【chat】who's your favourite singer?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do like Lain(阿輪), a Taiwan singer.

She is also a composer, and good at music arrangement.

According to Baidu encyclopedia(百度百科), she has composed over 500 songs.

My favorite song which sung by Lain is

. It is a song of beauty of classical Chinese.

My second most favorite song is


This song tells a love tragedy. We all know there are countless songs of tragic love, so what makes this song really special? Because this song tells that a man who loved his sworn brother wanted to be a girl, and that the role was also the boss of a evil organization and finally devastated himself in his own love and hatred. (The TV drama "Pili Puppet Show - The List of heros : Rain and Cloud(July 2000)"(霹靂英雄榜之風起雲湧,2000年7月))

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