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他們也不用管太多= =








主動邀請 屢試不爽








我都 假裝一副無害的臉XD















一直假裝不懂問問題 噗哈







Usually this.

I'm local honey (and I'm Asian too) and yes, I prefer not to team up with overseas students IF (notice the IF) it involves A LOT of writing (if it's programming stuff, I don't CARE! So long you can PROGRAM, I don't care if you can't speak English well). From experience, the amount of time you spend proof reading reports is longer than writing the whole thing yourself. It's a sad but true fact.

However, it totally depends. Some overseas students do manage to get their English down-packed and I have no problem teaming up with them. I usually check this by engaging in a conversation with them and if we can get through with eachother 90% of the time, then I'm totally fine with that.

(This doesn't mean I don't want to be your friends if you're English isn't that good yet. More than welcome for people to practice with me but yeah, when marks are invovled....you kind of want to be careful. Again, I stress it totally depends on the nature of the group work. If LOTS of writing is invovled, you of course choose people with better language ability. If not, who cares really so long you're responsible)

Finally, most overseas students all huddle up in their own little group. Even when I DO want to team up with overseas students, I tend to not have the chance.

Just to clear up, I have teamed up with overseas students before (several times) but I had been lucky to team up with hard-working ones and with their English pretty down-packed. I still do the final proof-reading though. Many of my other friends had bad experiences of teaming with overseas students with terrible English that they had to spend extra 3 hours every week re-writing their part of the report to the point it's not worth it in the end. It's even worse when the lecturer say he'll deduct 20% off the final mark if there's a LOT of spelling and grammar error (the lecturer himself is Asian - so no, he's not picking on overseas students specifically. The thing is, we were writing a formal report. It's reasonable to AT LEAST get the language correct)

Final, FINAL thing. This has NOTHING to do with race - it's simply picking people that matches your ability - something that is also done in terms of job seeking. In terms of uni, you obviously want someone who's aiming for the same quality of work and have similar or even better ability than yours.

If, however, your local classmates backs away from you simply because you're an overseas students without checking your language ability, then they're pricks.

And just one FINAL word. You're in QUEENSLAND. No offence but Queensland is....well...they're the ONLY state that supports Pauline Hanson - enough said.


Natsuko. 有空跟我聊聊吧. 我算是澳洲人了.

EDIT: And agree to whoever that said to be proactive and ask to join yourself. You should totally do that. Many locals also "back away" from overseas students because we're SO USED to getting reactions from overseas students making nervous faces, mumble something about not being good at English and then running away to their friends (which pisses most of us off because we feel like we're freaks or something) so we kind of learn not to bother and go with whoever we manage to strike a conversation first (provided you don't have friends doing the same course as you).

The other thing is most overseas students start from foundation so by the time they enter uni, they've already created their own social clique (usually consisting JUST overseas students) and tend to shy away from local students that we feel like we're being excluded and can't enter into the clique so we go off and find someone else to talk to. Don't feel you're the only one feeling excluded. Locals feel excluded too!


The other thing is most overseas students start from foundation so by the time they enter uni, they've already created their own social clique (usually consisting JUST overseas students) and tend to shy away from local students that we feel like we're being excluded and can't enter into the clique so we go off and find someone else to talk to. Don't feel you're the only one feeling excluded. Locals feel excluded too!


This helps a LOOOT. Same things happen in the US, too.


我想也是吧....local 看到我會說英文好像就一付訝異的樣子


不會吧? 聽妳這樣講讓我想起我七歲到黃金海岸度假時, 房間的電視壞了.


自己跑到隔壁房, 讓我一個人應付修理人員


好像第一次遇到這樣的中國人似的 (雪莉這裡根本不稀奇. 反而是會講中文才稀奇)


到現在還這樣了話, 也難怪他們對國外來的人不習慣了... (though I still don't excuse them for supporting Pauline Hanson - except the supporters are mostly farmers meaning they live in remote areas and probably never met a non-White Australian in their life. Ignorance in other cultures also prevails in the older generations. It's really the Aussies in our generations that are completely comfortable with vast cultural background simply because we're so used to it.)


Depends how you look at it. For one, Queensland's a beautiful place to visit if you like the natural world. In terms of RACIAL tolerance...yeah...they're a little behind there...but that's because hardly anyone think of Queensland when they think of going to Australia. Everyone just flocks to Sydney ^.^|||

Still, try your best to mingle with the locals. You'll see things in a new light. If they SERIOUSLY don't want you to join in simply because you're not local, then, as I've said, they're pricks but that's just specific to them. I'm sure there are plenty of nice Queenslanders around. The repair man I was talking about was certainly very nice to me and definitely wasn't hostile towards me simply because I'm foreign (I've only been in Australia for a year at that point so I still feel more Taiwanese than Australian back then - but yeah - my English was free of accent by then for some reason)


This helps a LOOOT. Same things happen in the US, too.




This helps a LOOOT. Same things happen in the US, too.


Indeed though, but this is no news for any of us.

The social clique does not just apply to us the foreign fellows, but this applies to anyone as long as they have "friends".

I remembered when I started the 1st year of university life here in the U.S, the social clique norm became so obvious in my eyes, I saw people picked friends based on life style, majors, personalities, preferred sexuality, music taste, religion, and a bunch of other things that anyone could pick out.

These qualities are simply out there for people to pick their new friends in a "easy" fashion.

I remembered when I started the 1st year of university life here in the U.S, the social clique norm became so obvious in my eyes, I saw people picked friends based on life style, majors, personalities, preferred sexuality, music taste, religion, and a bunch of other things that anyone could pick out.

Based on majors is probably inevitable. You're probably in the same class most of the time. As for personality...well...DUH. Why would you make friends with someone you can't get along with? Unless you mean they pick people with SIMILAR personality. Now THAT will be weird. Being friends with yourself? I think I'll freak myself out!. 一_一狠 As for everything else.....hmmmmm.....now I find that interesting.

I hardly knew ANYONE when I entered uni except for the 12 girls from my high school. Unfortunately, all of us were doing different degrees and UNSW's huge so you don't really see them. In fact, I only see my other friend probably once every 3 months through prior arrangement and only bump into her once every month or something and she's in the same faculty as me (but different school). So here I am, at the computing faculty, knowing noone. My mum urged me to do what my brother did which is enter Taiwanese student association - which I did - but I forgot to go to their orientation bbq and by the time I did go to one of their events, everyone's formed a clique T_T. In the end, I just ended making friends with whoever I manage to sit next to during lectures and tutorials...and then they will bring more friends...and so on and so forth. As the years go by, the number of friends increases because existing friends will meet new people in their classes or at work and when we have gatherings, they'll bring their new friends along and the network gets larger. Though.....I admit that most of my friends are computing students...then engineers....who may also be commerce/art/law people at the same time....


I don't know. For me, the cliques form in the following ways:

1. clubs

2. overseas students who started at foundation

3. people who went to the same high school (which is basically similar to 2)

4. same country and background

5. same degrees

6. same class

7. room mates

8. party animals (ie. they know EVERYONE)

9. work

For me, I guess 5, 6 and 9. Or, to be accurate, I just go with the flow. Worked well for me thus far.



