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文章 發表由 MikiRei

  1. 你要唱K喔



    Tempting...但我男朋友就會不自在了. 一群台灣人中只有他一個外國人. 怪岡尬的. Furthermore, I DID NOT say I wanna go k. I go all the way to Melbourne for Karaoke? That's just ridiculous. I'll go to Taiwan or Japan for that, but not Melbourne. :p

    lygon street


    K. I'll see how authentic they are there. :p

    So, my million dollar question - do you know where the best live bands perform? 'cause that's really why I'm going to Melbourne - for the music. As I've said, Melbourne's where most of the Aussie bands come from and the live band culture there is second to none in Australia. Cheers~~~

  2. CASINO MEL的比布里斯本大的太多太多~

    Is it larger than Star City in Sydney? :p

    Ok, I kid. I'm not into Casinoes - full stop. It's s just so boring and if the only attraction there is Karaoke, then I don't think I'll bother 'cause there's enough in Sydney. Plus, there's only gonna be my boyfriend and I. Karaoke's reserved for 5 people at least. Any less and it's no fun. (兩個人怎麼狂唱啊? :p)




    還有ICE BAR 跟 鬼屋主題餐廳吧

    跟義大利街(全都義大利食物 還有好吃的冰淇淋ㄧ排就是二十分鐘的)

    Where, where, where? :D

  3. Yeah - anymore other suggestions? I'm planning a trip to Melbourne in less than a month's time (basically after I finish exams for this semester).

    Melbourne is music land - especially live music and good coffee culture - at least that's what I know. Oh, and I heard somewhere you can see penguins so basically, I'm planning a week to just explore the underground music scene there (most Aussie bands are all from Melbourne) and of course, the cafes (especially the ones with live music).

    So far, I've been using this website to gain some ideas.


    Oh, and all my friends say it's the best place to shop so yeah...any suggestions would be cool....

  4. Well...I go to University of New South Wales, shortened as UNSW. Hardly anyone outside of Australia ever heard about UNSW. Most only know about University of Sydney (typical).

    Anyways, UNSW is probably one of the preferred universities to apply to, especially within New South Wales. Well, actually, put it this way. There are three universities most people think about in Sydney - USYD, UNSW or UTS. As for universities in other states, there's University of Melbourne, University of Queensland and Australian National University.

    UNSW started out as an engineering university. Till this day, if you want to do engineering, your best bet is UNSW or even UTS (though some of my friends said a few interns from UTS don't really know what they're doing...so I don't know *shrug*).

    So there's the usual advertisement you'll hear about UNSW. Now let's go to the REAL deal. :p

    1. It has way too many stairs. Nothing annoys me more than having to go up 1km worth of stairs from Roundhouse, all the way to the Biomedical faculty with a heavy laptop bag on your back. The frustration gets worse if the lecture was boring and useless.

    2. Roundhouse is where we usually go for drinking. Yeah, it's the uni bar and it has pools there and an arcade. That's where my Dance Dance Revolution days started. (lol)

    3. There's A LOT of food courts and cafe's and restaurant within uni grounds. The only problem is, sometimes they're just a TAD bit pricey.

    4. It's 10 mins away from my house. W00t!

    5. Outside the university, there's plenty of other restaurants so we're never hungry....unless it's 4am in the morning. Then you'll have to settle for McDonald's.

    6. UNSW = Asian land. It is the most international university in Australia. Though if I have to say, it also have the broadest range of people from various background. Personally, I'm happy I didn't choose USYD (which is where most of my friends DID go) which is typically the university people from private schools go to. Maybe I'll talk about my school later. It's interesting by itself.

    7. Commerce degree = Asian degree for obvious reason. The other reason is because Australia gives more "points" for overseas students who want to apply for permanent residency if they do Accounting. Though they do give a lot of points for engineering degrees as well, commerce is just way easier than an engineering degree (sorry commerce students).

    8. Lots of clubs, mostly racially driven. By that I mean, there's a lot of "Chinese student society", "Japnaese student society", "Greek student society", "Taiwanese student society" etc.etc. You get the gist. The good thing about it is, from time to time, we have a lot of night markets. So for example, 3 weeks ago, the Indonesian student society held an Indonesian night market. We also have Taiwanese and Chinese night market where I go crazy with Taiwanese snacks I don't get to eat everyday. :p

    9. There's also a lot of funny hobby societies - the most popular is the Revues. That is, students come up with a show that usually consists of a series of short skits that is inline with the "theme" of the year. There's MedRevue, which is created by Medical students (though anyone can join). There's Law Revue (obvious who created it) and there's CSE Revue - which is Computer Science and Engineering Revue (that's my faculty). Of course, the jokes in the skits are related to the degree of the Revue so for CSE Revue (the only one I usually go to), there's a lot of nerdy jokes. :p

    That's all I can think of right now

  5. 所以我想從比較簡單的日文開始學





    個人大部分是自學 (國中前有請家教)

    學會看kana後就只是單純看動畫, 漫畫, 日劇



    我建議你買幾本課本把基礎打好 (我文法就是沒學好. 只靠直覺. 雖然還過得去但有待加強)

    然後邊用課本, 變猛看漫畫與動畫




    動畫/日劇看完後再把字幕關掉, 逼自己聽, 看看能聽懂多少

    久而久之就不需要字幕了 (我現在就不太需要字幕. 有時還會發現字幕翻錯了)



    我想學到一定程度去檢定 大概需要多久時間呢

    在我的大學, 我們的日文教授說學完大四的日文後可以去試試二級鑑定. = ="" (Yes...they're not very encouraging....)



    (他香港人. 住過日本有一段日子.當初給我日文漫畫看的就是他)

  6. 我completely認為this subject成立的原因是電影seen too much

    european union, enough said.









    Maybe just the people you meet. Everyone's different.

    Back to the topic. Errrm.....for me....doesn't make a difference?

    Let's see....

    From high school, most are full Aussies. I had a couple of Canto friends (but they never taught me Canto T_T. One did but she was a Jay Chou fan and would only teach me sentences containing Jay Chou in it and I got sick of it very quickly), one was Singaporean and another one was Malaysian. I also had two half-Aussies, half-Filipino/Canto/South African friends (ancestry's INCREDIBLY mixed so not listing).

    Out of all of them, the ones I'm still in contact with are....MOST of them....lol...and funnily enough, I don't think a single one of my Asian friends at my high school were ABC's. They either came here pretty early (but can still speak their native tongue) or just recently. None of them were born here.

    As for uni friends, well, quite a couple are ABC's and can't speak a word of their mother tongue. I have one friend who started learning Chinese when he entered uni so he can speak with a pretty crappy accent. I think only two out of.....about 7 Asian friends can still speak their mother tongue. There's about 3 Caucasian friends (2 full Aussies. Well, if they have specific ancetry, I don't know where from 'cause I never asked them. One guy specifically says he's Macedonian but it's clear he spent most of his life in Australia). One friend's Burmese, two or three others are Indian, 2 are Indonesian, I think 3 of my friends are Singaporean, another friend's Israeli, one friend's part Aboriginal, part Italian, part.....a lot of countries.....etc.....the list goes on....

    I remember being in a group with a Korean girl and we got along quite nicely. Of course, a couple of Taiwanese and Chinese friends.

    In general, I get along best with the people who are doing my degree which is inevitable because

    1. you spend most of your time with them seeing you're mostly doing the same subjects

    2. if you're doing the same degree, then most likely, your interests are the same as well.

    So .... yeah....I don't think it makes a difference for me.

  7. Well, firstly, I don't like night clubs but I can tell you WHERE you could find them.

    For the downright seedy strip clubs and the occassional (or not so occassional) hookers, go to Kings Cross. You're bound to party all night there (but yes, there will be drug dealers there so do be careful.)

    There is this REALLY nice Japanese restaurant there called JuJu


    Oh, and yeah, that website's handy if you want to search for restaurants.

    For gay clubs, walk along Oxford St. Stonewall Hotel's one such place. There's also "The Tool Shed" if you really want to buy those odd adult toys (or just want to go in there to see what's being sold. Quite an experience - but a little disturbing I have to say >_>).

    Oxford Street probably has the most night clubs but yes, as I've said, it's also the gay and lesbian hangout so if you are just that *tad* homophobic, stay away then.

    For straight clubs on Oxford, there's Milk (I think)....and Havana I think. There's also this other one on the other side of Havana (forgot it's name) that's REALLY nice. It has like, multiple rooms inside and plays decent music at reasonable volume and hosts live band concerts. There's also pool tables in there. Pretty trendy and I DEFINITELY prefer it over Havana's smoke-filled, seedy atmosphere (not to mention, TERRIBLE music at deafening volume).

    My brother also told me that at around Taylor Square (also at Oxford - well, corner from Oxford, around the big intersection there before you turn into Anzac Parade), there's a place called Bed and Lounge Bar and it's a bar AND restaurant but there's no seats. You lie in a bed to eat instead. Sounds awesome so I might be checking that place out soon.

    On George St, this is probably where most Asians hang out because on George St, the street behind it (Pitt St), and the street in front of it (was it Sussex? Can't remember), there's Karaoke bars everywhere. This is also where the cinemas is and filled with affordable pubs. There's this new trendy bar called Albion Hotel (I think) opened opposite Galaxy World and I quite like it there. It was quiet and lots of cushy sofas to lounge about. Drink's a tad expensive though.

    There's also this other bar, called Cheers, opposite World Square (also on George) that's EXTREMELY popular with Asians because of the Hip Hop music or something (well, I don't know. Never been in there but I ALWAYS see this MASSIVE line filled with Asians waiting to get in).

    In World Square, there's also this trendy bar and quite a few nice restaurants (including 鼎泰豐 :p). World Square's also a nice place to shop (though a LITTLE expensive)

    There USED to be two VERY cheap (and popular) bars called Maloney's and Bar Ace but they got closed down.

    If you go to Chinatown, hmmmm, I'd say this place is TOURIST trap. DON'T eat any of those restaurants with people standing about with menus, trying to get you into their restaurants. It's most likely crap. Do go to this AWESOME restaurant called Wagaya which is on Hay St, opposite entertainment centre (which is where most Taiwanese pop stars perform when they come to Sydney). Nagoya's not too bad and 水井防 opposite is an awesome 四川 restaurant.

    That covers the city area (almost). Well, in terms of night clubs and karaoke places. If you are out and about in the morning, talk a stroll down Hyde Park or have a picnic there. Really nice to just lie on the grass under the sun. If you feel like shopping, David Jones and Myers is just across the street. Pitt street mall's also good for shopping (tourist trap too because that's where Sydney Tower is).

    If you keep going down George St, you'll get to Town Hall which hosts many concerts throughout the year. You can go in and take a look inside on normal days but it's pretty boring. UNDERNEATH Town Hall is filled with shopping stores though. Opposite Town Hall is Galeries Victoria. To the LEFT (or right, depending where you're standing) of Town Hall is Queen Victoria Building which is the oldest shopping mall in Sydney (I think). Top floor of Queen Victoria Building have certain artifacts on display for you to look for free. All other floors are shopping areas. Town Hall, Queen Victoria Building and Galeries Victoria are all linked underground and eventually leads to Town Hall Train Station.

    In Galeries Victoria, there's also lots of shopping area and one very good restaurant called 一番星 (always packed). In front of 一番星 is Kinokuniya which is a Japanese book store but it sells books from all over the world. There's a special Chinese and Japanese section so yeah, again, where most Asians hang out (I certainly go there to stock up my manga collections).

    Going back to Hyde Park, there's a War Memorial standing at one side of the park which you can enter for free by memory. On the other side of Hyde Park is a big fountain. I can't remember WHICH side....but to the opposite....of that side (go check a map - it's easy to find) there's the National Museum (next to Sydney Grammar School) which usually have some interesting exhibition happening.

    Speaking of museums, near Darling Harbour (next to Sydney Entertainment Centre but you have to keep heading down), there's also Powerhouse Museum.

    As for Darling Harbour, again, LOTS of clubs and LOTS of restaurants but that's if you earn 300k per annum :p. Ok, not REALLY. It's TRENDY and really up-market put it that way (terrible music though). They do put on plenty of shows from time to time there and an awesome place for the New Year fireworks. Keep walking....eastish....I think...gargh! Again, get a map! You'll get to the Rocks. This is where the first settlement was so MANY sandstones building. This is also the place where they hold many festivals such as coffee festival, wine festival etc. On weekends, there's a market here where artists sell really trendy stuff they made themselves. Good restaurants around here too. In particular notice, you MUST try Lowenbrau (a German restaurant - packed though) and Pancake at the Rocks (awesome pancakes - again, packed).

    Errrm....I'm SLEEPING! Gargh! It's 3am!

  8. 你是當地的不算 xD

    = =""


    That REALLY hurt! T_T

    DANG! I thought I can take jokes well but somehow, THIS one didn't sit too nicely. = ='

    (Yes, yes. I know you're joking but OUCH!!)

    我只去過Gold Coast, Carins and Canberra. My mum's been to Darwin, Alice Springs, Tasmania and Adelaide as well....and I think she's going to drive down to Victoria, possibly to Melbourne with my dad. Maaaaan....so jealous.

    I'm actually thinking of going for a one week road trip down to Melbourne and check out the music there (many good Australian bands all come from Melbourne). Apparently it's also shopping haven down there.

    Canberra's kind of boring....just embassies and war memorials though the city night view from a nearby mountain is nice....but WEIRD because Canberra was designed from the bottom up so the city looks very orderly - unlike Sydney. It's like....a BLOB of lights dotted everywhere.



    每天悶在家裡不知道要幹嘛= =

    相反的, 從雪梨以外來的人都說雪梨太忙, 太吵, 有點喘不過氣

    喔, 外加一下的反應:



  9. Maaaan....sooooo many stereotypical ideas floating around here..... ^.^|||



    相反的,有人因為交了而英文變好了 ;-)








    忽然想到, 有一次在逛書店




    哪想到出口卻是流利的日文 (我在Kinokuniya, 日本書區)




    在此在想 "媽媽因該是日本人吧"


    好吧! 就當哪爸爸以前有在日本住過一陣子而娶了一位中國人吧!

    結果哪爸爸跑到跟家人一起時, 他岳母卻開始跟他講台語!

    OMG!! 中, 日, 台, 都會講的Caucasian!

    而女兒也是中, 日, 台, 英全部一起教~~~!


    Anyways, guess I'm saying, if the bf/gf is willing to learn about your culture, I don't think there's much of a problem.


    我不在美國, 但我也摻一腳吧!

    我男朋友自認自己只是澳洲人而已 (so fine. If that's how he identifies himself, that's how he identifies himself)

    不過, 他媽媽是南非猶太人而爸爸是南非荷蘭人



    (And this is where I tease him because he HAS to wear his Kippah on these days - which he HATES wearing and I annoy him by taking photos of him wearing his Kippah. The coolest time was when he was asked to say the before dinner prayer for...I think it was Rosh Hashanah, which is the Jewish new year. Maaaan....listening to him speaking Hebrew is REEEEAAAAALLLLYYYY cool :E - and yes, I teased him about it afterwards :p)

    當然啦, 我們中國要是有什麼節日也會把他叫來一起慶祝


    (當然, 我被他媽媽叫去想必也是一樣要教我他們的文化)





    而且也會發現, 一樣的地方其實比不一樣的還多(At least it was the case for my parents - MUCH to their delight 一_一狠)

    Anyways, enough of me. I have another example.

    我有一位朋友. 女朋友是中國人

    要說他們感情有問題, 大多數並不在於女朋友的英文不好

    而是我朋友很宅, 也不懂情趣


    中文也不學, 卻成天笑她的英文

    即使有不高興的時候, 或是覺得跟她有點疏遠也不想辦法讓事情好轉


    至於女朋友呢, 還真的不會對他發牢騷

    但每一次我過去找她們 (他們同居), 她就會滔滔不絕的, 劈哩啪啦的跟我講不停

    不過, 也不是對我發牢騷. 而是會問我外國男孩子都怎樣的etc.


    我想都沒想就說, "我男朋友都搶著幫我付啊......"

    Oh s***.....

    她: 什嗎?!

    我: ........... *thinks* Sorry........if you guys fight after this, it's NOT my fault..... >_>

    Anyways, 離題了



    加上兩個興趣不一樣, 讓我懷疑他們兩到底是怎麼交往到三,四年之久 = =""

    總之呢, 我個人覺得, 她們彼此都不發心思去了解對方,也難怪溝通不良

    就算女朋友的英文在好 (其實已經夠好了!), 也是一樣的

    唉.......great...now I just made myself depressed. = =|||

  10. In Taiwan? You have got to be kidding me...

    I concur. At this current economic situation? Probably not the best idea. You'll be lucky if they even HAVE an internship program, let alone finding one. Though....probably the same everywhere. Makes no difference I guess.....

    It's funny how there's always something to keep you busy on this island...

    I also find it funny that everyone from this island that I happen to talk to can't stop talking about exams!! = =""

    It's like, the education system in Taiwan is determined to make the new generations exam machines. Geeeeeeez....I can finally understand why my friends in high school always told me to get a life. (because all I ever did in high school was study, study, study, study....typical Asian kid lifestyle *sigh*)

  11. I remembered when I started the 1st year of university life here in the U.S, the social clique norm became so obvious in my eyes, I saw people picked friends based on life style, majors, personalities, preferred sexuality, music taste, religion, and a bunch of other things that anyone could pick out.

    Based on majors is probably inevitable. You're probably in the same class most of the time. As for personality...well...DUH. Why would you make friends with someone you can't get along with? Unless you mean they pick people with SIMILAR personality. Now THAT will be weird. Being friends with yourself? I think I'll freak myself out!. 一_一狠 As for everything else.....hmmmmm.....now I find that interesting.

    I hardly knew ANYONE when I entered uni except for the 12 girls from my high school. Unfortunately, all of us were doing different degrees and UNSW's huge so you don't really see them. In fact, I only see my other friend probably once every 3 months through prior arrangement and only bump into her once every month or something and she's in the same faculty as me (but different school). So here I am, at the computing faculty, knowing noone. My mum urged me to do what my brother did which is enter Taiwanese student association - which I did - but I forgot to go to their orientation bbq and by the time I did go to one of their events, everyone's formed a clique T_T. In the end, I just ended making friends with whoever I manage to sit next to during lectures and tutorials...and then they will bring more friends...and so on and so forth. As the years go by, the number of friends increases because existing friends will meet new people in their classes or at work and when we have gatherings, they'll bring their new friends along and the network gets larger. Though.....I admit that most of my friends are computing students...then engineers....who may also be commerce/art/law people at the same time....


    I don't know. For me, the cliques form in the following ways:

    1. clubs

    2. overseas students who started at foundation

    3. people who went to the same high school (which is basically similar to 2)

    4. same country and background

    5. same degrees

    6. same class

    7. room mates

    8. party animals (ie. they know EVERYONE)

    9. work

    For me, I guess 5, 6 and 9. Or, to be accurate, I just go with the flow. Worked well for me thus far.

  12. However, while many people won't type faster after converting to Dvorak, this keyboard layout does cause less strain to the user's fingers and wrists, and is therefore more healthy.

    Hmmmm...might check that out. If it decreases the chance of RSI.....but I think it's too late for me to change. I'm completely used to the current keyboard layout. The only reason I type this fast, I reckon anyways, is firstly due to the actual training I got from school and secondly, piano. Fingers are just that much stronger and secondly, very used to not looking at fingers while strikign the correct key (a must in piano).

    It's probably because people can move their fingers fast enough so that the speed of their mind, thinking how to spell or what to type...etc., turns out to be the limiting factor, though I'm not sure if this will remain the fact for native or fluent English speakers.

    Being a fluent English speaker doesn't necessarily mean you're a good speller. :p:p Friends that hardly use the computer type REALLY slowly. :p:p

    Practice - I think that's all.