【學習資源】公辦英語補習班 歡迎民眾報名

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2007.12.21 09:35 am

台 北市公務人員訓練處公務英語村(The Fantastic EnglishLand)即將在明年完工使用,北市府為提供市民進修英語,舉辦「假日英語學習俱樂部」,每個月提供兩天一夜為期十九小時全英語學習環境課 程,包括食、宿、教師和教材費用只需新台幣二千元,歡迎民眾報名參加。

「假日英語工作坊─假日英語學習俱樂部」主要針對上班族或學生開設,明年一、二、三月的研習主題分別為Holidays and Festivals、Health and Food及Smart Shopping」,由教學經驗豐富的老師以小型工作坊方式,利用週六上午九時到週日下午五時進行密集式訓練。


公訓處表示,為了提供學員更良好的學習環境,將原本位於五樓窗明几淨、整潔明亮,可眺望101大樓的圖書館,打造成全新的公務英語村(The FantasticEnglishLand)。




It won't be effective since most people will still communicate in Chinese anyways...note that Taiwan doesn't have a colonial(British) background like Singapore and Malaysia.

Kudos on the information about Singapore and Malaysia's colonial background - wasn't aware of that. However, here's a question - what was the main language of Singapore and Malaysia before British colonialism? I was just suggesting that schools can enforce an all English speaking regime, much like the language schools we see in certain areas (eg. I have a French school around my neighbourhood and everything is taught in French). They communicate in English at school but at home, they're do as they're pleased, in this case, they'll communicate in Chinese. No harm done (almost no harm done if looking at a certain angle - I won't go there right now) and in fact, aids to having students becoming bilingual. Of course....hypothetically speaking here....glazing over A LOT of details at the moment eg. does all-English speaking = teach EVERYTHING in English etc.etc. - and of course, probably loss of Taiwanese culture etc.etc.

The better question is probably where Taiwan wants to take their English education. eg. Sufficient for outside business or fluent like native speakers? That's probably the question. I'm guessing the previous, in which case, we probably just need to concentrate in improving our English teaching standards. I was merely.....curious....or rather, was wandering. It just seems to be that there's an almost, diseased-like emphasis on having good English skills that I find it peculiar why they haven't just made the schools English-speaking if it's so important. >_>

And now, of course, there's another question that needs to be raised - how long will English stay as the dominant language before CHINESE becomes the dominant language? :p (Eventually, maybe. Not immediately of course...)



