【Chat】Are you afraid to chat in there?

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I don't think so. (I mean your English is not so bad as you think.)

Just need to polish your sentences and correct some errors.

I think people there can help you although it is not so easy to see new threads or articles.

Some suggestions to your threads.

I think we do not write some errors but make some mistakes, right?

What's more, the word vocabulary is a collective noun(集合名詞), and it actually represents the amount of the words you have learned and you can use. Therefore, there is no need to put a "s" after it. The same is the true of the word grammar.

Instead, you can use words and grammar rules to indicate what you really want to say.

Just some suggestions. Hopefully this can help you.:E

Thank you for your advice !!

I will notice what you say .

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I am afraid to chat in English because I think my English is not very well.

I am afraid of making mistakes,but I'll try to conquer.

After all, failure is the mother of success.

Where there is a will,there is a way.

I come. I see. I conquer.-凱薩

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