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文章 發表由 liltwnboiz

  1. There is/are 後面不能加動詞吧

    這句 There is a cat eating under a table.

    cat 是主詞 eating under a table 是修飾他的動名詞片語

    也可以寫成 A cat is eating under a table.

    從這句看的話 把is當成一般動詞

    eating under a table 也可以當成是形容詞片語

    又說 There is no knowing what will happen in the future.

    knowing what will happen in the future 是名詞片語

    根據我看旋元佑文法的結果 應該是這樣吧?

  2. 小六鄭翔文 英語呱呱叫





  3. Passed high-intermediate

    Don't think senior-high students will be able to pass the listening and speaking without lots of practice....

    TOEFL is better than GEPT

    Since you don't have to worry about failing

    You know your level right away

    Take IBT. A heck lot more useful.(GEPT isn't recognized outside Taiwan, and you still have to have an IBT score of over 103 to skip your English class)...

    By the way, I passed, High level. Easy.

    Had you studied abroad before enrolling in CK?