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文章 發表由 cosomyr

  1. 我聽人家說,在國外念書比較輕鬆,升學壓力也沒有這麼大

    not true

    想要脫穎而出, 就需要拿大學先修課程 (AP); AP 想要有好成績, 還是很不輕鬆的

    唯一的好處是課程可以自由選擇, 所以真的不喜歡某些科目, 可以斟酌選比較簡單的 level, 跟台灣齊頭式的教育不一樣

  2. Hey there,

    Do you study undergrad or grad school at UPenn?

    I got admitted into UPenn SEAS, but I'm still considering attending.

    Penn is the only ivy with a relative solid training in nature science, so I would say give it a try, plus it's Penn! In a nutshell, grad school is all about who ur professor is and alumni connection.

  3. 材料科學是被分配到 Chemical engineering 下的, 讀的人不算多, 畢竟 Chem E 最熱的是 Green Engineering

    Biomedical Engineering 這塊美國非常熱門, 雖然很多美國人唸了是為了以後考 medical school

    要考 medical school 就要準備 MCAT, 需要大量時間準備, 非常不好考得高分
