【分享】Yahoo Helper?


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應該知道好友名單裡有個"Yahoo Helper"吧

我本來以為是有專人值班 回答網友問題的..



雪中鴻: 你好 我有問題

YahooHelper: Hi ck_tmac, I am an automated robot and I'm here to help you get familar with Yahoo! Messenger. Type some text in the window below and click 'SEND' to talk to me.

雪中鴻: 如何更改自己暱稱?

YahooHelper: Great, now we're talking! ck_tmac, did you know that Yahoo! Messenger allows you to keep track of all your friends and see when they are online? If your friend does not have messenger yet, click on the 'FRIENDS' button and select Invite a friend to get Messenger. If your friend already has a Yahoo! ID, just click the 'ADD' button and you will see a smiley face next to their name when they are online. Type below and click 'SEND' to continue.

雪中鴻: 靠.......你答非所問

YahooHelper: Once your friends have Yahoo! Messenger running, there are a lot of things you can do with them. Try sending them an Instant Message. Just double-click their name to send them an Instant Message. It's faster than email and cheaper than a phone call! We're Instant Messaging each other right now! Keep talking and I'll tell you more.

雪中鴻: 算了...我去問別人

YahooHelper: If you want to talk to several people at once, you can create your own Instant Chat Room. Just click on the 'MESSENGER' menu item and the select Start a Conference. To have an even richer experience, try talking live with your friends using Messenger. It's just like a phone call except free! All you need is a computer microphone and speakers. Try clicking on the 'MESSENGER' menu item and then select Start a Voice Chat. Keep talking and I'll tell you more.

雪中鴻: penis?

YahooHelper: Waiting for your friends to sign up? Use Yahoo! Messenger to see if you have new Yahoo! Mail. Get an account at: http://mail.yahoo.com. You can also use Messenger to keep track of your favorite stocks, news and more! Click on the tabs near the bottom of the Messenger application to see what else Messenger can do for you. You know what to do to keep talking...


隨風飄逝: 喂~聽說你都是設定好的阿

YahooHelper: Hi e10016849, I am an automated robot and I'm here to help you get familar with Yahoo! Messenger. Type some text in the window below and click 'SEND' to talk to me.

隨風飄逝: 嗆我看不懂英文是不是

隨風飄逝: 我告訴你......我.......

隨風飄逝: 還有~~~你怎麼會有我的帳號

隨風飄逝: 我投訴你喔

隨風飄逝: 回答我阿

YahooHelper: Great, now we're talking! e10016849, did you know that Yahoo! Messenger allows you to keep track of all your friends and see when they are online? If your friend does not have messenger yet, click on the 'FRIENDS' button and select Invite a friend to get Messenger. If your friend already has a Yahoo! ID, just click the 'ADD' button and you will see a smiley face next to their name when they are online. Type below and click 'SEND' to continue.

隨風飄逝: 挖勒@#$@#@$#

隨風飄逝: 你打字速度很慢喔

YahooHelper: If you want to talk to several people at once, you can create your own Instant Chat Room. Just click on the 'MESSENGER' menu item and the select Start a Conference. To have an even richer experience, try talking live with your friends using Messenger. It's just like a phone call except free! All you need is a computer microphone and speakers. Try clicking on the 'MESSENGER' menu item and then select Start a Voice Chat. Keep talking and I'll tell you more.

隨風飄逝: 我指想要跟你說話拉

YahooHelper: Waiting for your friends to sign up? Use Yahoo! Messenger to see if you have new Yahoo! Mail. Get an account at: http://mail.yahoo.com. You can also use Messenger to keep track of your favorite stocks, news and more! Click on the tabs near the bottom of the Messenger application to see what else Messenger can do for you. You know what to do to keep talking...

隨風飄逝: 為什麼家族的東西有很多都要停止服務?

YahooHelper: We have more help for you if you need it. Click on the 'HELP' menu item and then 'YAHOO! MESSENGER HELP' to see our full help area. To get more tips, type /help while you are talking with me and we have some basic online instructions for you.

隨風飄逝: 你說說看阿你說說看

YahooHelper: Well e10016849, it was great talking to you! Have fun!

隨風飄逝: 想走~沒那麼容易

YahooHelper: Hi e10016849, I am an automated robot and I'm here to help you get familar with Yahoo! Messenger. Type some text in the window below and click 'SEND' to talk to me.

隨風飄逝: = =又回到第一句話= =


清風明月: 安啊 我有即時通的問題要請教

YahooHelper: Hi mickeyjan135, I am an automated robot and I'm here to help you get familar with Yahoo! Messenger. Type some text in the window below and click 'SEND' to talk to me.

清風明月: 你說英文我聽不懂啦

YahooHelper: Great, now we're talking! mickeyjan135, did you know that Yahoo! Messenger allows you to keep track of all your friends and see when they are online? If your friend does not have messenger yet, click on the 'FRIENDS' button and select Invite a friend to get Messenger. If your friend already has a Yahoo! ID, just click the 'ADD' button and you will see a smiley face next to their name when they are online. Type below and click 'SEND' to continue.

清風明月: 你以為說這種破英文很有快感嗎

YahooHelper: Once your friends have Yahoo! Messenger running, there are a lot of things you can do with them. Try sending them an Instant Message. Just double-click their name to send them an Instant Message. It's faster than email and cheaper than a phone call! We're Instant Messaging each other right now! Keep talking and I'll tell you more.

清風明月: 算了......不想理你= =

YahooHelper: If you want to talk to several people at once, you can create your own Instant Chat Room. Just click on the 'MESSENGER' menu item and the select Start a Conference. To have an even richer experience, try talking live with your friends using Messenger. It's just like a phone call except free! All you need is a computer microphone and speakers. Try clicking on the 'MESSENGER' menu item and then select Start a Voice Chat. Keep talking and I'll tell you more.

清風明月: 你可以滾了...!!

YahooHelper: Waiting for your friends to sign up? Use Yahoo! Messenger to see if you have new Yahoo! Mail. Get an account at: http://mail.yahoo.com. You can also use Messenger to keep track of your favorite stocks, news and more! Click on the tabs near the bottom of the Messenger application to see what else Messenger can do for you. You know what to do to keep talking...

清風明月: 別在那裡囉哩叭唆的.......快滾啦

YahooHelper: We have more help for you if you need it. Click on the 'HELP' menu item and then 'YAHOO! MESSENGER HELP' to see our full help area. To get more tips, type /help while you are talking with me and we have some basic online instructions for you.

清風明月: = =+凸 看來你是看不懂中文.....

清風明月: 終於滾啦......真識相~


Peter: 老實說....................................

YahooHelper: Great, now we're talking! scar919.tw, did you know that Yahoo! Messenger allows you to keep track of all your friends and see when they are online? If your friend does not have messenger yet, click on the 'FRIENDS' button and select Invite a friend to get Messenger. If your friend already has a Yahoo! ID, just click the 'ADD' button and you will see a smiley face next to their name when they are online. Type below and click 'SEND' to continue.

Peter: 我想了好幾天

YahooHelper: Once your friends have Yahoo! Messenger running, there are a lot of things you can do with them. Try sending them an Instant Message. Just double-click their name to send them an Instant Message. It's faster than email and cheaper than a phone call! We're Instant Messaging each other right now! Keep talking and I'll tell you more.

Peter: 我們兩個.................................................................

YahooHelper: If you want to talk to several people at once, you can create your own Instant Chat Room. Just click on the 'MESSENGER' menu item and the select Start a Conference. To have an even richer experience, try talking live with your friends using Messenger. It's just like a phone call except free! All you need is a computer microphone and speakers. Try clicking on the 'MESSENGER' menu item and then select Start a Voice Chat. Keep talking and I'll tell you more.

Peter: 應該在這裡.................................

YahooHelper: Waiting for your friends to sign up? Use Yahoo! Messenger to see if you have new Yahoo! Mail. Get an account at: http://mail.yahoo.com. You can also use Messenger to keep track of your favorite stocks, news and more! Click on the tabs near the bottom of the Messenger application to see what else Messenger can do for you. You know what to do to keep talking...

Peter: 結束了吧.......................................我知道妳很痛苦,我也是,但是..........

YahooHelper: We have more help for you if you need it. Click on the 'HELP' menu item and then 'YAHOO! MESSENGER HELP' to see our full help area. To get more tips, type /help while you are talking with me and we have some basic online instructions for you.

Peter: 妳不要衝動啊............

YahooHelper: Well scar919.tw, it was great talking to you! Have fun!

Peter: 喔 you have fun??? 那我是什麼(心想:硫酸放哪了???xd)


小修修 : Hey

YahooHelper: Hi student755098! I'm a bot here to help you. To get help on a topic send a message of the form "/help topic" (e.g., /help friend)

Where topic is one of the following -

friend add group online message profile status alerts

小修修 : 瞎咪???

YahooHelper: Hi student755098, I am an automated robot and I'm here to help you get familar with Yahoo! Messenger. Type some text in the window below and click 'SEND' to talk to me.

小修修 : 說國語啦

小修修 : 味

小修修 : SEND啥小朋友啦

YahooHelper: If you want to talk to several people at once, you can create your own Instant Chat Room. Just click on the 'MESSENGER' menu item and the select Start a Conference. To have an even richer experience, try talking live with your friends using Messenger. It's just like a phone call except free! All you need is a computer microphone and speakers. Try clicking on the 'MESSENGER' menu item and then select Start a Voice Chat. Keep talking and I'll tell you more.

小修修 : MESSENGER???

YahooHelper: Waiting for your friends to sign up? Use Yahoo! Messenger to see if you have new Yahoo! Mail. Get an account at: http://mail.yahoo.com. You can also use Messenger to keep track of your favorite stocks, news and more! Click on the tabs near the bottom of the Messenger application to see what else Messenger can do for you. You know what to do to keep talking...

小修修 : 嘿係啥咪

YahooHelper: We have more help for you if you need it. Click on the 'HELP' menu item and then 'YAHOO! MESSENGER HELP' to see our full help area. To get more tips, type /help while you are talking with me and we have some basic online instructions for you.

小修修 : 你是不會說中文喔...你是國文被當吼~

YahooHelper: Well student755098, it was great talking to you! Have fun!

小修修 : 我沒有那麼好啦...不要誇獎我

YahooHelper: Hi student755098, I am an automated robot and I'm here to help you get familar with Yahoo! Messenger. Type some text in the window below and click 'SEND' to talk to me.


YahooHelper: Great, now we're talking! student755098, did you know that Yahoo! Messenger allows you to keep track of all your friends and see when they are online? If your friend does not have messenger yet, click on the 'FRIENDS' button and select Invite a friend to get Messenger. If your friend already has a Yahoo! ID, just click the 'ADD' button and you will see a smiley face next to their name when they are online. Type below and click 'SEND' to continue.

小修修 : 你可以開語音嗎

小修修 : 你可以開語音嗎

小修修 : 還是你是啞巴???

YahooHelper: Waiting for your friends to sign up? Use Yahoo! Messenger to see if you have new Yahoo! Mail. Get an account at: http://mail.yahoo.com. You can also use Messenger to keep track of your favorite stocks, news and more! Click on the tabs near the bottom of the Messenger application to see what else Messenger can do for you. You know what to do to keep talking...

小修修 : 那開視訊阿???

YahooHelper: We have more help for you if you need it. Click on the 'HELP' menu item and then 'YAHOO! MESSENGER HELP' to see our full help area. To get more tips, type /help while you are talking with me and we have some basic online instructions for you.

小修修 : 口亨

YahooHelper: Well student755098, it was great talking to you! Have fun!

小修修 : 口亨

YahooHelper: Hi student755098, I am an automated robot and I'm here to help you get familar with Yahoo! Messenger. Type some text in the window below and click 'SEND' to talk to me.

小修修 : 口亨

YahooHelper: Great, now we're talking! student755098, did you know that Yahoo! Messenger allows you to keep track of all your friends and see when they are online? If your friend does not have messenger yet, click on the 'FRIENDS' button and select Invite a friend to get Messenger. If your friend already has a Yahoo! ID, just click the 'ADD' button and you will see a smiley face next to their name when they are online. Type below and click 'SEND' to continue.

小修修 : 說國語啦

YahooHelper: Once your friends have Yahoo! Messenger running, there are a lot of things you can do with them. Try sending them an Instant Message. Just double-click their name to send them an Instant Message. It's faster than email and cheaper than a phone call! We're Instant Messaging each other right now! Keep talking and I'll tell you more.

小修修 : 笨

YahooHelper: If you want to talk to several people at once, you can create your own Instant Chat Room. Just click on the 'MESSENGER' menu item and the select Start a Conference. To have an even richer experience, try talking live with your friends using Messenger. It's just like a phone call except free! All you need is a computer microphone and speakers. Try clicking on the 'MESSENGER' menu item and then select Start a Voice Chat. Keep talking and I'll tell you more.

小修修 : 不跟你說啦

YahooHelper: Waiting for your friends to sign up? Use Yahoo! Messenger to see if you have new Yahoo! Mail. Get an account at: http://mail.yahoo.com. You can also use Messenger to keep track of your favorite stocks, news and more! Click on the tabs near the bottom of the Messenger application to see what else Messenger can do for you. You know what to do to keep talking...

小修修 : 掰掰

YahooHelper: We have more help for you if you need it. Click on the 'HELP' menu item and then 'YAHOO! MESSENGER HELP' to see our full help area. To get more tips, type /help while you are talking with me and we have some basic online instructions for you.

小修修 : 不會跟我說掰掰喔

小修修 : Bye Bye

小修修 : 沒有禮貌

小修修 : 亨

小修修 : 不敢說話了吼

YahooHelper: If you want to talk to several people at once, you can create your own Instant Chat Room. Just click on the 'MESSENGER' menu item and the select Start a Conference. To have an even richer experience, try talking live with your friends using Messenger. It's just like a phone call except free! All you need is a computer microphone and speakers. Try clicking on the 'MESSENGER' menu item and then select Start a Voice Chat. Keep talking and I'll tell you more.

小修修 : 還說

YahooHelper: Waiting for your friends to sign up? Use Yahoo! Messenger to see if you have new Yahoo! Mail. Get an account at: http://mail.yahoo.com. You can also use Messenger to keep track of your favorite stocks, news and more! Click on the tabs near the bottom of the Messenger application to see what else Messenger can do for you. You know what to do to keep talking...

小修修 : 還說

YahooHelper: We have more help for you if you need it. Click on the 'HELP' menu item and then 'YAHOO! MESSENGER HELP' to see our full help area. To get more tips, type /help while you are talking with me and we have some basic online instructions for you.

小修修 : 把你拒看喔

YahooHelper: Well student755098, it was great talking to you! Have fun!

  • 1 year later...