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文章 發表由 evenstar

  1. Early Action& early decision 是在比普通的截止期限更早遞進你的申請表, 好處是早早佔位子, 如果夠傑出就很容易被錄取~~還有比如說如果你數學很強, 去參加比賽, 得到州冠軍或什麼的, 對申請就非常有幫助...如果自己成勣已經不錯, 被好大學錄取不是難事~~

    如果想進一般大學你還需要準備幾科 SAT II .....從Literature, Chemistry, Physics, Math IIC, Biology E/M, U.S. History, Spanish, Chinese with Listening, Latin, Italian, World History , French 這裡面選.

    SAT阿, 一句話: 多背生字, 多看文章, 多寫文章, 能夠的話也背文章...... 只能這樣加強, SAT 的數學都沒問題的拉XDDD~~

    ~~Good Luck!!

  2. 最初由 *starfish* 發表

    and today I changed Cooking to Computer , ADV Algebra to PREAP Calculus

    I'll be so busy this year >"<

    Is it free? I am not sure... I am known among my friends as the "never answer cellphone" person...I don't use my cellphone a lot xDD I will check it out amd make sure~~

    I am even MORE busy than I was in my junior year!! There is SO MUCH to do this year!! T_T

    Aight, talk to you later and nice meeting you too!!

  3. 最初由 *starfish* 發表

    ok no problem . Junior English is 11th grade English

    which means the English for 11th grade to take it ,

    11th grade = junior

    so 11th grade English = jounior English

    so dose that make .............(論壇訊息:引文過長 恕刪)

    ohh JUNIOR English...I was thinking about ESL or something xD

    I do have a cell phone, but if I call you, my mom will go ballistic over the phone bills....so yea xDD I will see you online, if possible...and by the way, My name is Claire, and I didn't catch your name...?


  4. 最初由 *starfish* 發表

    你們想上什麼大學呢? 理由是什麼?

    我想去University of Washington

    理由是它在Washington (其實還蠻多人想去別的州讀書)



    Yeah I think it's better to go to colleges in your own state...save $$ xDD

    out of state tuition is just ridiculous >.<

    Well, I want to go to UC Davis, Irvine, Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz...I am applying to the University of California basically...and I am also considering Claremont McKenna...but probably won't get in xDD

    How about you guys?

  5. 最初由 evenstar 發表

    最初由 *starfish* 發表

    ha ha ...I'm junior and I take APUSH this year,too

    well...the teacher "looks" fun

    I'll like that class XD I guess ^^"

    how come you have 7 classes ? [.............(論壇訊息:引文過長 恕刪)

    "did TYPE" not "did typed" :p :s

    what is JR English?

  6. 最初由 *starfish* 發表

    ha ha ...I'm junior and I take APUSH this year,too

    well...the teacher "looks" fun

    I'll like that class XD I guess ^^"

    how come you have 7 classes ?

    Oh OOps I did typed seven...I am going to drop AP bio and take sociology instead. I don't want to waste my time studying my butt off only because that AP teacher can't teach.....You are a junior? WOW I feel so old xD I am a senior now...T_T

    You will like APUSH. For me, it's the best class ever taken in my life xd

  7. 最初由 Krislih 發表



    反正我還是尊重你的意見= =




    SAT 補習... 只是讓你多習慣它的試題


    ?............(論壇訊息:引文過長 恕刪)

    真的...不是故意要嚇他拉~~他高二來會非常辛苦, 除非他英文已經很好, 不然想申請好大學是滿困難的.......:s

  8. 最初由 可愛的美環 發表

    我很想去美國唸大學...可是自己一直都在台灣教育長大..醬會不會有點異想天開..想努力拼SAT可是真的很困難...到底該不該放棄呢...很煩惱...不知道要怎麼兼顧台灣高中的成績又要努力念SAT...我現在升高二...會不會太晚.............(論壇訊息:引文過長 恕刪)

    我覺得你應該唸完大學再出國...因為高二來美國, 說老實話真的是太晚了~~ 來了也只不過能唸一些很爛的社區大學, 而且這些社區大學想轉正規大學實在蠻困難, 而且名額也有限....不如好好在台灣唸大學, 好好準備托福, 反而有機會申請到美國不錯的研究所!~~還有就是SAT 補習一般是沒什麼效果....=.= 所以最好是別現在出來, 在台灣好好充實英文也不失為好辦法呀~~加油阿!!!

  9. 最初由 赤子羽毛 發表




    在 summer school的英文課都有拿到A



    但是11年級就考SAT,我現在補好像?............(論壇訊息:引文過長 恕刪)

    Go ahead...but make sure you find a good tutoring center. Start to work on your vocabulary!! You don't have much time left...Usually people take SAT's in March of their Junior Year. If you are planning to apply for UC's, you can also take SAT and SATII's in October and November of your senior year.
