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does anybody knows a Disney original movie call "High School Musical?"

i watch it like twenty times!!

its just too good...

btw, the second one is commin out in the late August for US

for Taiwan, is 9/24. please dont forget to watch it!!

And... dont forget to buy the concert CD which comes out at 8/24!!

trust me, its awesome :D

(if you find any incorrect spellin' or grammar, please tell me right away. thanks!!)

does anybody knows a Disney original movie call "High School Musical?"

Does anybody know a Disney original movie called "High School Musical"?

i watch it like twenty times!!

its just too good...

I watched it like (for ) twenty times!!

it's just too good...

btw, the second one is commin out in the late August for US

for Taiwan, is 9/24. please dont forget to watch it!!

And... dont forget to buy the concert CD which comes out at 8/24!!

trust me, its awesome :D

(if you find any incorrect spellin' or grammar, please tell me right away. thanks!!)


in (is "for" okay : / ?)

don't xd

better use "will come" , yet doesn't really matter



T xdxdxd


yarrr i've watched it. Undoubtedly nice.

It gives people an (sham) image that high school life in the U.S. can't be greater.

(No bully, no nerds....and preps aren't that nasty....)

I like their songs and dances :)


Oh dear - it repeats on Disney Channel all the time and that really annoys me (it may be harsh, but its true!). I prefer Disneys sitcoms such like Suit Life and Raven. Dont know why I have got no interest in their films. Sorry!

As for grammar mistakes, Miki would love to help you more! :p



