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文章 發表由 MikiRei

  1. 我想也是吧....local 看到我會說英文好像就一付訝異的樣子


    不會吧? 聽妳這樣講讓我想起我七歲到黃金海岸度假時, 房間的電視壞了.


    自己跑到隔壁房, 讓我一個人應付修理人員


    好像第一次遇到這樣的中國人似的 (雪莉這裡根本不稀奇. 反而是會講中文才稀奇)


    到現在還這樣了話, 也難怪他們對國外來的人不習慣了... (though I still don't excuse them for supporting Pauline Hanson - except the supporters are mostly farmers meaning they live in remote areas and probably never met a non-White Australian in their life. Ignorance in other cultures also prevails in the older generations. It's really the Aussies in our generations that are completely comfortable with vast cultural background simply because we're so used to it.)


    Depends how you look at it. For one, Queensland's a beautiful place to visit if you like the natural world. In terms of RACIAL tolerance...yeah...they're a little behind there...but that's because hardly anyone think of Queensland when they think of going to Australia. Everyone just flocks to Sydney ^.^|||

    Still, try your best to mingle with the locals. You'll see things in a new light. If they SERIOUSLY don't want you to join in simply because you're not local, then, as I've said, they're pricks but that's just specific to them. I'm sure there are plenty of nice Queenslanders around. The repair man I was talking about was certainly very nice to me and definitely wasn't hostile towards me simply because I'm foreign (I've only been in Australia for a year at that point so I still feel more Taiwanese than Australian back then - but yeah - my English was free of accent by then for some reason)


    This helps a LOOOT. Same things happen in the US, too.



  2. 是不是因為他們怕我們語言不夠好

    Usually this.

    I'm local honey (and I'm Asian too) and yes, I prefer not to team up with overseas students IF (notice the IF) it involves A LOT of writing (if it's programming stuff, I don't CARE! So long you can PROGRAM, I don't care if you can't speak English well). From experience, the amount of time you spend proof reading reports is longer than writing the whole thing yourself. It's a sad but true fact.

    However, it totally depends. Some overseas students do manage to get their English down-packed and I have no problem teaming up with them. I usually check this by engaging in a conversation with them and if we can get through with eachother 90% of the time, then I'm totally fine with that.

    (This doesn't mean I don't want to be your friends if you're English isn't that good yet. More than welcome for people to practice with me but yeah, when marks are invovled....you kind of want to be careful. Again, I stress it totally depends on the nature of the group work. If LOTS of writing is invovled, you of course choose people with better language ability. If not, who cares really so long you're responsible)

    Finally, most overseas students all huddle up in their own little group. Even when I DO want to team up with overseas students, I tend to not have the chance.

    Just to clear up, I have teamed up with overseas students before (several times) but I had been lucky to team up with hard-working ones and with their English pretty down-packed. I still do the final proof-reading though. Many of my other friends had bad experiences of teaming with overseas students with terrible English that they had to spend extra 3 hours every week re-writing their part of the report to the point it's not worth it in the end. It's even worse when the lecturer say he'll deduct 20% off the final mark if there's a LOT of spelling and grammar error (the lecturer himself is Asian - so no, he's not picking on overseas students specifically. The thing is, we were writing a formal report. It's reasonable to AT LEAST get the language correct)

    Final, FINAL thing. This has NOTHING to do with race - it's simply picking people that matches your ability - something that is also done in terms of job seeking. In terms of uni, you obviously want someone who's aiming for the same quality of work and have similar or even better ability than yours.

    If, however, your local classmates backs away from you simply because you're an overseas students without checking your language ability, then they're pricks.

    And just one FINAL word. You're in QUEENSLAND. No offence but Queensland is....well...they're the ONLY state that supports Pauline Hanson - enough said.


    Natsuko. 有空跟我聊聊吧. 我算是澳洲人了.

    EDIT: And agree to whoever that said to be proactive and ask to join yourself. You should totally do that. Many locals also "back away" from overseas students because we're SO USED to getting reactions from overseas students making nervous faces, mumble something about not being good at English and then running away to their friends (which pisses most of us off because we feel like we're freaks or something) so we kind of learn not to bother and go with whoever we manage to strike a conversation first (provided you don't have friends doing the same course as you).

    The other thing is most overseas students start from foundation so by the time they enter uni, they've already created their own social clique (usually consisting JUST overseas students) and tend to shy away from local students that we feel like we're being excluded and can't enter into the clique so we go off and find someone else to talk to. Don't feel you're the only one feeling excluded. Locals feel excluded too!

  3. 這其實因該沒有什麼的,好像有點討論的過頭了


    我只是不懂為什麼大家只因為一, 兩個壞同學當根據而下一些有的沒的結論

    碰到這種不負責任, 愛現, 討人厭的人, 遠而避之就可以了

    沒必要因為他們的膚色, 國家背景而在哪理說三道四的吧?

    I meet people like this all the time and I keep well away from them and they com from all different countries, under different educational system. The truth of the matter is, these people are pricks. Full stop. Why are people using a few bad experiences to come to generalistic conclusions?


    Precisely what I want to say. :p

  4. 但是習慣不好不是他們的特權





    Ummmm....what? So, just because you happen to meet a couple of knobs, you generalised that people who are educated in the West are....self-centered? That sounds highly incorrect to me. More like, your ARGUMENT does not hold. May you explain further what made you think that? Overly egoistical people are hated universally, but I won't say that's a DIRECT product of Western education.

    One thing I will agree is Western education focuses on "individualism". However, that doesn't, and shouldn't equate to "egoism" or "being self-centered". A balance is required.

    While I don't know what it's like in Canada, but at least in Australia, while "individualism" is encouraged, team work is also highly valued. Rarely, have I seen ANYONE who was self-centered or egoistical liked in Australian society. We pretty much stay well away from people like that because they are hard to work with and simply, nasty to be around.

    Considering that Australia will be considered as a country with a Western education, seeing that we DO NOT celebrate egoists or self-centered people, your argument that 西式教育=自我主義 doesn't hold in this place. Furthermore, you also stated that because 西式教育=自我主義, 信西方世界的人絕對不能相 - that, again, is not explained or backed up with any proof. How and WHY does that equate to such a statement? Sounds overly generalistic to me, albeit, a bad experience being generalised for self-convenience.



    It's funny how a lot of people on this thread focus on the skin colour immediately. *sigh*


    哪只能說他們非常沒責任感, 跟西方教育還是扯不上關希啊.


    不過因為我也被自我主義影響到,所以就跟他們說 你們那份沒做好我們就拆˙組˙吧

    You're protecting yourself, honey. I'd probably do the work for them that one time, peer-assess them and tell them they'll have to do the work next time or else. Actually, no, I'm not that nice. People who are irresponsible will always be irresponsible. I'd just split with them straight there. 4 years of uni experience tells me when a person doesn't do their work for the first assignment means they won't do it - EVER - so split ASAP.





    還罵你b****, 哪他們真的很缺德.

    要我就當場換人, 省的我浪費時間

    不過, 這跟西方教育有什麼關希嗎?

    以我看, 根本是他們家本來就沒什麼家教


    I don't think ANYONE would want to work with those two, Western educated or not.

  5. I don't agree with the snobby, preppy writer at all. In fact, the writer is an arrogant son of a b!+ch from an affluent white family. (and he's also a Yalie, just like George W. Bush.)

    I only read the first 10 paragraphs or so (still reading) and I have to say, I think you misinterpret the writer. He's saying that BECAUSE he was from one of these "elite schools", he had been disadvantaged by being made to think that they are better than everyone else and only know how to talk to ONE type of people - so-called "elitists". He's noting the fact how IGNORANT he was to have thought people without Ivy League degrees aren't worth talking to or that there are smart people who were not elite-college educated.

    有些家境富裕的白種家庭有那種 "比我低的人配不上跟我講話" 的自大觀念. 他們不了解, 甚至不削跟比他們社會地位低的人在一起, 可是那畢竟不是多數.

    So....what are you disagreeing with the writer about?

    哈佛的學生會利用放假到 New Orleans, homeless shelter, bad neighborhood, 非洲等第三國家等地方做義工, 就是因為這些學生有 "我們受了這麼好的教育, 就是要回饋給社會, 為大家做一點事" 的理念.

    So.....you don't like them doing this or do like them doing this? Personally, I find the act as mere self-gratification and it disgusts me a bit.

    is that it teaches you to relate to stupid people.

    Can't help but stifle a nervous laugh for this line. :p

    The problem begins when students are encouraged to forget this truth, when academic excellence becomes excellence in some absolute sense, when “better at X” becomes simply “better.”

    Why THANK YOU. Nice to see someone notice this problem. :p

    Students at places like Cleveland State, unlike those at places like Yale, don’t have a platoon of advisers and tutors and deans to write out excuses for late work, give them extra help when they need it, pick them up when they fall down.

    Though I absolutely wish most unis DO offer more help because sometimes I feel I'm just spending 600 dollars per course just to teach myself everything - so why pay?

    But being an intellectual is not the same as being smart.

    Thank you! Man, I think I'm gonna send this article to my friend. He has this idea that marks is EVERYTHING and couldn't understand why he, with a distinction average, can't find a job when other people with less marks than him, can get one - and of course, we KEEP telling him it's your ATTITUDE and APTITUDE, not the frigging marks. If it were, our lecturers won't be lecturers. They'll be Bill Gates.

    They are products of a system that rarely asked them to think about something bigger than the next assignment. The system forgot to teach them

    Ohhhh - SO TRUE.

    Urgh...man - I can't be bothered to read this anymore. = =|||

    Good read though.


    Wait - was I suppose to write in Chinese? Oh dear....

  6. I'm not. I refuse to go near ANY of that abominable merchandise. I first saw the novel at Vienna airport, WAAAAAY away from all the hype. I read the synopsis and my first impression was, "Isn't this like the same plot as 100 different Japanese manga involving vampires?" So yeah, I didn't bother touching it. It was not till I got back to Australia that I realised it's currently the teenage craze of the year. First there were posters everywhere, then my piano students (all aged under 12) began coming to my lessons hugging a copy of the series in their hand and then my 16 year old COUSIN (oh, what do you know! She's a few posts above me! No offence, dear cousin. You know how cynical I am. :p) came back from Taiwan with borrowed copies of the same series, then I went to the shopping mall and I see clothes store with T-shirts reading "I love Edward!" and "I kissed a vampire and I liked it!" and by now I'm like, "WHAT IS GOING ON???!!!"

    And just as I thought things couldn't get more ridiculous, I heard someone dumped their boyfriend because she wants someone more like Edward. This world's going NUTS!

  7. Sometimes a V , an equivalent to the middle finger in the US, with a smile is the quicker way to express that you are not available for another "joking section" but you thank him for his effort to try.

    Oh, THAT "V". I was thinking V for victory or something. Lol me. Yeah, a few of my friend does that - only to NOT actually give the one finger salute.

    I dislike going to pub, binge drinking and English humour

    I like the Aussie humour but yes, I dislike going to pub and parties - which seem to be part of the Aussie way of life - or should I say, TYPICAL Aussie way of life. All my friends hate going too. Well, they don't mind going to the local bar for a drink and pool and personally, I prefer that better, particularly if it has less people and tolerable music volume. :p

    Ummmmmm.....I don't feel like writing any serious response because I have none and yes, I don't know how our conversation got up to this.

  8. I decided not to read...ok - this is mean. I'll read in a minute.

    I wasn't being serious in ANY way in my last response. I was very tired and yeah, nothing made sense and I realised my response didn't make sense but I was so tired I couldn't be bothered fixing it.

    Soz if it made....any ...weird....impression - if it did.

    I'll read your latest post in a minute. It's time for lunch now. :p

  9. Haha, calm down dear. I can imagine what Aussie humour is like. They got it from here.

    Ummmm - I PARTIALLY agree because there are MANY times where I just DON'T get British humour. In fact, many Aussie girls get pretty ticked off by British boys and their humour. It's been 200 years afterall, mate. If 10 years is enough to change a culture, 200 years is definitely enough to make enough difference too. :p

    "If being a country means people are so happy to have a foreign Queen as their Head of State, I would be pretty happy with what we have got in Taiwan, no matter it is a country or not."..

    or how about simply..."oh, is Australia a part of the UK?"

    ummmmmmmmm.....what? Are you suggesting that I should had done that? Don't think that will work either, seeing I'm Australian as well. ^.^|||

    To be honest, I don't think I quite get you - if at all. Oh wait - it's British humour, right? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh - now it makes sense! XD

    P.S. But seriously, I don't get a single thing you said about the V thing - hmmm - I think I'm gonna go downstairs and make some Oolong hai and go to sleep - before 3am!! W00t!

  10. Someone called xmen sent me an article via private message that looks like.....PRC propaganda? My simplified Chinese is really bad and the message is actually a jpeg file so I can switch to Traditional but from what I can tell, it's something about why PRC tries to stop Falun Gong etc.etc.

    However, the interesting part is

    1. I can't view the person's profile

    2. His level is -INF

    3. He never posted anything

    4. He registered sometime this month (March - most likely today)

    5. All of his other stats is NAN/-INF

    In other words, I think this person hacked into the system and is spamming? So who do I alert, if anyone knows, to check this person out?

    It's interesting though that he actually selectively chose 5 people to send his message.


  11. Go download a program called "Typequick". Teaches you how to type. There's many typing games online anyways for you to practice. I learned to type properly in year 4 because my school made all of us learn using the said program.

    Secondly, I type in Chinese slow - hahahaha. English is so much easier for me. (My speed is 102 words per minute max. Average is around 98 - though I think it has something to do with my piano that allows me to type this fast.)

    Just a side note, the keyboard isn't listed alphabetically because it's harder to type in English that way. The alphabest are placed in order of usage frequency. That is, the alphabest that are used more often are placed in the centre, the next most used, around those letters and so forth - something along those lines. For example, the letter "z" is all the way to the bottom left and is hard to reach unless you shift your left hand down a bit in order to hit it. That's because the letter "z" is hardly used and hence it's placed in a place on the keyboard that is less easily reached.

    On yet ANOTHER side note, German keyboard swaps the z and y around - amongst many other letters. I got SOOO confused when I was trying to type an email when I was in Vienna. >_>

    Edit: I found a site that tests your typing speed.


    My Results:

    Keystrokes Per Minute (KPM): 524

    Words Per Minute (WPM): 105

    Time (seconds): 84

    Errors: 43 (5.86%)

    Awesome! I'm 10th in their ranking!. :p

  12. Since i got first prize in the Taipei's speech contest, her reason for why my answers are incorrect have been"太像演講搞" it's getting ridiculous!

    Get your mum and complain directly to the principal. Sounds like she's just being stubborn and refuse to accept the fact that she's wrong.

    During my first year in junior high, she taught hand writing. The hand writing she taught was different from the joined up writing i learned in England, so i showed her the work books i used in England and she said that my british teachers in England were wrong.

    HAHAHAHA! So she's suggesting that teachers in England, despite being the country where the language originated from, is teaching it wrong? She DEFINITELY sounds like she's in denial.

    (By the way, she also told loads of other teachers in school that i was a difficult student.)

    She's sounding more and more like an incompetent teacher who can only deal with ONE type of students - students that don't question. They're probably the worst type of teachers because they can't adapt their teaching methods according to their students' ability and instead FORCES all of their students to conform to ONE standard. It's the worst someone can do in education.

    high school teachers and professors arent really more professional in a sense, it depends on their age and the kind of education they got.

    Hahahahaha - I find my high school teachers were the better teachers. Uni lecturers are the worst out of the lot. ^.^

  13. But think about the safety and infallibility of this job You will always have a secured and high-paying job as long as you dont retire, attractive enough hum? XD

    Yes - but you also have to think about the amount of HOURS you have to put in. Unless you're a general or private practice where you can control your working hours, if you work at a hospital, I can guarantee you that you'll have to work 16 hours a day, so much so to the point you won't have much a social life or even time to spend with your family. I know of a doctor. He's 35 and even with all the stability and wealth he had accumulated, he still can't find a wife because all of them say they don't want a husband that is hardly at home - so there are certain elements worth considering about. Though, it's not like I'm against the career of medicine. It's definitely a worthwhile job - just there's a lot of factors people don't think about - particularly if you're an Asian kid. All those reasons you've given were the same that were given me when my mother wanted me to do medicien. ^.^|||

    Nothing's ever as good as it sounds - there's always a catch so it's worth researching to make sure the catch is something you don't mind taking.

    But isnt it true that if they made a trivial mistake that would eventually damage their design, then they would have to pay a huge amount of money to recover the loss?

    Don't make the mistake then? Oh, and just by the way - I need to clarify. Though those people I mentioned are architects, what they did in order to get that rich is start off with a land, design and build up that land (usually an apartment), then sell it. After they've received their profit, they then buy two pieces of land and the process repeats - and yes, that's how they accumulated their wealth. I'm not completely clear how the whole profession works of course but my only guarantee is all 3 architects I know are super rich and the above method is how they got rich in the first place.

    I want to be a psychology doctor;

    What do you mean by that? Having a doctorate degree in psychology or being a doctor specialising in psychiatry? There's a difference there.

  14. 若是我被這樣子問時, 掌心向內握拳, 伸出中指及食指比V字就可以派上用場了. 呵呵.

    DEFINITELY not a good thing to do here. Firstly, he's my manager. Secondly, I like him. He's a nice guy. Thirdly, his intention is to get a reaction - which he did anyways. I got a little defensive - but that means I lost the game. I bet you anything that he's met enough Taiwanese to know that we all overreact in certain ways when touching on the two-strait problem topic so he was trying me out to see if I react the same way. Anyways, it's part of the Aussie humour - making fun of someone or something that is. There's no reason for me to get too over-worked about it.

  15. 引用:

    作者: MikiRei 檢視文章

    he gloats and tries to show off and making people look dumb.

    it's hard to find a balance between these two things

    i learn this lesson these days with a really bad way

    Maybe I should clarify. I don't sit in class with this guy just by the way. I've no idea what he's like in class but what he's like on a DAILY basis, when you're trying to have a conversation with him is absolutely excrutiating. Everytime I try to have a nice conversation with him, for example, say he started off with the conversation about Latin translations and the difficulties in translating, I might go, "Oh yes, I get you. Similar things happen when translating between English and Chinese," - or what not. Instead of listening to what I have to say and then continue on, discussing in a civilised manner, he pretty much cuts me off, completely ignores whatever I just said, and then goes on about all the things he did and how his teachers love his tranlsation and how people really should learn Latin because it just makes you more sophisticated than other people or whatever and that he's really so much more sophisticated and that he's proud to be a nerd before reciting random Latin poems to me at which point I'm like, "WHAT are you doing? Are we even having a conversation anymore?" Eventually, I tune off because I realise he's not really interested in having a conversation with me. Instead, he just wants to gloat.

    That's example 1. I've plenty of other examples. Another example will be some simple conversation over the internet about how there's a lot of workload and you've been busy and is struggling a bit to get everything done. Now, normal people, at this point will do two things.

    1. Agree and sympathize by ranting about their recent happenings.

    2. Try and make the person feel better or by giving them some advice to help them

    As for this friend of mine, he starts LECTURING you and say that he never has a problem because he does this and that and that his parents are so proud of him and that other parents wish that they could swap children with his parents. ie. it becomes a gloat fest - again.

    Another example, and this time, not from me, from someone I know who goes to the same uni as he does. Apparently, one day, this friend of mine started playing some piano. Now, he's only been learning a bit. Anyways, this other guy was listening and went, "Wow. You play pretty good," and then my friend goes, "Yes. And I've only been learning for 2 months." = =|||

    Do you see what I mean? I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with brainy people. My life's surrounded with them that I'm used to being the dumber of the pack but out of all these smart people, MOST of them, and I mean MOST, are decent people who's capable of having a decent discussion and conversation with people. This guy, on the other hand, seem to treat conversations as his chance to gloat. Regardless of how smart or academically capable you are, if you're a jerk, you're still a jerk. ;-)