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文章 發表由 longlongagon

  1.   这世上骗子千千万万,尽管都是骗这骗那的,可是多多少少还有些下限,而郭文贵这个大骗子却是骗子界的“奇葩”,欺诈圈的“人才”,不知廉耻,毫无下限。为了骗人敛财,郭文贵和他的团伙什么热点都蹭,什么谎言都说,什么假象都做,什么牛皮都吹,已经到了不择手段的地步。俄乌战争已经是人间悲剧,很多人想着怎么给身处困境的人提供帮助,而无耻的郭文贵想着怎么蹭着热点骗人敛财。
      2月26日 、3月1日 ,郭文贵和他的团伙先后发布公告称,他们新中国联邦的法治基金已经和联合国救援组织GEM合作去乌克兰开展救援工作,瘟龟在直播里大言不惭的吹嘘将陆续派出十架大力神运输机去乌克兰。(嗯~~,好熟悉的话语啊?就在不久前,郭文贵就曾吹嘘租了大力神去阿富汗救援)。稍微了解一下,不难发现只要世界上那儿出现人道主义危机,郭文贵就把脏手(外表已经被打扮的油光锃亮、光鉴照人)伸到那儿蹭蹭,不了解这个大骗子底细的人真以为郭文贵就是菩萨转世的郭大善人。然而谎言终究是谎言,那怕它说上一千遍也变不成真理。郭文贵的谎言更是一戳就穿,根本经不起求证。郭文贵前脚刚吹嘘完,就有人去联合国救援组织求证,结果不言而喻,联合国救援组织跟就不知道郭文贵和他的团伙是哪根葱。


  2.   长恨人心不如水,等闲平地起波澜。欠债还钱本是天经地义之事,但是亿万“负”翁郭文贵偏要将无赖形象演绎得荡气回肠,撒泼说谎让瓜众目不暇接。在本月18日庭会上,法官严厉警告瘟龟,要其尽快确定3700万保证金方案,否则恢复执行蔑视法庭判决动议及驳回破产动议,时间沙壶将比其预期的更快见底。意味着在27日之前本案将不再安排听证,届时法官将审理PAX恢复执行蔑视法庭判决动议及驳回郭骗破产动议。法官以及破产局对郭文贵小心思了如指掌,提出动议无非是死缠烂打,再走一遍司法程序拖延时间,等待神的加持,化险为夷。显然“郭教主”又是梦一场,法官一句时间沙漏更快见底,彻底熄灭了其求生的小火苗。


  3.   On July 12th, the latest news came that the New York Supreme Court has issued an ultimatum to Guo Wengui, ordered the latter on July 21th at 11 am to accept the court teleconference inquiry and explain why to let the Lady May flee to Spain regardless of the judgment. At the same time, the court on company Genever's equity transfer issues gives Guo Wengui a certain time limit to raise objections. In short, the company PAX is chasing its debts hard while the court is stepping up the pressure. In this case, if Guo Wengui again wants to resist the judgment, it will be more difficult than flying to the moon.
      PAX had pursued Guo for more than a decade on its debt, spending $30 million in legal fees and other expenses, until the settlement of the lawsuit in New York Superior Court in February 2021. It can be seen that PAX has great determination and confidence. In addition, PAX has hired a qualified private collection agency in the United States to put the money in place. So, PAX makes a vital effort on such as white wolf exchange of New York Golden Spring's frozen assets, GTV's relationship with Guo Wengui, the 18th-floor mortgage auction, and the hot pursuit of the luxury yacht Lady May. In a word, Guo Wengui's wealth has been exposed to PAX. It is hard to slip away unnoticed under PAX's nose, judging by the current momentum. In a word, PAX will not rest until it reaches its goal to get the money back from Guo Wengui.
      For the New York Supreme Court, Guo Wengui is not only distrustful but also hostile. Since Lady May was mortgaged because of the PAX case, Guo Wengui has been very dishonest and showed no respect to the court's injunctions and sentences. Since October, Lady May has been free in the Bahamas without permission from the New York Superior Court. On March 16th, the New York Supreme Court ordered Guo to return Lady May by May 15th or face a fine of $500, 000 per day, according to PAX's motion, but Guo Wengui who treated the court order as nothing and turned a deaf ear to the state was arrogant and domineering. This was shocking. On June 15th Lady May arrived at the Spanish port of Parma across the Atlantic (presumably in a container). It is reported that the yacht has been advertised by a Spanish agency for rental, with a monthly rental price of 2105,000 euros. Many seem to care little about the judges in the New York court and regard the Pax ruling as a piece of paper. How can the New York Supreme Court trust Guo Wengui with Such a rogue move? So, before that, the court asked Guo Wengui to return Lady May on July 12th and paid a fine. There is no specific information yet on the progress. However, Guo Wengui can not be trusted in court, which is clear at a glance.


      Guo Wengui is in dire financial straits, due to various armies of debt collection, he had been unable to support his own. Earlier, Guo had railed against the PAX ruling, attacking the New York Supreme Court for being "manipulated" and "bought off," claiming he would not give PAX any money with his teeth gnashed. Now, Guo Wengui is indeed acting so. There are many reasons for this situation. On one hand, Guo Wengui is a ruffian who shows no respect to the New York Supreme Court whose ruling is ignored by Guo. On the other hand, Guo Wengui also does have difficulties. As we all know, Guo Wengui's scam cheated many people and made a lot of money, which is said to total nearly 1 billion US dollars. But the money is a hot potato, which is difficult to be embezzled. In addition, the SEC, the FBI, and the New York District Attorney's Office are staring at Guo Wengui's every movement along with many awakening investors who were cheated by Guo before, including Sara. Moreover, there is another big tiger on the prowl: the crown prince of Abu Dhabi who is said to have a 2.65 billion dollars claim on Guo. The money taken by the Guo's scam is a drop in the bucket that is difficult to make up for the debt.Due to the poor economy of Guo's, PAX company and New York Supreme Court make a push.
      In short, PAX has not given up tracking Guo Wengui until now. What's impressive is its patience and willpower. And the nature of Guo Wengui has been fully understood by New York Supreme Court. Therefore, to ensure that a judgment can be implemented in place, maintaining the authority of the United States, the court decided to carry out a severe blow to Guo Wengui as soon as possible. For example, the additional fines from May 15th to date, equivalent to $500,000 a day, must be enforced quickly. Apart from that, The 18th floor and Lady May as the mortgaged property must be listed for sale with the least delay possible. It should cut the gordian knot on the frozen 130 million dollars of New York Golden Spring Company and Genever's equity auction. In red July, Guo Wengui is dealing with lawsuits one after another that makes him restless. Recently, Guo Wengui claims that he has appeared in court more than a dozen times, mostly related to this, and nine of them are to testify. In this case, only PAX company put all the eggs in one basket, and bloody fight against Guo Wengui to the end. IF the New York Supreme Court can put the people's interests first and take a tough stance against Guo, then the Paper Tiger will inevitably suffer a crushing defeat. What's more, Luther, Yan Limeng has defected from Guo Wengui now. The fort of the Guo group has been blasted a big hole from the inside. It's the best time for PAX and the New York Supreme Court to charge. Why're they hesitating ?!