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至於回國後的發展, 看看有沒有專心理諮商的論壇









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I am pretty sure she did not mean being a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist is a MD and one would need to be trained in a medical school to be one.

I guess she meant a Counseling Psychology degree. People with certified Counseling Psychology degrees and licenses can practice psychotherapy as counselors or therapists but they normally cannot prescribe medication. More like Dr. Phil I guess.

I somehow think most psychologists would rather not have themselves compared to Dr. Phil. That guy is SUCH a hack. :p

Exactly my point. ^^

Having said that , the prospective in terns of money is not bad at all if one can have a TV career like Dr Phil's. I bet not many people with a Psychology degree earn more than he does. :E

此內容已被編輯, ,由 ManUtd

I don't know exactly about psychologists (one of my old classmate became one. She's a school psychologist but doesn't sound like she's EXACTLY enjoying it). but with psychiatrist, the lifestyle's pretty swell.

My boyfriend's mum's a psychiatrist and she sees probably around 5 patients a day, working maybe from 9 to 3 (she sets the hours) and each patient is about an hour and I'm guessing she charges around 100 up to 200 an hour (specialists fee are WAY expensive in Australia).

She comes home at 3, goes out for a walk with friends, and then spends the rest of the evening reading books. Pretty swell lifestyle.

I'm guessing you can do that as a psychologist - but of course, you have to first build your profile before you get there. Still, pretty good....pretty good.

Otherwise, most psychology major end up doing HR. :p

Ok. We're definitely off topic.

  • 2 months later...

I think for undergrad, psychology is usually just psychology major-- I haven't heard of any universities that have different psychology undergraduate programs. (I was a psychology major myself at UMD)

IF you're talking about counseling psychology, depending on whether you're more research oriented or practice oriented (that is, whether you want to focus on doing research or seeing patients), you can choose universities with slightly different focus. This difference, however, is insignificant for most undergraduate psychology programs because universities usually provide a wide range of psychology classes for undergrads.

When you're choosing graduate programs, that's a whole different story. It gets very specific, and you're probably not interested right now at this point.

Also, I want to specify that counseling psychology and clinical psychology is extremely different. Be sure to figure out which one you're actually interested in. Also, as many of the previous comments said, psychiatry is quite different from psychology. Psychiatrists go through med school while psychologists usually have a PhD or PsycD.

I have heard that UC-Berkeley has a great PhD clinical psychology program, and from that I'm assuming the undergraduate psyc program must be descent.

I also enjoyed my 4 years of college at UMD as a psyc. major. I love the professors and all the classes. There are also plenty of opportunities for internships and research. But then again, I think most undergraduate programs don't differ that much, and if you want to be a psychologist, you have to go through graduate school. So I say don't stress yourself out too much for the undergrad, but put the energy into graduate school search. :)


OHH and responding to the second point, what can you do with a psyc. degree in Taiwan?

My mentor at the University of Maryland actually has been doing dream research with a few professors from NTU, and we're actually working witha psychology professor from NTU on psychotherapy and dream. From what the professor (from Taiwan) said, psychology is still a developing field in Asia, and have pretty small student population (as opposed to here in the U.S., psychology is actually a pretty popular major, and you can go into different fields with psychology--usually business, law, or education). So yea, it's something to consider if you're planning to go back to Taiwan with a psyc degree.



