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我說:Oh yeah?! that's really offensive you know?! it's like saying oh British, German and French are all the same.^o)



well...since my school is like 50% Asians...dun think there's too much to worry about @@

but yeah...i think people might start to "look" differently at all Asians now...just because we all look alike to them -.-""

oH and they thought the gunman was a Chinese at first, but later they found out he's actually a south korean immigrant...



Well, I'm in Australia so *shrug* and *shrug*.

What I AM interested though is to see how the States is going to respond. It's interesting really. If it's a person of the majority race who had done this atrocity, they will blame it on TV and video games. A person from a different race, and they'll condemn the whole race. Forget about the fact that he's South Korean. The fact that he's ASIAN is all they care about. I mean, seriously, quite a handful of.....how should I say? (I hate naming races ><) Well, caucasians, let's say. They don't really see a difference between Asians (not including Indians. According to most, Indians aren't Asians. *laugh*)I mean, if they do, then why did they get three CHINESE actors to do "Memoirs of a Geisha"? You'd think people wouldn't NOTICE?? *shakes head*

Anyways, I've strayed away. The point is I want to see whether

1. They condemn all South Koreans (which will affect other Asians who *look* similar to South Koreans in terms of physical traits because...well....didn't some South Americans get bashed because people thought they were Middle Eastern? Well, I don't doubt the same thing's going to happen)

2. They blame it on video games and television

3. They blame it on guns and FINALLY abolish their RIDICULOUS gun law

My bet, 1 - VERY likely, 2 - also likely but 1 will take precedence over the 2nd so hardly anyone will talk about it (even though Cho, the killer, was brought up in the States so they really SHOULD talk about their native policies) and 3 - no chance in the world, as OBVIOUS as it is to anyone else in the world that yes, it IS their gun law. Check this page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_massacres - enough said.


Get him to watch "Bend it Like Beckham". There's a scene where the sister talks to Jess and the conversation sort of goes like:

Sister: What's so good about that English guy? (something long those lines)

Jess: He's Irish

Sister: Yeah, whatever. They're all the same

:p - GENERALISATION happens everywhere. I've found many people here makes some generalisation about Westerns. It's just a matter of whether you're on the receiving end of these kind of generalisations to realise how grossly inaccurate and unfair it can get. Maybe they should set up some global activity where they get people from different cultures to mix and talk so people are more exposed to the rest of the world. :p

  • 2 weeks later...


后來確認是韓國移民了,就說什么大陸媒體對兇手不是大陸人感到歡欣鼓舞,對是韓國人幸災樂禍 = = 什么嘛,明明頭條都沒上

不過我實驗室的一個韓國男生就是vt出來的 = =:說是還認識幾個被槍殺的人




