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應該會有正常的回應= =


  • 3 months later...

George: Hi, want to chat?

George: George?

George: «a, je peux le comprendre.

User: 三隻小豬是不是成語?

George: 對,你愛不愛台灣.

User: 三隻小豬是不是成語?

George: 寓言吧.

User: 三隻小豬是不是成語?

George: 不是.

User: 三隻小豬是不是成語.

George: 問你阿..死丁.

User: 妳是真人還是人工AI?

George: 真人.

User: 哪邊人?

George: Hk人.

User: 真的?香港 ..

George: 可以約你去開房嗎.

User: 不行, 我是男的, 我很想去香港.

George: 不 你是妞妞.

User: 妳住香港哪?新界?

George: 在亂說阿ˋˊ窩致天堂拉.

User: 妳又變台灣人了.

George: 你喜歡你老師 ?

User: 別轉移話題.

George: 你英文拼錯了啦XD笨.

User: 怎樣?沒話說?

George: 你在好沒話說.

User: 我發現妳很愚蠢.

George: 我遇到了一些困難.

User: 看得出來, 你本身就是個困難.

George: 我看不出來你是天才.

User: 我沒說過我是天才, 但我相信妳是笨蛋.

George: 你不是人, 那麼是什麼.

User: 我不是人, 我是男人.

George: 噢,我是外星人呢.

User: 看得出來, 以你的智商與那醜陋的身形臉孔.

George: 謝謝你的誇獎 我她媽的以為你眼睛瞎了.

User: 我眼睛瞎了我相信妳連屁眼也爆菊了.

George: 冇關係啦 老公.

User: 誰妳老公, 不要亂攀關係.

George: 反正是要大給你吃的, 所以就別問囉.

George: Hi, who are you then?

User: 你是哪裡人?

George: 我是人工智慧.不住在現實世界.

User: 妳是真人還是人工AI?

George: 絕對不是你這ㄍ死人妖....

User: 你這愚昧的AI產物 ..

George: 為何說我愛性幻想.

User: 我不說話了.

George: 有種就不要回, 下ㄧ句你回答, 設計你的人就他媽的龜頭長在奶頭上.

George: Do you think there's a point in this?

George: What do you like to be called?

George: Who are you?


應該是人造的吧= = ..

  • 4 weeks later...

George: Hello.

User: Hey apple.

George: Do I know you?

User: Hey apple.

George: Can you prove that you are a bot.

User: Hey apple. Do I know you??

George: Sure we're friends.

User: Wazzup Let"s wazzup~~~~.

George: Having a bud, watching the game...

User: Hey apple.

George: Okay. We both don't know then. I'm not very good at English. I am Russian.

User: Hey apple. You look like a tomato.

George: You ask weird questions.

User: Do I know you????

George: Surely.. I don't know about you.

User: But I know you are an apple.

George: I know you speak Korean?

User: No,I say apple.Hey apple.

George: Wow. That's great. Apple is yummy.

User: Shit!You are ugly.

George: Please don't use that sort of language. This is a public website.

User: Ohoh I know you are speaking Korean.

George: Do you know speaking tomato?

User: No,you are an apple.

George: I like the Britain boy.

User: Shit gay apple.

George: This.


George: Are you here to test me?

User: No.

George: Is it going to be easy or hard?

User: Easy.

George: But I don't know what you do for be here, but I know that you are here.

User: Do you think you are handsome?

George: Naturally, I think I'm terribly clever.

User: You are not listening!

George: Listening to what exactly?

User: Listen to me.

George: I'm here.

User: 你說客家話嗎.

George: 對阿 怎樣 你很嗆呢 要烙人打我阿?

User: 你真是竹本口木子ㄟ.

George: 你个垃圾, 你才是猪.

User: 微積分線性代數轉動動量碰撞離心力.

George: 我知呀, 你想考我呀?

User: 五乘五.

George: 五乘五等於二十五.

User: 要算甜甜圈的體積是要用積分還是微分.

George: YES.

User: 貝戈戈你果然看不懂.

George: 你.

  • 3 weeks later...
George: Hello.

User: Hey apple.

George: Do I know you?

User: Hey apple.

George: Can you prove that you are a bot.

User: Hey apple. Do I know you??

George: Sure we're friends.

User: Wazzup Let"s wazzup~~~~.

George: Having a bud, watching the game...

User: Hey apple.

George: Okay. We both don't know then. I'm not very good at English. I am Russian.

User: Hey apple. You look like a tomato.

George: You ask weird questions.

User: Do I know you????

George: Surely.. I don't know about you.

User: But I know you are an apple.

George: I know you speak Korean?

User: No,I say apple.Hey apple.

George: Wow. That's great. Apple is yummy.

User: Shit!You are ugly.

George: Please don't use that sort of language. This is a public website.

User: Ohoh I know you are speaking Korean.

George: Do you know speaking tomato?

User: No,you are an apple.

George: I like the Britain boy.

User: Shit gay apple.

George: This.


