【Question】My English is.......

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well....its easy^O^ since you are a boy, you will find a way when you are in loved with a occidental girl, so ...try to dates with some blonds , and as for girls= =+......date me^O^!! now , here's my yahoo:[email protected]'m 16years old,unmarried...yet,and...........(my cousin:jas...."oestrusing" again?= =' me:.......lonely~~~~~i'm so lonely~~~~:'( my cousin:..................= =#


The first way that you should do is to learn vocabulary as much as possible.

My cram school teacher used to tell us that she usually talks to herself,and she has had this habit sence she studied in senior high school.You can try this way.

I found here recently,and I think of here as a place to practice my English.

By the way,listening to English songs and watching movies can also do you good!


Yeah,listen or to sing songs are definitely good ways,especially romantics^O^.But,you're not going to just learn and sing it to your self , are you? So,for my perspective,sing it to a occidental or a foreigner will be a better choise:p (My cousin: Like you , right= =' ??) ME: Yeah! :E ......................no no no....thats not what I meant....= =" (Thinking:how do you know?) well.......anyway,here's my yahoo:jasonliu6301@...................(everyone:^(&^F^%$(^&$(&^%G&*%O&PVT(POKJMGIUYFGOYUFP^%&%$)


so, as you can see from this discussion. Listen to music, films, dramas, talk, like it, read it.... plus, you got to be confident about yourself.

Practice makes it better , eh?

and.... jason, are you a duche bag or what? LOL

I think you should look up in the dictionary when you meet an unknown word.

Correction: SEE an unknown word. Words aren't people. You can't meet them. :p

To clarify this advice, I say, note down a word you've never seen or heard before and check them up later. Don't start checking the dictionary every time you see or hear a word you don't know. It breaks the flow of the language. Also, try using an English-English dictionary from time to time. Else you'll never break out of the habit of thinking in Chinese before translating it to English.


sorry !

I'm correct it.

And.....I think you should look up in the dictionary when you SEE an unknown word.

Errr......I only used capital letters to so it's easy to see the correction. Doesn't mean you need to write in capital ^.^;;

One more correction: I'll correct it.

Second thing - don't be sorry :wink:

  • 3 weeks later...

hi there,

Here are some ways i used to do when I was in Taiwan.

Do you know "Skype"?

Download this software and set "skype me" as your status

or search some ofther people who are from English speaking country,

chat with them in English, or use voice chat....



watch English speaking movies...


as long as you have passion,

and make English into your life

it wont be too hard for you to improve your English^^



