【Chat】God Bless Michelle Branch

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Did you hear any song of this singer before? Her name is Michelle Branch. Her famous song "Tha game of Love" is one of the most impressed songs that I've ever heard.

Here is the orriginal song recording(MTV):


Lovely humm~~But, wait!! wait, wait,wait.........

Just before the CD had been released to the market, she and the greatest guitar player Santana attended the Letterman show(talk show) and did a live show. And,she screwed up!! Listen to her pitch carefully, the pitch was not right~


(Check those videos in YouTube and you will also find out her obesity,well, no offense to obese peple,but could somebody tell me why did she get obese before the CD released? She looked perfect in the MTV!!??)

Maybe you think it was just an accident. well, listen to this so called World Music Awads 2005, she screwed up again in the new album. Oh my my............she didn't even finish the last note,God!!!!!!!

Check the original MTV:

What the heck! Losing pitch again@@~

I have possible reasons for these shows. She was distracted by the other instruments. A monitor speaker for the lead vocal can solve this problem.

She didn't have enough experiences in performing a live show. She needs practices.

Also because, Santana is so famous so she didn't get a chance to rehearse with the band before the shows.

Are they good excuses for you guys? Or just lame ones!! Tell me~

Am I too picky and sarcastic? Check this Suzanne Vega Live 1986 - Luka(excellent quality):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6QaMw77oxY

PS: Should I say "God bless Santana"?



