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OK......Don't spam on this board......or your posts may be deleted......:o

a....my english is too poor to recognize your warning:P


for every booster of this board, thanks for your endorsement while the voting timex:)


I've always thought there should be a language board for discussing Chinese, English, and other languages' grammer, vocabulary, usage... etc. This board is different from what i thought, but still I think it'll be good for learning English and improving English typing speed:P

The best way to learn a language is to keep using it.

I've always thought there should be a language board for discussing Chinese, English, and other languages' grammer, vocabulary, usage... etc. This board is different from what i thought, but still I think it'll be good for learning English and improving English typing speed:P

The best way to learn a language is to keep using it.

Well, the countersign of English Studying board is approved.

The aim of that board will be discussing English grammar or something like that in English language. :p


I found a bug in "my deep blue" before. And it appears it also occur here...

What happen is when a sentance is too long, the system will automatically seperate and move the rest of the sentance to the next line; there's a chance that it'll cut a word in half!

I found a bug in "my deep blue" before. And it appears it also occur here...

What happen is when a sentance is too long, the system will automatically seperate and move the rest of the sentance to the next line; there's a chance that it'll cut a word in half!

In textareas of the showing page of posts, wordwrap of sentences are controlled by the width of your browser window.

Always wordwrap manually could be a better choice.

well...if we spell wrong or the gramma is not correct, what will this place offer?

(Gosh....My English is so poor......if anybody understand me?:'( )

Never mind about those mistakes, the description said to chat :"freely"

but don't make others get confused would be better :p



