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as Miki Rei said... just be a good boy alright?

it' not that to follow the rules, since English is not your 1st language, i guess you should not complain that much about this, maybe not complaining...

and since 白鹿 already apologized and fixed the rules, let's get over with it...

A new word but mostly used in Jewish Community: Maza Tov= Congratulation= 恭喜

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Wo, i ve just gone for 3 days, whats goin on here?

well in my opinion,

first, define "offensive"

bc everyone would have a diff explaination n limit for offensive n being offensive

and if my 口頭禪 is "friggin" so i am just a digted to tat word

so by sayin it i might not meaning anything

2nd, we r not those moral students nor pearl christian.

last, the rule is a little bias.

thank you for ur listenin^^

Could you tell me what makes you think I'm 衝 so I can avoid it next time? That wasn't my purpose.( though making you think I'm cute isn't my purpose as well)



當我要反駁別人的時候,我通常會*1用比較長的句子,並加上一些"嗯" "唔" "那"之類的助詞,讓句子看起來比較緩和一點。





*1:其實通常是在氣頭上烙很話,過一會又覺得這樣不太好然後回來改 囧


I guess I'm more accustomed to talking accurately instead of winding around with meanless words.

That always gives me problem when writing a paragraph at school: It's so hard to get to the bottom line of length when I can discuss all the ideas within half the limit.= =""

  • 3 months later...
I guess I'm more accustomed to talking accurately instead of winding around with meanless words.

That always gives me problem when writing a paragraph at school: It's so hard to get to the bottom line of length when I can discuss all the ideas within half the limit.= =""

try some

"problebly", "maybe", "right?" , "does it?" , "is it?" etc etc.

it might work.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Figure of speech, mate, figure of speech. Imagine yourself in a room full of devoted Christians and old people and think what you would say in their presence. That's probably what you should be doing here. ><

say, courtesy!

PS: I personally oppose using abbreviations on line for they save no time and consume much time being understood.

I guess I'm more accustomed to talking accurately instead of winding around with meanless words.

You mean, meaningless words?

  • 2 months later...
PM = prime minister 首相

MP = member of Parliament 議員

PMQs = prime minister questions 首相質詢

well....actually I doubt how often do normal people use PM as prime minister....

I thought we usually say PM for the timing .____."

in my opinion, these words are quite professional, usually for journalists.

anyway, I still add these into the first post.

  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
what is the use of an ENGLISH BBS if you cant use it????????????

and how will you be able chat with foreigners on MSN or yahoo???!!!

so...what's the point?

would you please make it clearer?

In my opinion, learning English would be a step-by-step work.

Nobody can learn a language in a day.

Though we might make mistakes or feel frustrated when learning,

this is the road everyone must go through no matter which language they are learning.

The English forum here is for people to practicing and discussion.

maybe some people might have some difficulties in typing or reading English,

but this is why people here: practice reading and have a nice chat with others.

hope you have fun and learn some new stuff here. :)



