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作者: 波音龍 查看文章


24歲有辦法念完博士 拿到學位



I think there's 2 paths you can do.

Get a Bachelor - that's 3 years

Then do a Masters - that's 2 years

Then do PhD - which apparently is around 4 years.

That's 9 years. Unless you start uni at age 15, don't think you can do that before 24.

2nd path is

Get Bachelor with Honours - 4 years

Do PhD - still around 4 years from what I know

That's still 8 years which means you start uni at age 16 at least.

此內容已被編輯, ,由 MikiRei
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I know someone who was accepted for a Maths PhD (scholarship as well) in either Harvard, NYU and some other top college in the States but he turned them all down for the following reasons:

- 7 years study vs 4 years in Australia

- To actually GET a Maths PhD, your paper has to be accepted and published in a professional Maths Journal so the chances of NOT getting your PhD by the end of it is high

- The scholarship hardly covers his living costs so he will end up having to work ridiculous hours to support his studies

- Since the chance of not getting his PhD at the end of it is high, not having your PhD after 7 years of study will equate to not being able to find a job so he decided it wasn't worth it

I lol'd....


要轉系到EECS了,不知道之後會怎樣。暑假申請了在中國,台灣,香港和美國的internship, from ibanking, software program manager, to engineering..... XD 希望可以去中國啦,這樣就可以就地旅遊(最近古裝劇看很多,很想去看古蹟XD),不然最後就是留下來做研究。如果要回台灣,就揪團找大家出來玩(波波還欠我一頓咖哩飯和玉米濃湯),如果要待在boston,歡迎大家來做客。

要轉系到EECS了,不知道之後會怎樣。暑假申請了在中國,台灣,香港和美國的internship, from ibanking, software program manager, to engineering..... XD 希望可以去中國啦,這樣就可以就地旅遊(最近古裝劇看很多,很想去看古蹟XD),不然最後就是留下來做研究。如果要回台灣,就揪團找大家出來玩(波波還欠我一頓咖哩飯和玉米濃湯),如果要待在boston,歡迎大家來做客。

可惡我身邊又多一個Course 6 (EECS)。

  • 3 weeks later...

whoever's a degree in business, or anything related to it, and willing to move to Seattle- drop me a line.

My friend used to work fro redfin, so he might be able to pull few strings here and there... If anyone is interested in this position...


whoever's a degree in business, or anything related to it, and willing to move to Seattle- drop me a line.

My friend used to work fro redfin, so he might be able to pull few strings here and there... If anyone is interested in this position...


too bad it's marketing ˊ ˋ otherwise it's quite nice


I think there's 2 paths you can do.

Get a Bachelor - that's 3 years

Then do a Masters - that's 2 years

Then do PhD - which apparently is around 4 years.

That's 9 years. Unless you start uni at age 15, don't think you can do that before 24.

2nd path is

Get Bachelor with Honours - 4 years

Do PhD - still around 4 years from what I know

That's still 8 years which means you start uni at age 16 at least.

if you stay for summer school and take extra workload, it's actually possible to graduate much faster, even within 2 years for an honours degree.


已經工作快兩年了 (畢業一年) T_T

All you kids here make me feel so old. >_>

當一個high school senior 就讓我覺得很老了。 曾經很嚮往上班族的生活,但現在忽然意識到當學生的幸福... 不過話說光決定接下來大學四年要在哪過就讓我很頭痛了 = =""


I remember those days....

You think it's the most important decision of your life and that if you chose the wrong degree, you're doomed for life.

And then when you did finally decide, you think you're set for life - until 3 weeks into university and then you realise there is 30 times more decisions you need to make and you suddenly feel small and realise that you've lived in a cocoon for most of your life, fed with the illusion that you've fulfilled life's most important goal by getting into uni.

4 years after, you need to decide which SUB category of the line of career you're in and whether that one is profitable or not or it will be eliminated soon. Then you realise you absolutely hate the standard 9 to 5 office work and that your life consists of work and work and weekends are never enough and wonder whether you really want to work for the rest of your life...

And then you start thinking about creating a new start-up company that might make it better since you hate office work so much - but then realise owning your company means you will have ZERO holiday.

And all the while, the back of your head is thinking, "If you don't decide on something now, you may just work for the next 20 years of your life and realise your life's a bore and you've achieved nothing significant."


Ok - I'm shooshing up now.


前天到GE做onsite interview,internship似乎是拿到了,可是到了office我覺得超極depressing,我一點也沒辦法想像自己做在那些格子裡面當工程師的樣子。I'm so not ready to enter a work place.
