【Question】英文作文 + 小些問題

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這點本人已經在努力中 雖然高中生要7000單是正常 但還是覺得好多喔

再來 就是一些句型.文法.片語.......


但每次 每一次考卷發下來後 一看到作文

只能說腦袋空白.... 平常看的英文文章 完全沒什麼鳥用


平常我偶而有再看一些英文的文章(雜誌之類的....) 我大概可以看的懂 文章的部分意思

該怎麼說 就是他們的文章我看的懂 但我自己卻寫不出那種文章

只能用很白吃的 主詞+動詞+名詞......完全沒有修飾的詞句~

自己在想都覺得可怕 我怎麼會寫出這種文章 (This is a book   = =..)

再用一些很基本的詞句 根本就不像是個高中生 懊惱.........


我知道基本的練習是一定要的 但各位還有沒有一些要suggestion我的

我自己想寫的不是像國中課本第一課   還在那This is a book 

而是要有一些變化 當然不用太難的句型  該怎麼說 就是要有一些修辭

但..就是在考試時 腦袋都空白 完全想不起來什麼

感覺自己是有點中式英文 直接翻譯的???

是因為這樣? 所以才不會用一些修辭和一些轉化語氣的的單字??

各位  可以幫忙一下嗎 如何提升我的英文作文 不想在寫簡單英文啦...  :'( :'(

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

我還有另一個問題 就是阿....

各位有考試過的 一定都知道 大考英文  第一大題 主要是考大家的英文單字量

但就是這個  我的問題就來了....

每次 每次 每次...

翻開考卷的第一題 從選項 很普通的 我通常可以反應 4個選項中 我有3個看過


問題來了...我知道我被過這些單字 但什麼中文意思我竟然就一直想不起來= =

這真的很嚴重阿..如果沒被過 不會 那就認了 因為沒被過嘛

但..這些我都被過阿 而且當時每個單字叫我拼唸都很順 就是一直想不起來中文意思

每次在看到解答後 都很嘔 就說我看過 背過吧  為什麼我想不起來中文意思??

每次都是這樣 我有很努力的在背英文 看過的單字很多 但每次都一直想不起中文的意思

我很努力 每次都在考試中無法發揮自己的實力..有努力在被單字 但考試時都一點用都沒有用


希望大家可以給我一些意見  我該怎麼做 才能改善這些問題呢? 

先在這裡謝謝大家了 (大喊:我要提升英文實力.........)



























1. 你先嘗試用英文聊天吧

我覺得語言的natural feeling(不知道中文是什麼= =) 很重要

基本文法會了其實根本就不用背句型(像是我到現在連受詞是什麼都不知道= =)

有些人就算很會寫, 文法完全沒有錯, 文章唸起來卻很癟腳

如果你要練英文歡迎找我^^" ( 完全沒有要交友的意思XDDDD)

其實高中生寫的英文作文都是在講自己的事, 亂哈啦就可以寫一堆(當然要先擬結構)




感覺我是來亂的= =



可是Spoken English 跟 Written English 真的差很多.......(怎麼可能寫什麼"ppl","yo man","dude","btw","hey"之類的東西咧???)

就算我現在英文說的很流利(我是能跟人聊天,辯論啦之類的,我不覺得我英文好,但不少人以為我是native speaker,所以算流利嗎???我也不知道),essay還是寫的很爛阿~

平常功課阿什麼的都要trun in paper,那個應付了事........

但考大學的時候,我需要寫五段completed essay in 25 mins!!!


Writing is never an easy job!!!

怎麼可能寫什麼"ppl","yo man","dude","btw","hey"之類的東西咧

That's internet/text English honey. Of course you won't be writing that in essays but that's besides the point.


......it....doesn't work that way......at least not to me. For Japanese, I just write according to the flow (I'm using Japanese as an example because that's one of the languages I actually had to learn as a ...2nd? 3rd language? *shrug*)

每次中文翻英文會很累的. 以前我考德文跟法文寫作時, 英翻德或英翻法都很煩的, 也不順不過也還好因為英, 法, 德都是同一個語系所以用英文翻過來時, 不會差到哪去.

中翻英...........well, you're just asking for trouble. I've done enough translation to tell you that it doesn't work that well - though you sound like you can't remember the particular grammar form to use............which, I guess, if you're learning English as a subject, that's the only way to go......for the moment that is.

Your challenge is to BREAK yourself from the habit of thinking Chinese to English. Else, I don't think you'll ever write as fluently as you would hope. The only way to do this is to do what Lucy's doing - talk to people more and have the flow of the language within you. (and read more, listen more for that matter. Watch movies without subtitles. Read without using dictionaries for the first time round)

Writing techniques is a fairly separate skills in terms of learning a language. Not many native speakers can write that well to be honest. It's more of an acquired skill. First is to have the flow of the language into your system - THEN you improve on your writing skills.


This is just an afterthought. I remember reading a small preface of a book about bilingualism. Some people don't learn language well because they're thinking under the idea that there is the language you speak in - which is basically your entire world - and then there's the "other" language and to learn the "other" language, you use the language you speak in as a pivot point. All in all, that sounds fair and reasonable because how else are you supposed to learn the "other" language?

However, take this into your thought - how did you learn the language you speak in? People are born into this world with the bare minimal communication skills. We learn how to communicate through human interaction. You do not require any other "pivots" in order to understand the language you speak in - or do you? Your environment is your pivot. When you were a baby and you started learning to speak, you used what you see or hear or feel as a pivot to learn.

So how come we cannot learn the "other" language just as we did when we were a child? Well, of course not. Your brain have developed in a certain way that it cannot absorb quite as fast as it was when you were child. But does that truly mean that we cannot learn the "other" language WITHOUT the use of using our first language as a pivot? How redundant can it get that you must go through TWO different pivots before you can understand the "other" language?

The mistake for most language learners (in my view anyways) is that, ...well, I guess the education system is at fault too, we rely WAY TOO MUCH on our first language as a pivot point to learn "other" languages. Why must it be so? If people are born in the presence of a mixture of different language speakers, maybe they won't think so much as my language --> other language, rather than just "languages".

Anyways, enough rant. I know this isn't relevant here. Sorry.

That's internet/text English honey. Of course you won't be writing that in essays but that's besides the point.

Really? Are You sure they are "text English"? (At least not in my text book.)

I am learning American Literature now and I don't see any of these words come out from "Rip Van Winkle" or "Declaration of Independence" !!! = ='

All I know is spoken English and written English are not the same.

Some words are not allowed to use in written English, such as "a lot", "really", and the word "I".

Plus, I know it is very hard to actually "speak" English in Taiwan.

I am lucky that I lived in America when I was little, so I don't have strong accent as most international students do, but my written English is truly poor!!! (I guess you can tell by the former I typed.) Though my English was once better than my Chinese, but so far I speak Chinese for my life time!!! "Reading improves Writing."I totally agree with this statement. (That's how I learn my Chinese.) I have to work on my writing skill~:s

Are You sure they are "text English"?

............................................if I meant "textbook" English, I would have said "textbook English". Text English = text message English. (think sms)

All I know is spoken English and written English are not the same.
Some words are not allowed to use in written English, such as "a lot", "really", and the word "I".

Ummmmm.......that's not quite a correct statement. Spoken English SHOULD be the same as written English. Unfortunately, popular culture have managed to mangle with proper English over the years. You can even say that it has "dumbed down" the level of sophistication of modern English.

I think you're confusing internet language or modern short forms such as "dunno", "ima" etc.etc. with spoken English. Spoken English, when written down, is (well, at least it should. I talk like this in real life by the way) written English. However, the use of language obviously differ. By the sound of your answer, I think you're thinking that essay-style English is the ONLY form of written English (correct me if I'm wrong. You're probably just generalising for all I know). That isn't so. If you're writing a novel, well, there's no harm done placing in short forms or internet language, especially if you want to emphasise a character's accent or the environment they're living in (or simply to show they're chatting with someone online - depends).

In formal essay writing, yes, it is different to how you speak in real life (for most cases. I know people, when having gained sufficient skills in writing essays on a fly, they speak exactly how they write). They are certain things you can't do which you can when speaking but that's all because of the WRITING format, Essays are supposed to be a piece of document whereby you try to prove a set of opinions without being biased or at least, without SOUNDING biased (hence, not being able to use "I"). Should you be writing an informal essay (my favourite sytle :p) then there's absolutely no reason why you shouldn't be using "I" or "really". You use whatever you want. It really depends on the style of writing you're writing in. Just saying a general statement that spoken English isn't the same as written English is far too much of a generalisation.

  • 4 weeks later...


