study well enough is able to do that.

    There's also the question of WHAT you consider as good English. I'm under the impression your definition of "good English" is eventually becoming fluent. However, even among fluent speakers, English language skill can vary - much like how certain people would be good in Chinese while some aren't in Taiwan so again, it totally depends what you set as your benchmark.

    ...anyways...think I'm starting to veer off topic (and forgetting what I ORIGINALLY wanted to say - I always do that) so I'll end it here. I still retain my original opinion that you've done a great job to master English at your current level. My only problem is, however, it really sounds...unnatural. I sometimes feel like I'm talking to a textbook and not a real person which bother me a bit...but I'm sure that can be remedied. Keep it up as usual!

  2. However, I believe that many students already consider the illusion to be a substance.

    Oh, of course. Just that it's always beyond your imagination. Movies can always be misleading. :p:p

    I hope that the above situatuion will not become a nightmare when I visit those countries

    Well, your written English seems fine. Just a matter of your SPOKEN English. That's usually a killer. :p:p

    Have fun and good luck is all I'll say! :p

    For me, I think of socring high as a requirement for being good at English.

    ................................I'm..afraid...I beg to differ. Scoring high in tests is just scoring high in tests. Can you apply it? That's the real question. What's the real requirement for being good at English? Well, it depends what you mean by "being good at English". If it's just to be able to communicate well with English speakers, then the requirement is to be able to communicate well with English speakers. If it's to be able to write very good narratives in English, then it's just being able to write good narratives in English. In terms of determining whther a person is good at communicating with others, I care less what marks they got in their English (or whichever language) tests. I care more about whether I can have a quality conversation with them.



  3. Game is more important than Taiwan.

    Yeah, but it's not like any of us (well, at least not many of us) take an interest to most other countries' history and culture (unless FORCED into the situation) so we can't really complain. :p





    中國同學:什麼啊?! 暈~~(狀似很柔弱地被嚇暈)

    哈哈哈哈哈! 我也有類似的經驗.

    Friend from China (but like me, grew up in Australia): So you're from Taiwan?

    Me: Yes.

    Him: So what's Taiwan like?

    Me:.....what do you mean?

    Him: Like...is it a developed country?



  4. But I can not agree with you anymore

    But I can't agree with you more. (not anymore)

    In Taiwan, all the English tests make emphasis on reading and writing.

    Yeah, I noticed. Not to mention, emphasis on multiple choice and fill in the blank. People focus on getting the correct answer and give students the illusion that their English is very good just by scoring high marks - only to be rudely shocked when they actually arrive in an English-speaking country. = =|||

  5. 在外國的網路遊戲上


    player:where are u from

    me:im asian. im from taiwan.


    me:whats up

    player:i think my geography is not bad but...


    player:where is tawan

    me:= =oh its an island next to china

    player:an island in philippines?









    When I meet people like these, I just say, "Check Wikipedia". Saves me time. :p

  6. 往往一說來自台灣就是disconnect


    (PS. At work. No Chinese input and yes, I know. I hardly type in Chinese anyways :p)

    No. People who don't know where Taiwan is, you just say, "Island next to China" and then they'll vaguely know something. If you meet techies, they'll generally know because, yes. Everything techy is made in Taiwan.

    Others might vaguely understand the political situation and ask for more details and you can talk about the history and yes, political situation. It's not that bad.

  7. 你有高二成績 你可以選擇申請TAFE或者讀FOUNDATION或者HIGH SCHOOL

    通常代辦會建議 你選前面兩項就是了

    I was about to say...

    高三來澳洲讀high school是會找不到好學校的


    在New South Wales, 都是高二最後一個學期開始算分的

    真要去讀high school, 可能要重讀高二

    但基使這樣, 好學校還是不讓進 (不是因為是海外生. 很多學校都是在高二就拒絕再收任何學生)

    澳洲大學學制喔 有些科目三年


    妳讀honours, 就會變四年


    拿到co-op獎學金的話, 三年的變四年, 四年的變五年


    醫學系, 不用講, 是六年加一年實習 (好像)


    在澳洲, 不同的洲, 制度都不一樣

    我在雪梨, 所以是在新南斯魏爾洲

    這裡我們是考HSC (Higher School Certificate)

    這是在高二開始準備 (所以我說, 高二再來真的很晚)

    至於是怎麼考的....請爬文. 我記的講過了 (TOOO complicated. I really don't feel like explaining the whole process again. )





    我本人會建議你讀完高中後再來讀Foundation, 大致上就沒問題了

  8. 那我也說了'有沒有什麼迷思or根本是事實'


    ummmm...yeah - so what does that mean? >_>

    I was wondering about that line there but I seriously couldn't make out what you were saying there. :s

    Furthermore, I wasn't really directing it at you. Just in GENERAL. 'cause I do find that we seem to always focus around that area from time to time.

    But yeah, enlighten me. I've NO IDEA what you were saying there and apologies in advance.

  9. 哪國的室友最不好相處??

    = =||| 為什麼老是往這方面講啊?


    再說, 我們這輩子有可能每一國人的所有人口都認識到嗎?

    當然, 每一個地方的習慣有可能不搭, 但也無法確定說這就是哪國所有人的習慣

    光用碰到的一, 兩人而拿來generalise, 這麼想也沒道理 >_>

    In general, if someone is inconsiderate, it's them being inconsiderate. Have a chat with them and if they don't listen and continue being inconsiderate, leave then. As for whether it has anything to do with their cultural background, I doubt it. It's more to do with their FAMILY background more than their actual cutural background. Possibly, certain cultures are "louder" than others but if they're considerate people, if you ask them nicely to quiet down, they'll comply. If they don't, then they're inconsiderate. Who cares where they come from! X_X

  10. 1. 熟人見面打招呼時不問好, 而是問"吃飽了嗎?"


    2. 喜歡吃雞腳。


    3. 吃魚時會吸魚頭和魚鰭。


    4. 車子後視鏡上會吊中國擺設。

    哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!!! 這個就絕對有

    5. 喜歡唱卡拉OK。

    是蠻喜歡啦. 只是不常唱

    6. 房子舖的是瓷磚。


    7. 廚房覆蓋著一層厚厚的油脂。

    要是有, 我媽會發瘋!

    8. 爐子上面有鋁箔。

    9. 遙控器外面包著塑料。

    10. 從沒吻過你父母。


    11. 從沒抱過你父母。

    比較常抱我媽. 最近比較不會

    12. 小學五年級開始就戴眼鏡了。


    13. 睡醒後頭髮會豎起來。

    14. 會為一些不可置疑的事情辯論。

    15. 喜歡用折價券。

    16. 為了最便宜的汽油費不惜開著車子到處找。


    17. 每天總是到了晚上才洗澡。

    當然! 身體臭臭的, 誰睡得著啊?

    18. 旅店房間裡的非免費食品都絕不吃。


    20. 別人為他倒茶時, 他表示感謝的方式是用手指敲一下桌子。

    21. 表示感嘆時經常說"哎(第二聲)呀(第四聲)"和"哇(第四聲) "。


    22. 開車或坐在副駕駛座乘車時不喜歡繫安全帶, 因為繫安全帶讓他感覺不舒服和麻煩。


    23. 喜歡拉斯維加斯、老虎機和二十一點。


    24. 廚房桌子上總是有一條濕呼呼的抹布。


    25. 就餐時習慣把骨頭和其他咬碎吐在桌子上。


    26. 電冰箱時常會存著很久以前放進去的食物。


    27. 廚房裡有洗碗機, 但從來沒用過它。

    So true....>_>

    28. 把洗碗機當碗櫥。

    29. 特別喜歡用熱水瓶, 而且每個熱水瓶裡面永遠裝滿熱水。

    30. 雖然有餐廳, 但卻總是喜歡在廚房用餐。

    31. 會在餐桌上當著眾人剔牙, 並且用手遮著嘴。


    32. 坐在書桌旁時, 經常會下意識地轉動手中的鉛筆或圓珠筆。

    33. 冰箱裡時常存有三口剩飯、一隻雞翅或數塊乳腐。

    34. 喜歡把果醬瓶、雀巢咖啡瓶當水杯用。

    35. 有收集旅館免費洗髮水瓶子和牙刷、小木梳的嗜好。


    36. 即使外出十五分鐘也會帶上零食:話梅、橄欖、乾芒果或烤魷魚等。

    37. 做飯前, 總是要將米淘洗2-3遍以上, 理由是必須將黴菌去除乾淨。

    38. 烹調菜餚羹湯和調制飲料酒水時從來不用量杯。

    39. 只用筷子打雞蛋, 從來不用打蛋器。

    :p 這就有了

    40. 在家喝茶總是用一個帶蓋的茶杯。


    41. 總是在電話簿裡找電話號碼, 因為諮詢電話要支付五角費用。

    42. 喜歡古裝武打片和其他中國功夫片。


    43. 平時和節慶假日期間從不為了問聲好而給父母發短信。


    45. 當他病了的時候, 他的父母會叮囑不要吃油炸和烤製的食品, 因為會上火!

    46. 經常利用工作時間和工作單位的電腦炒股、 瀏覽與工作無關的網頁和無聊的信息, 或者給親友發送電子郵件和網聊。

    47. 吃自助餐之前先先把自己餓個半死。

    48. 想方設法打聽哪裡可以買到打折的家用電器、珠寶或服飾、化妝品。

    49. 把用過的可樂瓶收藏起來以備他用。

    50. 收藏鐵釘、螺帽、廢舊電線等五金電器零件, 以備修理家用器具之需。

    51. 每管牙膏無論貴賤, 一定要擠淨用完, 非擠到紙一樣薄不可。

    52. 中秋節一定要吃含有高油脂、高糖份的月餅。

    53. 當廁紙臨時降價時, 會搶購買100多卷囤在櫥櫃裡。

    54. 即使已經吃飽了, 但是當別人要把剩下的菜倒掉時, 還會努力把它吃掉。

    55. 夏天喜歡吃紅豆冰棒或綠豆冰棒, 捨不得吃刨冰。

    56. 愛好吃苦瓜。

    57. 拜訪別人時會帶著水果。

    58. 餐後爭著搶著付帳單。


    59. 選學的專業往往是實用型的, 如計算機、機械、財會或法律。


    60. 即使到了三十歲還和父母住在一起, 或者已經結婚成家了, 還住在父母隔壁或同一個鄰區, 而父母也喜歡他這樣。

    我想盡量不要這樣 :p

  11. www.uac.edu.au --> for anyone looking for courses to study in New South Wales, Australia.

    http://www.boredofstudies.org/ --> basically, an Australian version of deep blue but operated at a much, much, MUCH larger scale (and a lot more crazy. Moderators sometimes have a hard time keeping threads under control).

    The one cool thing about this site is that it allows people to share past exam papers for anyone preparing for the HSC (the exam to get into uni) and also, notes (as certain school provide better study notes than other schools so getting your hands on some of the notes are pretty useful). Furthermore, current HSC students can use this site to estimate the UAI they will get (pretty accurate. Their estimation for me when I did HSC was 2 points off).

    The real gem of this site is that it connects ALL students, high school and uni students and even after they start working so many students can get first hand recounts of experience and advice from older students to help with their degree/uni decision making.

    www.whirlpool.net.au --> this site contains information for every single ISP in Australia. It's the first site most Aussies go to when choosing an internet provider. Employees from each internet providers frequent this site too in the discussion boards, sometimes giving very honest opinions and advice on their company's services (:p). Furthermore, also lists recent IT jobs so also a great place for any tech savvy people. Job seeking advices are given here as well.

  12. uh.... 你們把宅文化好像發揮的有點特色XDDD




    LAAAAAAAAAAAN!!! (yes, I'm a nerd. :p)

    I'll take it that Melbourne doesn't have 城市獵人. ('cause we have like 5 chains here and everytime I go there, I feel like I'm back in Taiwan or something. So weird. That's not even counting the Korean internet cafe's popping up everywhere)

    But yeah....it's great to listen to what's life like for Taiwanese in Melbourne but in the context of wanting to learn more about Melbourne itself, it's not quite useful. It makes me wonder again how much people get to learn about the culture of the country they're staying in rather than importing their culture over. ^.^||| *shrug* Oh well...I better go back to writing my stupid 1200 word essay (x3) due in....7.5 hours? Haha. Making engineers write essays....it's like giving us cryptonite. <_<

  13. Does it really work if I memorize a great number of vocabularies and idioms?

    Does WHAT work? You didn't specify. Does it work when having vocabulary tests? Of course. Does it work in improving your English communication and writing standards? No. Does it help in reading comprehension? Yes and no.

    I learned Japanese by doing LOTS and LOTS of reading and understanding things intrinsically. ie. NOT memorizing vocabulary so based on this experience, I never think that learning vocabulary will do any much good in being able to use and understand the language properly. Furthermore, learning vocabulary (in the traditional way. ie. dog = 狗 etc.) hinders you from ever THINKING in the language. You'll always be translating from your language to the other language as oppose to just thinking in the learned langauge to begin with.

    Though I have finished the range of 7000 Vocabulary,

    Is this a specific list or a book? Or do you mean to say you've learned 7000 vocabulary?

    still losing few

    people who don't systematically manage the English Vocabulary in my class.

    I'm still losing to a few of the people in my class who do not systemtically learn their English vocabulary.

    Though I have finished

    I mean those who just accomplish the work on textbook.

    Errrr - what? Do you mean to say you're losing to the people who only finish exercises in the textbook?

    Or the reason that causes this confusing circumstance is

    because of my practiced extent?

    Ok...I'm confused. WHAT are you trying to say? The cause of your current circumstances is possibly due to your lack of practice? Practice of what though? Your entire post is a little ambiguous (though partly, it's due to the fact that I'm not educated in Taiwan so I don't know a lot of the things you guys are talking about :s)

    Maybe there was someone having post the article resembles this:

    Maybe someone had already posted something similar before. (yes, they had)


    I merely want to promote my english grammar and composition so if there

    is any wrong in grammar in my content, surely, then please just pick it out and modify

    the sentence.

    However, I merely want to improve my English grammar and compositional skills so if there are any grammatical mistakes in this post, please pick it out and correct it.

    Note: Don't use promote. Doesn't make sense here. You can promote someone from a lower position to a higher position but you can't "promote" a skill. You can only improve on a skill. (Unless you're trying to pitch yourself for a job in which case, then I guess you can "promote" your skills to the said company)