【Question】Can my English be better if I chat in here?Cuz my English is poor.

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Maybe or maybe not.

It depends on how you learn and use the language...

What's true is that all the English content you learn at school is not enough no matter for the examination to enter university or GEPT of high-intermediate level.

You ought to make use of it...

I agree with you!:E

Just as what Ruf168 said, I think you may have been upset by the endless nightmares of English tests. Just pick a passage and read everyday, and you will improve yourself gradually. However, you can learn how others describes situations besides unfamiliar words.

Then, just use what you learn when chatting here.

Last, I think I do a good job in English for senior high in Taiwan.:E

So......If you want me to share thoughts with you,

you can tell me what difficulties you are faced with.

  • 3 weeks later...
Your English won't improve much chatting here, however....

Chatting in real life more often will help a lot (even though that's kind of hard to do in taiwan)

I think this is kinda strange, cuz when it's time for us to face a foreigner, the skill we'll need is to SPEAK. But in TW, it seems our education only view reading and writing important.

How come? Does the government thinks that it won't be strange for us to write on paper to communicate with foreign people??? [ Imagine that. ]

anyway, as for the question, it depends.

if you can chat with the recent vocabularies you have learnt, you'll improve.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So who wanna be my net pal? haha XD I desire to have one for a period of time =]

To return to the theme,I think English environmet is important.You can listening English radio programs such as ICRT.I dont have the habit of listening it,but I consider that will be a good way to practice English.

Can my English be better if I chat in here?Cuz my English is poor.><

You've already started a topic, which means that you've done the first attempt of praticing your English. Your English would be better in some ways, but definitely not much in terms of "proper language". Just talk as much as you can, as long as you're maintaining the persistence of speaking English with confidence.

I think this is kinda strange, cuz when it's time for us to face a foreigner, the skill we'll need is to SPEAK. But in TW, it seems our education only view reading and writing important.

How come? Does the government thinks that it won't be strange for us to write on paper to communicate with foreign people??? [ Imagine that. ]

The government doesn't seem care about speaking in the reality, but it's the most important part of the language, as in literally, the language is a communication tool. I learn French at school, we always have all listening, reading, writing and speaking tests and also in the yearly exams-teachers tend to speak fully in French when they're teaching, unless they need to explain something such as gramma they'd speak in English. We get pretty much balanced learning in every area (those 4), which is very effective.

Yeah...but watch who you chat with. People with bad English chatting together will do more bad than good. XD

I am not sure about this. I would say not necessarily.

I think the most important thing is trying to use this foreign language to communicate with others. Even if you are not yet able to use English with prefect grammar or correct vocabularies all the time, you will still be making progress in feeling confident to use English no matter how poor your English is. Also, it will give you greater chance to discover your mistakes and weakness.

For beginners, good English does not mean perfect English. Instead, it should be the English that allows others to understand what you mean.

It will indeed be very helpful if one can chat with people who can correct their mistakes and always use perfect English to talk to them. However; please do understand that chatting with beginners is still far better than not using English at all.

Please start using your English as much as you can no matter how poor you think it is......

  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah...but watch who you chat with. People with bad English chatting together will do more bad than good. XD


recently,my school invite studio class room to talk English to us.

they says students must talk in English ten minutes a day.

Then I and my classmate are interesting in the method what they say.

we use our poor English,and i think I didn't learn anything about talk in english ><

we usually use basis and easy sentence EX:The weather is nice today~~= =""

But I really want to improve my english ....

(I'm afraid that I made so many mistake in these sentence ↑I need some courage to face my poor English....:|)

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

My school teacher gave us a report last semester.

She wanted us to find a foreigner and talk with him for about three minutes and record our conversation.She told us don't be afraid to talk in English. Maybe you will use the wrong grammer but the fastest and best way to learn English is to use it!

  • 1 month later...
I think

you don't have to worry about this question at all.Chatting in English or doing anything you want to do is good for your English ability in "speaking" or what?

what do you mean"do anything you want?"

you mean to write in English? OR read passages?

I didn't get it...(這句的意思是我不懂你再說什麼)

Anything you defrayal is something good for you

your grammatical order have to reconstruct.



