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還有star wars 文字動畫


5x5 - fill in all the squares

animate - make text dance

blackbox - find objects by firing beams into a black box

DecipherMode - help for cracking a simple alphabetic substitution cipher

DissociatedPress – fun with gibberish

EmacsDoctor - psychological help from a Rogerian analyst, for when it’s all getting too much for you

dunnet - text-mode dungeon adventure game

gomoku - five-in-a-row against the computer

hanoi - computer solving the towers of hanoi game

lm - neural net robot that learns landmarks

life - John Conway’s game of life

meese - stop impressionable young minds of America from seeing the etc/sex.6 man page

MorseCode - convert text to and from morse code

mpuz - multiplication puzzle (hidden digits)

pong - two-player computerized ping-pong

snake - guide a snake around the screen, eat to grow

solitaire - balls on an 8x8 cross shaped grid

studlify-region - convert text to stUdlY caps

TetrisMode - arrange falling blocks

yow - random Zippy quote

zone - crazy screen effects when idle

此內容已被編輯, ,由 jamieevren1210