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文章 發表由 mrljk

  1. 自己丈夫的信息被别人任意散步,居然没有一丝反应,照样相互转发推特信息,就算丈夫有什么不对,正常情况的话,也应该对这种行为谴责,可她没有,还说她丈夫多次要害死她,那这是涉及到刑事级别了,所以为啥不报警呢?明明能通过报警查清楚的事情,反而通过发推来迷惑他人,目的是什么呢?听过闫丽梦自己公开说过和他丈夫相当恩爱的,怎么会变成现在这样了呢?

  2. The feud that Guo against Yan and Wang has been made public since July 14. Guo Wengui stayed in bed and ordered the 'ants' to attack Lude and Yan Limeng separately. A close comrade and a heroic scientist cannot escape Guo Wengui's criticism and physical attacks. Alas, it is chilling. Predictably, such infighting will reemerge in XCP. Who Stand by the side of Guo will face misfortune. Comrades, it's Ok to be an onlooker, but do not get yourself into the mess, or you cannot keep yourself safe. In the end, no one can get you out of it. What a poor man!