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你們都知道以後上大學要讀什麼嗎 ?

上了大學的人 是怎麼決定自己要讀的東西 ?



我想妳指的 "要讀的東西" 是主修吧.

我新生訓練的時候, 那些帶我們的學長學姊每個都至少換過三次主修, 還有人已經

大三了也還在換 = =

But my point is, 其實妳一開始並不需要很確定, 因為主修是很容易換的. 大學

的申請表上會要妳填未來想要的 major, 但是它也會有個空格給妳勾選 undeclared

(尚未決定). 所以妳完全可以告訴他們說 "我不知道我想念什麼, 我還沒決定."

反正大一頭一個學期上的都是 general education, 大家的課都一樣, 所以有沒有


  • 3 months later...

That's a very good question. Many people just picked a course out of a hat and do the course without thinking much. If you hit jackpot, good for you.

For me, it was either software engineering or music. Music because it's been part of my life and I absolutely adore it. Software Engineering because I got myself hooked onto computers since year 7 and thought the prospect of programming and making games will be very cool. It also guarantees a more stable income. My mother on the other hand wanted me to do education because she thinks that's a very nice job for a girl. Well, I hate to be denied of doing something just because of my gender and also, I didn't think I was talented enough to secure a good enough career in music (it is, afterall, a VERY tough industry. Only the very best succeeds and I didn't think I was the very best) Also, mainstream subjects like arts, commerce, law, medicine just seemed boring - well, maybe not medicine but I don't really want to spend 7 years at uni nor do I want the stress of dealing with people's lives. The other subjects, yes, I find them unappealing - arts because I'm not interested - period, commerce because it IS boring in my respect, along with law. Also, there's too much competition. IT may had crashed back in 2000 but it's coming back up soon. So anyways, software it was for me.

Now, well, software is incredibly hard and stressful but then again, I don't regret it. Programming is interesting, even if I'm bad at it. However, in the end, I think it still boils down to knowing what you like and dislike and then doing what you love and is best at. With that said, I'm thinking of taking up music again because I think it is what I love and is what I do best, but software is also itneresting so combining the two seem like a good idea.

Anyways, in the end, people mostly just test around and eventually stumble to their right path - even if you took a long way round to get there. Don't worry - you'll get there. However, in terms of university courses, RESEARCH is the word. Don't just listen to what others are telling you. They don't know anymore than you do so research. Good luck!



double major is that you get one diploma written that you are major in "XXX" and "YYY"

but if you get two degrees,

you will get separate diploma for each one with only one major on that.

usually, two degrees is more stringent since you have to satisfy twice the degree requirement, which includes the distribution courses and others.

訪客 微笑的風

我覺得可以找counselor談談 這幫助很大的:D我在一堂課是有做測驗 適合什麼樣的工作+哪些是自己的興趣 做完測驗也更了解自己到底想要的是什麼



