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比如這題:I have no idea _____.

(1) what she decides to do (2) what is he thinking about (3) how he solve the problem (4) whether will come back















1. (答:1)I have no idea _____.

(1) what she decides to do (2) what is he thinking about (3) how he solve the problem (4) whether will come back (28735)

2. (答:1)I heard Ken _____ to his friend on the phone.

(1) talk (2) talked (3) talks (4) to talk (32115)

3. (答:3)A thief stole my wallet. Fortunately, there was _____ valuable inside.

(1) anything (2) something (3) nothing (4) everything (32029)

4.(答:2) The old man kept _______ the same story over and over.

(1) to talk (2) talking (3) talk (4) talked (28366)

5.(答:3) My sister has spent the whole week _____ for the entrance exam.

(1) prepare (2) to prepare (3) preparing (4) prepared (32119)

6. (答:4)The salesman showed me _____ ues the printer.

(1) how could I (2) what could I (3) what to (4) how to (32113)

7.(答:4) John got hurt and was sent to the hospital; ______ he did not show up this morning.

(1) in fact (2) however (3) in addition (4) no wonder (31077)

8. (答:x)Peter is outgoing and confident, ____ his brother is shy and quiet.

9.(答:2) ___________, we could not go to the beach.

(1) Because the rain (2) Because it rained heavily (3) Because of it was raining (4) It rained heavily (31073)

10.(答:3)My parents take turns at the housework. One prepares dinner, and _____ do the dishes.

(1) another (2) other (3) the other (4) the others

1.(答:2)The beautiful dress made her _______ much younger.

(1) looks (2) look (3) looked (4) looking (28350)

2. (答:1)In my neighborhood __________.

(1) lived a lonely man (2) lying the famous building (3) wandering some stray dogs (4) sat she (32097)

3.(答:1) The price of the dress is $1,500, _____ the tax.

(1) including (2) included (3) to include (4) inclusive (31072)

5.(答:3) He lay on the grass, with his eyes wide _____.

(1) close (2) closing (3) open (4) opening (28734)

6. (答:2)People living in the city are too busy ______ a rest.

(1) from taking (2) to take (3) take (4) took (31083)

7.(答:2) The _____ building caught fire last night.

(1) twenty-stories (2) twenty-story (3) twenty-story-tall (4) twenty stories tall (32058)

7. (答:3)By the time his mother came home, he ___ all his homework.

(1) has completed (2) completed (3) had completed (4) was completed (31090)

2. (答:4)Bob went to the party, and ___ Mary.

(1) so does (2) also is (3) so was (4) so did (31079)

5.(答:2) _____ wonderful it is to have a hot bath after work!

(1) What (2) How (3) It (4) When (32118)

7. (答:3)The girl _____ a yellow hat is my cousin.

(1) wears (2) wore (3) wearing (4) worn (32114)

8. (答:3)You have to drive carefully _______ road you take.

(1) no matter how (2) whenever (3) no matter which (4) wherever (28368)

9.(答:1) What he has done in the field __________ him a successful scientist.

(1) makes (2) takes (3) does (4) turned (31088)

10. (答:1)Mother made me _____ the violin after school every day.

(1) practice playing (2) to practice playing (3) practicing to play (4) practice to play

1.(答:3) _____ in simple English, the article is neat and easy to understand.

(1) To write (2) Writing (3) Written (4) Having writing (32116)

5.(答:2) If it _______ tomorrow, the outdoor concert will be put off.

(1) will rain (2) rains (3) rained (4) raining (32071)

7. (答:1)Mary asked her son to find out the answer ________ the question.

(1) to (2) of (3) for (4) on (31075)




1. (答:2)下列敘述何者有誤?

(1)欲刪除檔案可按DEL鍵 (2)Windows XP無法顯示檔案的副檔名 (3)Windows XP提供了檔案總管來協助使用者管理檔案 (4)螢幕解析度愈高,可視範圍就愈廣。

2. (答:3)執行應用軟體時,其存放在主記憶體之位置,係由何者設定之?

(1)應用軟體 (2)使用者 (3)作業系統 (4)硬體 (30775)

3. (答:1)一般公寓在樓梯間所使用的雙刀開關,可使人在樓下開樓上關,或樓上開樓下關,這種電路設計相當於下列何種邏輯運算?

(1)XOR (2)OR (3)AND (4)NOT (30787)

4.(答:1) 在量販店內,商品包裝上所貼的條碼(bar code)係協助結帳及庫存盤點之用,則該條碼在此方面之資料處理作業上係屬於

(1)輸入設備 (2)輸入媒體 (3)輸出設備 (4)輸出媒體。 (30786)

5. (答:1)不需購買底片就能拍攝相片又環保的新產品是

(1)數位相機(2)數據機(3)掃描器(4)印表機 (30771)

6.(答:1) 在Windows98中,若欲尋找被刪除的檔案,應執行下列那一個動作

(1)『資源回收筒』(2)『開始/尋找』(3)『控制台/協助工具選項』(4)『開始/檔案總管/工具/尋找』 (30767)

7. (答:3)撥接、ADSL、專線固接都是屬於

(1)紅外線 (2)寬頻 (3)有線 (4)無線 網路。 (31894)

8. (答:1)電腦界常說的「IT」指的是 

(1)資訊技術 (2)無紙辦公室 (3)客戶服務 (4)研發產品。 (30774)

9. (答:1)下列哪一種儲存媒體存取資料的速度最快?

(1)暫存器 (2)主記憶體 (3)硬碟 (4)磁帶。

10. (答:1)利用網路搜尋國立故宮博物院中[典藏精選]中以何種典藏作品最多

(1)繪畫 (2)書法 (3)玉器 (4)珍玩 (30785)

2. (答:1)在Windows98中,若將檔案拖曳至『印表機』圖示內,應屬於執行下列那一個動作:

(1)『列印』該檔案(2)『開啟』該檔案 (3)『複製』該檔案 (4)『建立』該檔案之捷徑。 (30783)

3. (答:2)我們將電腦分成第一代、第二代、第三代、第四代等等,請問劃分的依據為何?

(1)用途 (2)使用之電子元件 (3)功能與速度 (4)發展的年代 (30789)

4. (答:4)利用網路搜尋國立故宮博物院中「典藏精選」中「文?」典藏,其典藏作品以那一個朝代最多?

(1)宋代 (2)元代 (3)明代 (4)清代 (31891)

5.(答:2) CPU的處理速度以MIPS為單位,請問MIPS代表每秒執行幾個指令?

(1)一萬個 (2)一百萬個 (3)一千萬個 (4)一億個。 (28401)

9. (答:2)什麼是MSN?123

(1)全球資訊網 (2)即時通訊 (3)電子郵件 (4)檔案傳輸。 (31895)

10. (答:4)「512M 記憶體」這個名詞所指的是下列那一項?

(1)512×2 bits (2)512×2 Bytes (3)512×2 bits (4)512×2 Bytes (30780)

6. (答:4)按哪些鍵可以重新啟動電腦

(1)Ctrl+Shift (2)Alt+Shift (3)Ctrl+Alt (4)Ctrl+Alt+Del (30772)

3.(答:3) 在二進位系統中每一個0或1稱為

(1)Byte (2)Word (3)bit (4)KB (30768)

4.(答:1) 電腦執行數值運算的速度受到下列何者影響?

(1)CPU的速度 (2)硬式磁碟機存取資料的速度 (3)電流強弱 (4)打字員的打字速度 (30769)

1.(答:2) 二進位數101010011可化成十六進位數

(1)A91 (2)153 (3)523 (4)339 (30776)

3.(答:3) 在Windows XP中,在中文輸入法中,要切換全型和半型輸入,預設值為按下列那一個按鍵?

(1)Ctrl+Space (2)Ctrl+Shift (3)Shift+Space (4)Ctrl+Alt。 (30791)

4.(答:3) Windows XP中欲選取全部檔案可按住

(1)Shift鍵 (2)Ctrl鍵 (3)Ctrl + A (4)Shift + A 再選取檔案。

7. (答:3)在WINDOWS作業系統下,可將滑鼠游標放在目前工作視窗右上角形狀為x的鈕並按下,則可將此工作視窗

(1)縮到最小 (2)放到最大 (3)關閉 (4)移動到最下面 (30784)

9. (答:1)網址中的gov是代表什麼機構

(1)政府 (2)網路服務者 (3)教育界 (4)商業類 (30773)

3. (答:1)電腦最基本的運算方式為何?

(1)加法 (2)除法 (3)減法 (4)乘法 (30782)

9. (答:3)目前(台視、中視、華視)三家電視台的電視廣播節目之資料通訊傳輸模式為

(1)全雙工傳輸(2)半雙工傳輸(3)單工傳輸(4)全雙工傳輸和半雙工傳輸 (30779)

4. (答:1)在Windows98中,若欲尋找被刪除的檔案,應執行下列那一個動作

(1)『資源回收筒』(2)『開始/尋找』(3)『控制台/協助工具選項』(4)『開始/檔案總管/工具/尋找』 (30767)

5.(答:2) 在數字系統轉換時,每一個八進位數字可以用多少個二進位數字表示?

(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5 (30788)

8. (答:2)使用郵件(electronic mail)系統時,不需要以下何項設備?

(1)電腦 (2)印表機(3)調變解調器(modem) (4)電話 (30777)




1.(答:1) 所謂的TANet,指的是

(1)臺灣學術網路 (2)全球資訊網路 (3)網際網路 (4)電子郵件。 (30808)

2. (答:3)主機與列表機之間的資料傳輸線路為

(1)雙工(2)半雙工(3)單工(4)並聯 (30796)

3. (答:2)Windows的小算盤不提供下列何種進制的運算?

(1)二進制 (2)六進制 (3)八進制 (4)十六進制。

4.(答:3) I/O裝置、CPU與記憶體間之資料傳送,經由系統匯流排傳送,下列何者不是系統匯流排?

(1)資料匯流排 (2)位址匯流排 (3)通用匯流排 (4)控制匯流排。 (30798)

5. (答:3)利用網路搜尋高雄美術館的「典藏作品」中「單鞭下勢」典藏,此作品為那一個作家的雕塑?

(1)黃土水 (2)楊英風 (3)朱銘 (4)黃輝雄 (31910)

6. (答:2)在MS-Windows系統之程式管理中,下列何種視窗的功能與MS-DOS環境下之autoexec.bat相同?

(1)主群組 (2)啟動 (3)應用程式 (4)附屬應用程式。 (30792)

7. (答:4)智慧卡上的「積體電路」晶片其實就是一般常說的 

(1)AI (2)IT (3)IA (4)IC。 (31907)

8. (答:4)下列那一項不是常見的顯示器之解析度規格?

(1) 1024*768圖素(2) 800*600圖素(3) 640*480圖素(4) 400*300圖素 (30811)

9. (答:3)目前散佈各地的電腦使用者常使用下列那一個功能,經由電腦網路收送訊息?

(1)電傳通訊購物 (2)電子報紙 (3)電子郵件 (4)電子會議。 (30795)

10.(答:3) 原有程式執行速度愈來愈慢的原因是

(1) 磁片發霉(2)電壓不夠(3) 感染病毒(4) 磁片變形 (30804)

2. (答:1)網路系統中資料的第一道保護措施為

(1)使用者密碼 (2)目錄名稱 (3)使用者帳號 (4)檔案屬性 (30803)

3. (答:3)在全球資訊網中,瀏覽器與網站之間傳送訊息時,使用的通訊協定是

(1)HTML (2)URL (3)HTTP (4)ASP (30809)

4.(答:1) 在微電腦系統中,要安裝週邊設備時,常在電腦主機板上安插一硬體配件,以便系統和週邊設備能適當溝通,該配件名稱為

(1)介面卡 (2)讀卡機 (3)繪圖機 (4)掃描器。 (30812)

7. (答:4)下列哪一項個人電腦的輸出入介面可用來直接連接數位相機?

(1)AGP介面 (2)IDE介面 (3)PCI介面 (4)USB介面。 (30794)

8. (答:2)下列何種作業系統並非採用圖形化使者介面

(1)Windows XP (2) MS-DOS (3) Mac OS (4) OS/2 (30814)

9.(答:3) 在Windows中,如果要在檔案總管中顯示檔案名稱的類型,則應在那一個功能表中設定?

(1)工具 (2)檔案 (3)檢視 (4)編輯。 (30806)

10. (答:3)若某學校錄取 1000 名學生,則至少需多少位元才能對 1000 名學生的學號加以編號? 

(1)6 (2)8 (3)10 (4)12。 (31906)

3. (答:1)若想要整理磁碟中不連續的檔案片段,使磁碟空間更加完整連續應執行 

(1)磁碟重組 (2)磁碟掃描 (3)磁碟清理 (4)磁碟壓縮。 (30805)

1. (答:3)若[AAA]是[PPP]的子資料夾,則也可以說[PPP]是[AAA]的

(1)子目錄 (2)上一頁 (3)父目錄 (4)下一頁 (30816)

2. (答:4)在Windows XP的「檔案總管」中,選取C磁碟中的一個檔案,並拖曳至桌面上,會產生什麼結果?

(1)將檔案內容顯示桌面上 (2)這個操作不被允許 (3)刪除這個檔案 (4)將這個檔案的捷徑搬移到桌面上。 (30815)

3.(答:3) 報章雜誌上提到的「MP3」指的是一種 

(1)新型隨身聽 (2)數位化的歌曲 (3)數位音樂的儲存格式 (4)免費歌曲或音樂。 (31908)

4. (答:1)一般文書處理軟體會把正在編輯的文件檔案放在那裡?

(1) 主記憶體 (2) 磁碟機 (3) 中央處理單元(CPU) (4) 以上皆是 (30801)

8. (答:4)利用網路搜尋國立故宮博物院中「典藏精選」中「玉器」典藏,其典藏作品「玉螭紋觿」是屬於那一個朝代的作品?

(1)商 (2)西周 (3)春秋 (4)戰國 (31909)

9. (答:4)下列敘述何者錯誤?

(1)利用GPS全球定位系統可以確知交通工具的位置 (2)利用測謊、聲紋比對,可以幫助警方辦案 (3)利用網路上的電子政府,民眾洽公省時又方便 (4)利用網路醫院提供的資訊,民眾就可以了解病情,自行到藥局拿藥,不需就醫。 (28406)

5. (答:4)下列何者不包括在CPU中?

(1)暫存器 (2)程式計數器 (3)記憶體 (4)輸出/入 (30797)

6. (答:2)在Windows 2000中,若只按一次Ctrl+Alt+Delete鍵,則可執行下列那一個動作?

(1)關機 (2)關閉目前正在執行的程式 (3)重新開機 (4)不會執行任何動作 (30810)

8. (答:1)Linux是屬於一種

(1)系統軟體 (2)應用軟體 (3)文書處理軟體 (4)資料庫管理軟體 (30793)
























1.(答:2) Belinda gave a _______ of relief when she heard that her husband was released by the kidnapper.

(1) pain (2) sigh (3) pursuit (4) tongue (28808)

2. (答:1)The police asked me to _______ if the robber was the one who had robbed my jewelry.

(1) identify (2) associate (3) capture (4) originate (28807)

3. (答:1)Lily hoped she would make a good _______ on the manager in the job interview.

(1) impression (2) stereotype (3) emotion (4) rejection (28809)

4. (答:4)The people in the bank _______with fear when they saw the robbers with guns.

(1) handled (2) guided (3) existed (4) trembled (28802)

5. (答:2)She goes jogging every day to stay ______.

(1) to be healthy (2) healthy (3) healthily (4) being healthy (31116)

6. (答:4)He tried _____ to ask his brother to go fishing with him. He had to go alone.

(1) for sure (2) in theory (3) in charge (4) in vain (28792)

7.(答:2) He teaches math at a senior high school; _______.

(1) his wife does, either (2) so does his wife (3) neither does his wife (4) his wife is, too (28334)

8. (答:3)He lost his job and thus has difficulty _______ his family.

(1) to support (2) support (3) supporting (4) supports (31111)

9. (答:2)At one time, dinosaurs lived on the earth, but they all _______.

(1) followed up (2) died off (3) figured out (4) based on

10. (答:2)Do not forget _______ an umbrella with you. It is going to rain.

(1) take (2) to take (3) taking (4) taken

8. (答:4)The _____ movies are not suitable for the children. After watching those movies, they may be too frightened to sleep alone.

(1) native (2) pleasant (3) admiring (4) scary (28796)

1. (答:3)When the building was on fire, all the residents _____ out for their lives.

(1) slipped (2) pointed (3) rushed (4) wheeled (31104)

2. (答:1)Do not talk to me _____ I were a baby. I am already a grown-up.

(1) as if (2) even if (3) even though (4) if (28815)

3. (答:2)My daughter does not _______ sleep without a light on.

(1) dare (2) dare to (3) daring (4) to dare

7. (答:2)The old pictures ______ memories of the past days.

(1) applauded (2) evoked (3) imitated (4) conveyed (31100)

4. (答:1)His father retired last month and was no longer _______ the company.

(1) in charge of (2) taken charge of (3) ahead of (4) at the thought of

4. (答:4)It is about time for the government to take measures to handle the economic _____.

(1) cultivation (2) extinction (3) funeral (4) crisis (28797)

7. (答:3)The conservation area is the only _______ of these endangered pandas.

(1) predator (2) confrontation (3) habitat (4) description (28799)

9. (答:2)I cannot _____ why he made the decision.

(1) fit into (2) figure out (3) search for (4) take over (28814)

2. (答:2)She is ______ more beautiful than any other girl in the class.

(1) very (2) a lot (3) less (4) many (31112)

7. (答:3)We have to protect ______ pandas lest they should disappear in the future.

(1) extinct (2) dangerous (3) endangered (4) dead (31108)

8. (答:4)Though Bill _______ her wife as a monster, I think she is easy to get along with.

(1) pursued (2) inspired (3) adjusted (4) described (28801)

9. (答:4)Sophia decided to eat instant noodles at home ________ eating out.

(1) in addition (2) in spite of (3) on account of (4) instead of (32025)

10.(答:3) On hearing the joke, the audience all burst into _______ laughter.

(1) insecure (2) plain (3) spontaneous (4) expressive (28800)

1. (答:3)The company earned a lot of money by ______ a series of English learning materials.

(1) crashing (2) invading (3) publishing (4) landing (31105)

2. (答:3)The police asked the witness to give a detailed _______ of what had happened last night.

(1) extremity (2) confrontation (3) description (4) introduction (28806)

6.(答:4) Lisa was impolite because she spoke ill of others in their _______.

(1) absence (2) performance (3) adolescence (4) observation

10. (答:4)Daniel never studied and fooled around. _______, he failed the exam.

(1) Privately (2) Merely (3) Particularly (4) Inevitably (28804






1.(答:4) Every time I go to the movie theater, I need to know_____.

(1) where is the exit (2) where to the exit (3) the exit is where (4) where the exit is (32028)

2. (答:2)By the time I arrived at the airport, the plane ________.

(1) took off (2) had taken off (3) takes off (4) is taking off (32026)

3. (答:3)The famous lawyer kept his client ____ for a long time.

(1) waited (2) to wait (3) waiting (4) waits (28769)

4. (答:4)Here are some tips on ________ to keep fit.

(1) which (2) who (3) what (4) how (32023)

5. (答:1)The dog is energetic, _____ the cat is quiet.

(1) while (2) therefore (3) otherwise (4) however (28790)

6.(答:2) Please tell me _____.

(1) where is the building (2) where the station is (3) where to the amusement park (4) how will be the weather (28776)

7.(答:2) _____ fireworks are set off on the Lantern Festival.

(1) Million of (2) Millions of (3) Two million of (4) Two millions (28788)

8. (答:1)He always takes what others say _______; that is, he appreciates what people advise him.

(1) seriously (2) serious (3) lightly (4) light (28789)

9.(答:2) All the employees in the company are looking forward ____ their bonuses.

(1) to get (2) to getting (3) for getting (4) for (28771)

10. (答:1)_______ his reasons, I will never forgive him for what he has done.

(1) Whatever (2) Wherever (3) No matter (28767)

2. (答:2)The family can not decide where _______ going on their winter vacation.

(1) are they (2) they are (3) should they (4) they will (31130)

3. (答:3)The hat _____ with laces and ribbons looks elegant.

(1) is decorated (2) decorates (3) decorated (4)decorating (32021)

5.(答:3) Her parents would not allow her ______ alone in Africa.

(1) risking to travel (2) for risk to travel (3) to risk traveling (4) risk traveling (31137)

6. (答:2)The doctor insisted that the patient ____ an operation immediately.

(1) has (2) have (3) to have (4) having (28786)

7. (答:4)Wedding traditions vary from one country to _____.

(1) the other (2) the others (3) others (4) another (28783)

8. (答:3)The teacher sat _______ by the students.

(1) surround (2)surrounding (3) surrounded (4) to surround

10. (答:2)She was walking in the dark, ______ against the wall.

(1) her head hit (2) her head hitting (3) her hitting (4) her head was hitting (31139)

10. (答:4)It is impolite to talk loudly in public; _____, you should lower your voice.

(1) otherwise (2) or (3) while (4) instead (28774)

6. (答:1)How _____ it is _____ Harry Potter!

(1) interesting…to read (2) interested…to read (3) interested…reading (4) interesting…read (28782)

7. (答:2)The police tried to arrest the prisoners who had escaped from _______ last night.

(1) crime (2) jail (3) branch (4) cottage (28778)

10. (答:2)It is not difficult to please your parents. All you have to do _______ study hard and get good grades.

(1) are (2) is (3) were (4) have been

3.(答:2) I remember _____ this poem before; it seems quite familiar to me.

(1) to read (2) reading (3) read (4) been read (31145)

7. (答:2)You seem to get fatter and fatter. It is about time _____ on a diet.

(1) for you go (2) you went (3) you going (4) of going (28770)

9. (答:2)How I wish I _______ the lottery winner!

(1) is (2) were (3) will be (4) being (31146)

10. (答:4)Beth was sad because she lost the watch that her mother _____ as her birthday gift.

(1) bought (2) to buy (3) buying (4) had bought (32063

1. (答:2)The man went to the woods, _____ his missing dog.

(1) searched (2) searching for (3) for search (4) by searching for (28784)

3. (答:1)I did not know what "orz" ______ until my friend explained it to me.

(1) stands for (2) makes representations (3) shows off (4) runs across (31128)

6. (答:2)He wondered _____ he could pass the exam or not.

(1) if (2) whether (3) that (4) the way (28768)

7. (答:3)The typhoon kept us _____ swimming in the lake.

(1) to go (2) so as to (3) from going (4) to going (28781)



