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跟他講話都要講很慢而且要用簡單的單字 不然他聽不懂



雖然跟他講話還是要慢 單字也不能太難 但至少他有進步了



那個日本人上台的時候他說了一句“learning english is way hard for me"

我超驚訝的 因為他英文不是很好 但他竟然說 way hard 重點就在於那個“way“


我想要表達的就是 就算在台灣英文很好很好的學生 也不見的會說 way hard, way fun...等等 這就是在國外的環境下才能學到道地的英文 我想台灣的學生沒有幾個會用way來表達吧∼大部分的人應該都只會說 learning english is so hard for me



他說了一句“he's kind of busy“

在台灣英文很好的學生也不見得會用 kind of

他還有說了一句“i got you“(他要表達的是 我知道了)

在台灣也沒幾個學生會用 i got you 來表達我知道了


一個英文很不好的學生 竟然能用當地人才會用的字詞來表達

(以上絕對不是要批評台灣學生的英文能力 只是想藉由這些例子來表達環境能造成學習語言的影響)



因為我來之前是知道Kind of 這個用法,但是卻深深的埋藏在心中沒拿出來用過





Means they've watched too many movies and read too little books. Better stop doing that. It sounds EXTREMELY crude to be swearing every second word you say. Regulate a bit - I'm trying to regulate too. I think I swear on average once per 10 sentences. (During days of extreme frustration and stress, 10 at once after 3 hrs of excrutiating pain)


I think it's so-called "Americanisation"( the U.S movies)...... even some of our teachers would use words such as shit and bloody

and the one who teaches us economics he's used to say shut up in the class

it's like a broad climate in the school already... can't change... can't change......xd




BY 版主


Americanisation - yep - that's definitely happening - Australia is one good example. We have the Prime Minister changing our laws left, right and centre just so it resembles the US day by day and everyone's getting annoyed with it ..... YET they STILL VOTE HIM IN!!!???


Sorry :p - that was just a random rant.

I don't care about what Howard that old dude does in his office...

Maybe you would if you knew how much he's stuffing things up. For one, VSU is already increasing university fees. I'm sure you don't want to pay anymore than you're already paying right now right?

Voluntary student unionism, and i will let Miki Rei to do the explaination since she probably knows a lot about this.

Not really...but ok. Here's my take.

Basically, besides your normal course fees you pay for university studies, you also need to pay student union fees. Basically, what these fees will do is it enables the university to have funds to set up support services for the students on campus. This includes the shops, the restaurants, medical centres, child care centres, counselling services etc.etc. These support are also given at a much cheaper rate then if the student was to seek for these services outside of campus. These fee also fund the clubs and societies that exist on compus. Note here that this fee HAD been compulsory until June this year. (It's about 300 bucks)

VSU, as the name already suggest, makes this fee VOLUNTARY. So, you DON'T have to pay the fee unless you want to. The argument the Howard government gave was that not all student use these services set up on campus and hence, there is no need to make this fee compulsory. Another argument which is directed at the clubs and societies is well, some of these clubs are just plain nonsense and people feel quite ticked off to have to pay 300 bucks each semester just to fund these clubs.

So what's the difference? Isn't it good we don't have to pay this extra 300 bucks? Well, no. Without VSU, student union is in jeopardy which is what Howard wants exactly. He's trying to dismantle a lot of these unions so that we can't gather together and voice our opinions. He's trying to take away our voice.

Another problem is, now that the union don't have a regular amount of funding coming in, the cheap services that they used to provide to student will no longer be cheap. When worst comes to worst, many of the services in uni will eventually close down. What will happen instead is private companies will be able to move into campus. So basically, a future where McDonald's and KFC will be buying or renting space within uni is very likely. In other words, Howard's trying to PRIVATISE everything.

Finally, well......Howard's argument is that without this fee, student will have to pay less in their course fees. Well, I say b******* to that. This semester was proof. Each course were upped by 200 bucks. If the university ain't getting the fees for student union, they'll just have to chip them into the course fees. What's more, now they decide to use international students to compensate for that. What used to happen is international students will wait and wait till the end of semester to pay for their fees. Well, this semester, the universities sent an e-mail to all international students that if they don't pay by a certain date, they'll inform immigration. They also force the international students to pay the union fees as well. Apparently, they can't enforce the union fees onto the local student - don't know why but there you go. That's just my uni by the way. Another method they used to get EVERYONE to pay is that your marks will be witheld unless you pay. With that, you can't continue with your degree.

So yeah, VSU's isn't doing what Howard SAID it'll do (ie. cut fees). It's doing quite the opposite - and it's dismantling student union.

But hey - that's just VSU - take a look at the new working relations act. It's doing pretty much the same thing and it's not fixing anything. Like the old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." - well, Howard's fixing things that ain't broke and for the nth time, HE SHOULD GO! (but then again, Labour aren't producing any good candidates. We REALLY need new blood in Australian politics = =|||)



重點是當你離開一個環境過久,你也會漸漸忘記( 等你一年後回台灣你就明白你的中文口語退化了)



  • 2 weeks later...
訪客 微笑的風

(笑)在這遇到很多不同國家的人 學習不同文化 真的非常棒!很多國際學生在這碰到很大的挑戰 也很多辛酸的故事 不過大家都學習成長:D

(笑)在美國認識各國的朋友 很多國際學生在這遇到很多挑戰 文化和課業上的差異 也很多辛酸的故事 不過從中大家都學習成長 變得更獨立和堅強^_^

抱歉留兩次>w<之前以為回應失敗 所以又打了一次



