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:D總獎金高達百萬美金的學生國際大賽ThinkQuest國際比賽即將於8月起接受報名,歡迎世界各地22歲以下的學生以小組形式參賽,每個小組須有一名教師或學校教職員提供指導並帶領參賽。ThinkQuest 源自美國、現由Oracle教育基金會(Oracle Education Foundation) 贊助舉辦,至今已發展成為一個覆蓋多個國家、多種語言、多樣文化、更賦多重教育意義的國際性賽事,旨在提供多層面協作機會鼓勵學習。競賽希望能增進不同文化之間的接觸和理解,實現締造一個美好世界的願景,同時推動來自不同國家的學生展開跨區域合作。參賽隊伍須根據自選的主題,創作一個具教育意義的網站,提交大會評審。可使用多種不同的科技,也可以多姿多采的形式展示。全球規模最大、獎額高、難度高ThinkQuest,得獎學生不但可獲頒高額獎學金,同時成為歐美各著名大學爭取的學生。:E

 [d]藉著參賽,學生將可發展21世紀所需的關鍵才能,例如團隊合作、批判思維和科技才能。

 [d]歷屆ThinkQuest的全球參賽學生共設計了逾8,000個教育網站。

 [d]Oracle教育基金會的各項計劃惠及全球個國家逾54.8萬名學生,參與ThinkQuest國際競賽的學生不但有機會發展21世紀生活和工作所需的關鍵才能,更可在ThinkQuest 圖書館發表作品。

時程:比賽暫定於 2010年8月至2011年4月。






*開發一個基於 Web的應用程式使用自己選擇的編程語言,軟體和開發環境。









(L)*各年齡組中表現最優秀的 前3 隊每位隊員將可獲得筆記型電腦,冠軍組的教練代表學校將獲得美金5,000捐款用於學校或組織。而每個年齡組的第一名及第二名隊伍,每位隊伍成員能由一位家長或成年伴侶陪同可飛往美國舊金山出席 ThinkQuest Live 聲譽卓著的教育盛會。ThinkQuest Live是一個 5天的活動是自由行將舉辦在舊金山灣區。它包括教育活動,社會活動,觀光遊覽,和盛大的ThinkQuest頒獎晚宴。

(L)ThinkQuest 圖書館 - 學生自建自用

所有合資格的參賽設計作品將在備受歡迎的「ThinkQuest 圖書館」予以公佈;這一豐富的線上資源是學生們自建自用的。每年有超過548,000 學生受惠於ThinkQuest 活動,逾 8,000 個由學生設計的網站已被加入"ThinkQuest 圖書館",供全球數以百萬計的教育者、學生、商業組織、政府機構和各個年齡段的學習者查看。該圖書館是網際網路上最多人瀏覽的教育類網站,現時每日平均有 3,000,000 瀏覽人次。

請瀏覽 http://www.thinkquest.org





Oracle教育基金會是甲骨文資助的非營利機構,設有廣獲好評的ThinkQuest教育科技網站,供全世界推行K-12教學模式的學校採用。ThinkQuest提供一個受保護的網上學習平台,方便教師將專題研習融入教室課程之中,幫助學生培養21世紀必需的才能。查閱詳情,請登入 http://www.oraclefoundation.org。


為什麼基金會的名字是甲骨文 難道真的是推廣甲骨文嗎XD

有什麼緣由和涵意嗎? //真的很好奇><



所以我的結論是:這只是個很會翻一的人翻出來的詞而已吧= ="





“甲骨文”既是“Oracle”的中文譯名,同時也能夠表達了Oracle的業務特點:“甲骨文”字面意思是數據和信息的記錄。 這一涵義可以追溯到遙遠的商朝(約公元前16世紀至公元前11世紀),龜甲和牛骨(通常是肩胛骨)當時用來占卜吉凶、記錄'神諭',這些符號被認為是中國最早的書面文字。 而成立於1977年的Oracle公司,重新詮釋了“甲骨文”這個古老的概念,Oracle創建的信息儲存、記錄和存取解決方案,作為信息載體為世界各地的企業包括中國企業廣泛應用。

" 來源是:http://hi.baidu.com/burke/blog/item/023b115025df6011367abe97.html

  • 1 month later...

OEF Opens ThinkQuest International Competition 2011

Students are Challenged to Think, Create and Innovate

Redwood Shores, California, August 26, 2010

The ThinkQuest International Competition 2011, sponsored by the Oracle Education Foundation (OEF), is now open to teams of students worldwide.

The competition challenges students, up to age 22, to solve a real-world problem by applying their critical thinking, communication, and technology skills.

This year, OEF has introduced some exciting changes that will capture the creative spirit of even more students than before. The introduction of two new events considerably broadens the choice of technologies students may use to create their entries. Moreover, the emphasis on problem-solving serves to inspire participants to tackle real-world challenges and produce solutions that benefit others.

Participants may enroll in three events: ThinkQuest Projects, Digital Media and Application Development.

In the ThinkQuest Projects event, participants will use ThinkQuest Projects, a hosted environment where students produce web-based learning projects, to create their entry.

In the Digital Media event, participants will use digital media tools to produce a blog/journal, website, animation, public service announcement, photo essay, video, or some combination of these items.

In the Application Development event, participants will develop a web-based application or game using their choice of programming language from a select list.

Teams have eight months to develop and submit their entries by the April 27, 2011 deadline. Professional educators from around the world will judge all entries.

Qualifying entries will be published in the ThinkQuest Library, the world’s largest online repository of student-developed learning projects that is visited by millions of learners each month.

Prizes include laptop computers, a trip to ThinkQuest Live,hosted in the San Francisco Bay Area, and monetary grants for the coach’s school, or organization.

More than 4,700 teams from 83 countries participated in the last competition cycle.

Full details of the ThinkQuest International Competition 2011 are available http://www.thinkquest.org/competition.

Supporting Quotes

“Our experience shows that when students collaborate on subjects about which they care deeply, they produce inspiring work,” said Brad Saffer, Vice President, Oracle Corporate Citizenship. “We encourage teachers and students to take part in this powerful learning experience and look forward to seeing the results of their efforts.”

“ThinkQuest has profoundly changed my classroom. It enables students to collaborate on authentic problems and engage with the community to create websites that showcase their learning on a global stage. Through this process, they're learning important 21st century skills, such as how to engage in digital conversations, create valuable shared content, and find partners beyond their borders," said Jeanne Paulus, teacher and multi-award winning ThinkQuest coach.

Supporting Resources


Previous ThinkQuest International Competition Winning Sites

Oracle Education Foundation

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About the Oracle Education Foundation

The Oracle Education Foundation is a nonprofit organization funded by Oracle. It delivers ThinkQuest, an online learning platform that helps students develop important 21st century skills, including communication, critical thinking, and technology skills. ThinkQuest includes a project environment that supports collaborative learning; technology competitions that challenge students to solve real-world problems; the award-winning ThinkQuest Library, a learning resource visited by millions; and professional development for educators. For more information, visit http://www.oraclefoundation.org.

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