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How do you know that you would like to pick that major that you think is something you like? What happened if you cant do it? How do you know if you work so hard then you eventually will receive a good result like you expected?

I am just really confused with my major right now, i am currently majoring in Graphic Design, however, now i get this insecure feeling like i am not going to make it :P

It is really a pain in my ass now, and i cried about that sometimes, studying for me doesnt seem as fun as it used to be. I am a major weeper i know


Are you concerned about the future? Im afraid I cant help you very much. Remember this in case of getting any trouble in future, "When He closes a door, somewhere he opens a window" - I know its been said so many times and youve heard that from so many people but yes, He really does this thing for everyone!

Im still young, and havent got such experience you had. Perhaps I dont exactly know your feeling but I will pray for you :) Hope you can find your own way soon! Big love.


Hey there. Looks like you're going through the same crisis I've been going through for the past three years. I'm doing Software Engineering at the moment, and trust me, it's not a walk in the park. In fact, it's probably the hardest degree ever (highest dropping rate in my university. In fact, our welcome message to first years is, "Hello and goodbye to more than half of you by the end of this year.").

Though this is a degree I've chosen on my own free will, the amount of effort you have to put in it doesn't ALWAYS yield the result you want. There are many times I think, "Why do I bother? I should of just done music. I'm EARNING money through my music by twice the amount I'll get paid when I graduate. So many people have dropped out so why not I?" However, my dad just said there's no point backtracking and being a stubborn person who hates giving up, I trudged on. Though I still don't see a clear road ahead but the point is, you never know. You THINK you may not make it right now (I feel that way every semester) but hey - life can be worse. At least you have a DEGREE to worry about. Other parts of the world need to worry about their MEALS. You're much better off in life in that respect. Cheer up and don't give up. At the end of the day, you'll look back and go, "What in the world was I stressing about? It wasn't that hard." It'll be worth it in a way - just that the time hasn't come yet. :p

The main point is, did you choose graphics design because you want to? If yes is your answer, don't throw it away then. :p


Well, i thought graphic design would be something good for me, but a while after, realized... i might not be able to make it, i need to talk to people like you guys, now its the worst time i think, i lost the motivation of studying, everything is difficult, there's no FUN anymore... :P I know nothing is easy, but i want to do something that i will make myself a big thing, also make big money :P

Currently, im studying in a university in Nebraska, but as you can see there is Univ of Helsinki on my thing, it was last semester as a exchange deal.

Now i have to go back to NE, it is just not a place for me, i still have lie to myself about things like.... i can do it at this school/ place :P

I am a big city person, middle of nowhere is no longer a place for me to stay :P

I would like to go to schools at places like somewhere in West Coast( like Seattle, L.A, San Fran, San Mateo...etc.) or East Coast ( NYC, Rhodeland-- like Brown Univ :P...)

i lost the motivation of studying, everything is difficult, there's no FUN anymore...

Welcome to university. :p *wink*

but i want to do something that i will make myself a big thing, also make big money

Well...I don't exactly have that ideology. Doing things just for money kind of leads to a bland life in my opinion. My opinion is, if you do something you like, then you'll be successful in it ('cause you're more than willing to spend your time on it considering it will become your hobby rather than chore) and with the success, money will generally flow in. I remember reading some recent survey that stated, most successful people are only successful because they were doing what they like to do rather than doing it for the money. Take the creators of YouTube, Google and Facebook - ALL of them were uni students who had nothing else better to do and just started some pet project that just happened to hit the right edge with the world and became big. So...I guess, there's also a luck factor in that too.

I am just dumb person who does not what he really wants

Noone knows what they really want. I originally chose Software Engineering due to the naive reason of wanting to make games. Now....well...I still wouldn't mind the idea but I realise that programming isn't my real strength. I'll be more geared towards management. However, being a game developer receives less respect in the IT world and as of late, I'm starting to be intrigued by realistic projects (ie. projects that actually make a difference to the world :p) so...yes....my goals are shifting (never was iron clad but still) - but I think that's life. The problem is, our world view is still pretty small and we've been exposed only to a small amount of the world has to offer. With time and experience, I think you'll start to see more.

By the way, why did you think graphics would be good for you?

As for the MSN, pm me and I'll give it to you there.


Well, I know things I can do for you are very limited. Maybe you just currently get tired of studying or something. Do you have the interest in graphic design now? I dont mean to offend but if the answer is 'no', you really need to think about what to do would be better. Stay in Nebraska? Go to other cities? Or pick another degree? You have to take the responsibility of your decision and yes I guess no one can help with this. That is your OWN life. Try asking yourself which one you like the best and go straight doing it with no regret (at least thats what I would do if I were you :p) I know making a decision at this tough moment is quite hard but you must trust your choice. Cheers Krislih (is it a German name?) Were all here giving you encouragement! *hugs*

ALL of them were uni students who had nothing else better to do and just started some pet project that just happened to hit the right edge with the world and became big. So...I guess, there's also a luck factor in that too.

Its possible but not probable lol

I wish I could be the one among them as well :P


Thanks for the cheers :)

Krislih is just an net name, not germanic at all ;)

I realized the stuff you people are true, i really wish i can be like you people, sharp decision... good thinking :P

I just need people to cheer me up and help me a lot i guess :P



