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文章 發表由 damoko

  1. 哈囉,我有三個問題想要請教各位,麻煩幫我解惑:

    (1) 這次暑輔開始的時間?

    (2) 還有文具部在暑輔期間會不會開? (位子有變嗎?!)

    (3) Level在暑輔期間有賣嗎?不知道還長得跟以前一樣嗎?(據說有改版?!)



  2. 意外看到這首歌,很快的就愛上他了





  3. 大推這個營隊!






    ps - 我是第八屆的學員,到現在營隊結束已經兩年半,大家感情還是很好,甚至等一下就要一起吃飯了!!可是我不小心打太多現在要遲到了XD

    pss - 發文的人是隨意對不對?

  4. Love the French language too. Qu'est que ju chercher don la vie? It means "what do you search in your life". Whenever this pops up in a conversation, everyone was like, "oh, you speak French?" but most of them arent aware that this is the only sentence I can imitate without letting others know Im a non-French speaker lol.

    Back to the topic. I spent my first five years in the UK and then my parents moved back to Taiwan. So basically I grew up in Taiwan too. I actually prefer living in here, except for one thing - the summer. The muggy weather makes me sweat all over everytime I step out of doors and its sooo gross.

  5. A few seconds ago with myself. Im used to talking to myself murmuring you shouldve done this, you shouldnt have done that, blah blah blah. It works quite well to organise my ideas especially when theres lots of things going around in my head.

    Why do men think they can just say things like 'It didnt mean anything - it was just sex' and expect to be forgiven for cheating on their girlfriends/wives?

  6. Show him my fabulous legs.

    Have you got an iPhone? I have to say this is the greatest invention in human history. I'm now using it to surf the net and it's absolutely perfect in terms of speed, convinence and eveything. Chief among them the T9 spelling check (no more typos on the Internet whoopi!). Totally the right mobile phone for those who know nothing about high tech products like me.