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文章 發表由 Stranck

  1. My mom used to call me Martin, before I started using Dennis as my nickname. She gave me this name probably becuase of the last character of my chinese name: Tin (鈿 in Cantonese).

    Then, when I was studying in primary school in Taipei, my English teacher decided to call me Dennis. Again, it was because of that character: Dian (鈿 in Mandarin).

    My French teacher, who's French, told me that the variant of Dennis in French is Denis, while the other French teacher, who's Taiwanese, just unconsciously called me Daniel so often that I kind of get used to that one.

    So, usually I just call myself Dennis/Denis, though I use Daniel sometimes, in some very rare situations.

    But definately I would only introduce myself as either Dennis/Denis or Daniel, not both, since they are from different origins.