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dude! it was so cold over the past few month!!

if i didnt drive to skool, i would be so pissed.

but it is getting a little warmer everyday.

well~~i have been wanted to graduate so bad~coz i am so sick of high school already.

plus, i am gonna go to Taiwan(for visiting) right after graduation!!i am so excited~~ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh


最初由 The Dog 發表

最初由 自以為凡 發表

最初由 The Dog 發表

boy's high school? I don't think it's a public school, is it?

you gotta be really wealthy........

I envy you!!!!!

哈哈哈.............(論壇訊息:引文過長 恕刪)

Is it really difficult for someone who is over 19 years old to study in foreign country??

(英文程度有限..湊合著看吧...)= =|||||||


最初由 F.C.H. 發表

最初由 The Dog 發表

最初由 自以為凡 發表

最初由 The Dog 發表

boy's high school? I don't think it's a public school, is it?

you gotta be really we.............(論壇訊息:引文過長 恕刪)


不然這裡大學一堆project essay要寫...剛出來的要寫出一定的水準是很難的..



well~~teachers say : college is different from high school. teachers in the college are more strict. in high school, students can turn in thier homework late and still get B. however, it doesnt work in the college. if you are late for the assignment, then you are automatically get a F. and sort of things like that.

students say: people in the college are more mature. and they go party almost every weekend. plus, studnets dont have to stay at the school all day long. i guess students will have more freedom and control.

but anyway, there are only 4 months left for my entire high school career. guess that's why i am being so impatient. haha


hey~ what it do full

does Arizona have lots of African American(black)?

its even more than white people here in Houston.

my homeboy tought me lots of slanes and black culture cuz their specifical pronounciation and accent . the white here even sometimes classify thats a different language.

the culture shock even though not like conflict but still problem somewhere United State. its that serious there?
