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文章 發表由 edsonsjwj

  1. 甩卖一币难求的喜币   显然瘟龟现已黔驴技穷!

    PAX案强制执行在即   能否成为最后一根稻草?




    SEC 5.39亿美元罚款成了压在瘟龟身上的一座无法迈过的大山,被罚款逼疯、黔驴技穷、自信熟知美国法律、善于投机钻营的瘟龟死马当活马医,拿自己人身自由做赌注,赌SEC拿其没有办法,拒不缴纳罚款的同时,蛊惑组织蚂蚁帮邪教成员到SEC门前示威骚扰,狠狠戏耍了SEC一番,彻底打脸美国执法机构。SEC和解协议是以罚代刑,拒不履行的代价是巨大的,SEC必然会刑事起诉瘟龟,且刑事诉讼附带民事诉讼,瘟龟必将为自己的疯狂行为付出应有的代价。






  2. No Breaking News to Cover, Guo Wengui Newsjacking on the Heavy Rain of Zhengzhou.

    Letting off Steam and Donation Cheating with All Efforts. Comrades, Keep Your Eyes Open!

    Zhengzhou, the capital city of Henan province, was hit by heavy rain at 4 PM July 20. By 17 o'clock, rainfall per hour reached 201.9 mm, which has exceeded the extreme value of China's hourly rainfall capacity on land, resulting in poor drainage, severe waterlogged, economic losses, and enormous casualties. However, with the strong support of the Chinese government and all parts of the country, the people of Zhengzhou united as one to actively carry out self-rescue operations, relief, and rescue work. All these have achieved initial success. Guo Wengui, who is far away in New York, has been working in Zhengzhou for many years, and Yuda Building is just in Zhengzhou. He should have felt empathy for the heavy rain in Zhengzhou. But surprisingly, He turned a happy face to this. At the same time, Cheater Guo tried to describe natural disasters as human-made ones and encourage Guo investors to donate to Zhengzhou. There must be some triggers in this donation because of the duplicity and the inconsistency. Comrades, keep your eyes open! Don't be fooled!


    From the beginning, Guo Wengui had no breaking news to cover. The revolution is false advertising that hangs a sheep's head to sell dog meat signs. Protecting his money and life, revenging, getting the United States political support, bleeding "the ants" dry are the authentic purposes of the person. So, at the beginning of the whistleblower movement, Guo Wengui's material is fake. The original aim is to expand the number of fans and 'the ants' who can help the team. From 2018 to 2020, There has been no material for him, even a fake one, to disclose. But fortunately, Seattle Crabs, Sara, and other "ants" handed over the "pillow "(the Rule of Law Foundation and the G group )when Guo Wengui was sleepy. He began to transform from leading the whistleblower movement to donation cheating of the RLF and investment fraud of G Group easily by the pillow. At present, the Rule of Law Foundation, the Rule of Law Society, and the G group have been at the end of the rope. The person deceived, the betrayer Sara, the Pig Head Lude, "heroic scientist"Yan Limeng, will surely spare no effort to bomb those savagely with their words and actions. In the end, Guo Wengui will not escape from the punishment of the"judicial purgatory."


    Therefore, It is the heavy rain in Zhengzhou on July 20 that made Guo Wengui deflect people's attention and change the subject he used to hold. On the one hand, it was a way to let off steam and vent frustration. To appease the restless emotions in the Guo Group after Lude and Yan Limeng defected, he discourses eloquently on a subject of the contribution to Zhengzhou from him and Yuda tower. It can imagine that how deep his depression was on the hands-changing of Beijing Pangu and Henan Yuda. It is so unfamiliar that even the staff in these two towers don't know who Guo Wengui is. But no debts without creditors. That all these forced Guo to turn to his original color has only himself to blame.But to see years of accumulation in vain, Cheater Guo's heart is unwilling and full of anger. So, He used Zhengzhou's heavy rain to vent one's grievance and has since ruined his public persona. Guo Wengui said the heavy rain that happened in Zhengzhou is not accidental, is inevitable, is not a natural disaster, is a human-made disaster, Zhengzhou is an evil place, it had better drowning these bastards of Henan. They deserve it! Look how much anger there is. Guo Wengui so far did not understand that small tricks, lies, robbery, and under-society movement cannot help him sustain. Now Cheater Guo, who is full of hostility, is still trapped in his trap. The Rule of Law Foundation, the Rule of Law Society, and the G group are giant pits dug by Guo Wengui. Guo must face the group of victims, "big ants" Sara and Lude, who betrayed him as well as surveillance from the United States judicial. Now he is newsjacking on the heavy rain of Zhengzhou, Which is asking for trouble. How dare he is


    It is the only chance to survive for Guo Wengui if he stops here, washes his hands of it from now, and gives back the money that he cheated out of before. According to Lude, the finance of the Rule of Law Foundation and Farms have become dangerously intertwined. According to Sara, the project funding of Phoenix Farm has been partly transferred to the Abu Dhabi-China fund through Guo Wengui's account. That is to say, Guo Wengui embezzled nominal public investment funds. It is a big mistake and beyond any help. Moreover, to obtain political asylum, Guo Wengui used Bannon to get in touch with trump, and the money he spent on this was also from the investment of Gclub. Guo's consumption and payments to Yan are also linked with the legal fund. In a word, Guo Wengui has been back to less than before November 20, 2018. The prodigal who returns is more precious than gold. If Cheater Guo stops here, demonstrating that his conscience did not vanish. But just yesterday, Mr. Guo made a shocking announcement that a plan of calling on G Group to donate to Zhengzhou. According to the above comments about Guo Wengui associated with the heavy rain of Zhengzhou and the unhappiness of the owner alteration, we can infer that he won't have a flash of benevolence. What's more, he paid lip service to the cause, but he hasn't lent a hand from the beginning. Investors of G Group, don't be fooled by Guo Wengui. He is just newsjacking on the heavy rain of Zhengzhou and actually to cheat you out of your donations.


    In short, heavy rain in Zhengzhou has caused considerable economic losses and casualties. It is human nature that when difficulties arise in one place, aid comes from everywhere. But Guo Wengui, who has long held a grudge against the people of Zhengzhou, is not destined to become conscientious suddenly. Why did he turn 180 degrees and call on his comrades to come to a plan of Zhengzhou donation ?! "Many kiss the baby for the nurse's sake." It is the real intention of Guo to blackmail investors and then make a windfall. With no breaking news to cover, G Group has been at the end of its rope. Now Guo is bleeding investors dry by newsjacking on Zhengzhou's heavy rain, which has been seen through by people from the start. Save your breath! Cheater Guo. You still have so many potent enemies to deal with.


  3. Company PAX galloped in hot pursuit

    Cheater Guo who was in plain sight would have no way to go

    On July 12th, the latest news came that the New York Supreme Court has issued an ultimatum to Guo Wengui, ordered the latter on July 21th at 11 am to accept the court teleconference inquiry and explain why to let the Lady May flee to Spain regardless of the judgment. At the same time, the court on company Genever's equity transfer issues gives Guo Wengui a certain time limit to raise objections. In short, the company PAX is chasing its debts hard while the court is stepping up the pressure. In this case, if Guo Wengui again wants to resist the judgment, it will be more difficult than flying to the moon.

    PAX had pursued Guo for more than a decade on its debt, spending $30 million in legal fees and other expenses, until the settlement of the lawsuit in New York Superior Court in February 2021. It can be seen that PAX has great determination and confidence. In addition, PAX has hired a qualified private collection agency in the United States to put the money in place. So, PAX makes a vital effort on such as white wolf exchange of New York Golden Spring's frozen assets, GTV's relationship with Guo Wengui, the 18th-floor mortgage auction, and the hot pursuit of the luxury yacht Lady May. In a word, Guo Wengui's wealth has been exposed to PAX. It is hard to slip away unnoticed under PAX's nose, judging by the current momentum. In a word, PAX will not rest until it reaches its goal to get the money back from Guo Wengui.

    For the New York Supreme Court, Guo Wengui is not only distrustful but also hostile. Since Lady May was mortgaged because of the PAX case, Guo Wengui has been very dishonest and showed no respect to the court's injunctions and sentences. Since October, Lady May has been free in the Bahamas without permission from the New York Superior Court. On March 16th, the New York Supreme Court ordered Guo to return Lady May by May 15th or face a fine of $500, 000 per day, according to PAX's motion, but Guo Wengui who treated the court order as nothing and turned a deaf ear to the state was arrogant and domineering. This was shocking. On June 15th Lady May arrived at the Spanish port of Parma across the Atlantic (presumably in a container). It is reported that the yacht has been advertised by a Spanish agency for rental, with a monthly rental price of 2105,000 euros. Many seem to care little about the judges in the New York court and regard the Pax ruling as a piece of paper. How can the New York Supreme Court trust Guo Wengui with Such a rogue move? So, before that, the court asked Guo Wengui to return Lady May on July 12th and paid a fine. There is no specific information yet on the progress. However, Guo Wengui can not be trusted in court, which is clear at a glance.

    Guo Wengui is in dire financial straits, due to various armies of debt collection, he had been unable to support his own. Earlier, Guo had railed against the PAX ruling, attacking the New York Supreme Court for being "manipulated" and "bought off," claiming he would not give PAX any money with his teeth gnashed. Now, Guo Wengui is indeed acting so. There are many reasons for this situation. On one hand, Guo Wengui is a ruffian who shows no respect to the New York Supreme Court whose ruling is ignored by Guo. On the other hand, Guo Wengui also does have difficulties. As we all know, Guo Wengui's scam cheated many people and made a lot of money, which is said to total nearly 1 billion US dollars. But the money is a hot potato, which is difficult to be embezzled. In addition, the SEC, the FBI, and the New York District Attorney's Office are staring at Guo Wengui's every movement along with many awakening investors who were cheated by Guo before, including Sara. Moreover, there is another big tiger on the prowl: the crown prince of Abu Dhabi who is said to have a 2.65 billion dollars claim on Guo. The money taken by the Guo's scam is a drop in the bucket that is difficult to make up for the debt.Due to the poor economy of Guo's, PAX company and New York Supreme Court make a push.

    In short, PAX has not given up tracking Guo Wengui until now. What's impressive is its patience and willpower. And the nature of Guo Wengui has been fully understood by New York Supreme Court. Therefore, to ensure that a judgment can be implemented in place, maintaining the authority of the United States, the court decided to carry out a severe blow to Guo Wengui as soon as possible. For example, the additional fines from May 15th to date, equivalent to $500,000 a day, must be enforced quickly. Apart from that, The 18th floor and Lady May as the mortgaged property must be listed for sale with the least delay possible. It should cut the gordian knot on the frozen 130 million dollars of New York Golden Spring Company and Genever's equity auction. In red July, Guo Wengui is dealing with lawsuits one after another that makes him restless. Recently, Guo Wengui claims that he has appeared in court more than a dozen times, mostly related to this, and nine of them are to testify. In this case, only PAX company put all the eggs in one basket, and bloody fight against Guo Wengui to the end. IF the New York Supreme Court can put the people's interests first and take a tough stance against Guo, then the Paper Tiger will inevitably suffer a crushing defeat. What's more, Luther, Yan Limeng has defected from Guo Wengui now. The fort of the Guo group has been blasted a big hole from the inside. It's the best time for PAX and the New York Supreme Court to charge. Why're they hesitating ?!








    一直以来,在违法逃美中国大亨郭文贵和极右翼保守势力政客班农的主导安排下,香港大学公共卫生学院研究员闫丽梦炮制新冠病毒起源于实验室,相关言论受到科学界嗤之以鼻,世卫组织在深入中国调查后更是鉴定:病毒几乎不可能(highly unlikely)从那里(实验室)泄漏任何东西”。这些团体和政客苦心经营的“病毒起源于实验室论”近一年反响平平,未在科学界和其他国家引发关注。自知仅凭学术不精、未在病毒界有履历且被导师福田敬二否决研究过新冠病毒的闫丽梦的“病毒实验室起源论”是很难获得公众关注,相反相关言论导致亚裔因为“新冠病毒”起源于亚洲而频频遭歧视、暴力侵犯。最后这些团体和政客共同认为只有抓住一直否决疫情起源于实验室、目前是美国新冠疫情负责人福奇博士的把柄,才能引发更多的关注。于是“自媒体传播——个别政客跟进质询——媒体断章取义炒作——国会议员集体强行定义”这一胁迫福奇博士上架改口新冠病毒起源的方案渐渐成型,具体操作为:





    事实上,美国科研资金流向中国实验室并不能说明用于研发“新冠病毒”,就如6月9日中共国内网上舆论攻击日本外务省下属的国际交流资金2008年针对中国在社会舆论及媒体界有较强影响力的个人推出赴日旅游参观考察项目一样,中共并未认为相关学者有勾结他国颠覆国内舆论的嫌疑。 翻查福奇全部邮件门信件来往内容,都未有证据表明“新冠病毒起源于实验室”的说法,但事实上福奇博士的正常邮件来往行为却被阴谋论者栽赃陷害并充分歪曲了。


