【創作】我高中英文課交的 F**k作文

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一來是用自己當 example 分享我大學以前做了什麼才會上好大學 等等

我高中做的其中一件事就是 : 十二年級的AP英文課 , 我交了一篇 f**k 的作文.

老師還讓我上課一字不漏的念給全班聽呢 ! :)

這是我高中寫過最好的一篇作文 來自推推 : http://www.wretch.cc/blog/acchang88/26440824

Hope you'll like it ! ^^


1. 為了保持原貌, 這篇是照我當時12年級時寫得那篇 verbatim 的貼上來 , 所以文法 , 語句 , 等有一些錯誤.

2. 這不是我的高中論文, 只是整年老師課堂上出的功課的其中之一, 今天出隔天交的那種. 短短的一頁, 隨興寫, 也不用找資料. 成績只是 check minus, check, 或 check plus (雖然老師最後給我 check plus plus plus), 不是像論文那種要準備幾個月, 寫至少五六頁, 分數會影響學期成績的那種.

sorry about the confusion! :)



跟 Trainspotting 一樣。

恩 我po之前讀的時候有發現幾個洞洞

本來想改順一點 可是後來想說要照原稿一字不漏的轉貼


可見我的英文有多爛 ! =P


Your thesis seems to be weak to me. I dont quite sure what message you are trying to send to the readers. It seems like you are doing it as a suspended thesis essay or evolving thesis essay, but your structure fit neither perfectly into these two catogories. To me, I feel like you are simply introducing the background and the usage of the word. Furthermore, your body paragraph falls into the realm of listing, which is not a good thingy in an academic writing. But anyway, it's just my opinion. Your teacher like it, your peers like it, and you like it, those are the only thingy that matter.




她用他的招牌 awkward look 看著我一下, 然後說 "great job" 之類的

不過他好像有發現我讀到最後故意在每個F字上加重音 所以一臉不知道要怎麼辦的樣子! 哈

Your thesis seems to be weak to me. I dont quite sure what message you are trying to send to the readers. It seems like you are doing it as a suspended thesis essay or evolving thesis essay, but your structure fits neither perfectly into these two catogories. To me, I feel like you are simply introducing the background and the usage of the word. Furthermore, your body paragraph falls into the realm of listing, which is not a good thingy in an academic writing. But anyway, it's just my opinion. Your teacher likes it, your peers like it, and you like it. Those are the only thingy that matter.

Actually, it is not a thesis, but simply a daily homework in my AP English class out of many. It's a 1 page free-writing, no research/sources required, graded out of check minus, check, or check plus, and the score would be negligible to my final grade (compared to, say, a quiz or my Senior Thesis). it is intended to be an introduction to the history and modern usage of the word phuck.

I totally agree that, looking back onto it 3 years later, it's not well written and I would probably get at most a B- for the lack of thesis statement and body structure, but I wanted to make it verbatim to keep its originality, and that's how I write back then ::shrugs::. I did get the highest grade on that essay though! :P

and since you brought it up, a story about my (fake) Senior Thesis in high school can be found here.



