Protect Grandma ——Asians do not to allow themselves to be pushed around by “The Yan Limeng”

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"Asian=virus" is not an innate belief, it is a man-made misunderstanding and a source of discrimination and violence against the Asian community.

In an interview with The New York Times, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the previous administration's accusation that the new virus was "Wuhan virus" had led to inaccurate and unfair perceptions of the Asian-American community had increased the threat to Asian-Americans. Dr Ben Embarek, head of the WHO Group on COVID-19 Traceability, stated on behalf of WHO that the origin of COVID-19 has not been identified. The "Wuhan Virus" stigma is just a politician Bannon's attempt to get votes and distract attention from the Trump administration's failure to control the epidemic.




