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不是過不了 是初試和複試中間休息太久還延期一天



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其實到了英檢中級(GEPT Intermediate Level)階段,就要開始有技巧的吃單字。



字首法(Method of Word Prefix):

export→ex(向外) + port(搬運)→out + port = 往外搬運 = 出口 v.

import→im(向內) + port(搬運)→in + port = 往內搬運 = 進口 v.

字根法(Method of Word Root):

inscribe→in(向內) + scribe→in + write = 寫在裡面 = 雕刻 v.

describ→de(拿開) + scrib→away + write = 拿出寫的 = 描述 v.

prescribe→pre(預先) + scribe→pre + write = 預先寫好 = 開處方簽 v.

subscribe→sub(下方) + scribe→under + write = 寫在下方 = 訂閱 v.

同義字法(Method of Synonymous Words):

insept、examinate、survey、check ...... etc(臨時由大腦翻出來,可能舉的不是很好。)

動詞片語法(Method of Verb Phrases):

take sth apart = Separate = 分離

take sth away = Remove = 拿開

take sth back = Return = 買回

take sth down = Write = 寫下

take sth in = Understand = 理解


等級不同,不敷使用?你說中級與中高級不同,我告訴你中高級也可以這樣玩,不信我們拿幾個 wordlist 內的字來玩看看。

abandon = ab + bandon = to + ban = 去排除 = 放棄 v.

abbreviate = ab + breve + i + ate = to + brief = 使簡短 = 縮寫 v.

abdicate = ab + dic + ate = to + say + ate = 去說不再命令 = 放棄王位 v.

aberrant = ab + err + ant = to + error = 走向錯誤 = 非常規的 adj.

abeyance = ab + abey + ance = to + obey + ance = 去遵循停火 = 終止 v.

......etc(其他請各位看官自己去 GEPT 官方網站抓來慢慢玩!) :D

如果以上有錯誤,麻煩各位大大不吝糾正,順便說一下中高級聽力要怎麼準備吧(本人聽力爛的可以 囧)!



Allow me to use English.

In my opinion, vocabularies aren't that important. The most important part of learning English is to communicate with people, so the easiest way to improve English is to talk to people... etc.

I don't know, just my thought, but apparently Taiwanese English teachers don't completely agree...

訪客 carroll.lewis
Allow me to use English.

In my opinion, vocabularies aren't that important. The most important part of learning English is to communicate with people, so the easiest way to improve English is to talk to people... etc.

I don't know, just my thought, but apparently Taiwanese English teachers don't completely agree...





Allow me to use English.

In my opinion, vocabularies aren't that important. The most important part of learning English is to communicate with people, so the easiest way to improve English is to talk to people... etc.

I don't know, just my thought, but apparently Taiwanese English teachers don't completely agree...

Agreed. You learn vocabularies anyway through normal communication, reading a lot of books, watching movies, listening to music etc.etc. Learning the vocabulary as if you're eating the pages off the book will probably only get you through these exams, but never come into any use in terms of practical communication.

I'm preparing JPLT right now (level 2) so this is probably similar. I've never learnt Japanese properly in my life. I just watched a lot of anime and J-drama, listened to a lot of Japanese music, read a lot of Japanese manga and novel and talk to actual Japanese people through clubs and basically learnt it little by little through that. My only disadvantage of this is that I never learnt any real grammar. My Japanese grammar is basically the product of natural adaption. To me, if it sounds right, then I guess it's right. I never really understood why you should use "ga" instead of "ha" in certain circumstances and never really cared and through most part, I'm pretty much right 'cause the long years of just learning the language through culture adaption have given me a natural instinct of the language. Of course, when you're going to actually SIT for some exam, it's a differnt story. I've tried both the listening and reading of past JPLT tests and to me, it was synch. I've read and listened enough to the point that the language is pretty much part of me (ie. I don't translate it to Chinese or English - I hear or read and I understand) However, when I come to the grammatical part, I don't do so well. Formalities, in the end, gets in the way.

Anyways, I guess I'm trying to say, DON'T JUST EAT THE BOOKS. Read as much as you can, write as much as you can, listen as much as you can. When you're learning the vocabulary, try learn it in context. Don't just go:

dog = 狗

You'll never get anywhere. You might be able to cram them all in in time for the exam but you'll never be able to use it practically and effectively in real life. Of course, if you just want the certificate and could care less for practical use, then by all means, learn it like a sheep. If you do intend to make better use of it later on, then try get in touch with the culture. Hollywood movies are just everywhere. Try watching them as much as you can - and if possible, without subtitles. Force yourself to listen to the dialogue. You'll guess what's going on anyways since there's action. Over a period of time, the language will flow into you.

Anyways, that's just my take.




As for reading, I'd suggest you start with books like "the Hatchet," which is for, like, second-graders. This book shouldn't be too hard for a hish-school student.

When reading or listening or talking, don't go through an English<->Chinese translation process, it will slow your thinking down a LOT, and it is very easy to make mistakes during this process.

Oh and for listening, I wouldn't suggest listening to Studio Classroom dialogues -- they have weird talking speed.....



As a famous English teacher has been dominated this history for yrs. I am the MAN for the ENGLISH. I am the image for the Oxford and Cambridge style of English. IF you want to become like me, you need to give me the money. Where is my money bitch?! Yea thats right, everyone costs at least US.$1999. The lesson includes how to pick up Korean mei mei, how to get her as your homecoming date, how to make her to become a homcoming queen, and how to use her status to increase personal popularity in the society. As a Dr. of Luv and the Father of the Sexes, I suggest everyone to enjoy my newest book, "How to get a girl in 5 min." In the book, I summurize my personal experince on how to pick up drunk girls, girls who do drug, girls who are fat, girls who looks like a super model, or.... just girls who look just like your mom and sisters. After reading this book, I promise you, you will learn nothing but luv..... the luv to make you a playboy, a sexy man/woman. If you'd like to order the book, please include your Visa or Mater card #, your names, experiation date, your password... I dont need your address.... I can sense that like THAT. If you happen not receive the book, it means you are not faithful enough. You got to buy another book, "Charles' luv Bible, I gonna sex you up!" This book, is written for starter. The book includes starter kits like: 200 condoms, 1 lighter (learn how to smoke, dumb ass, girls luv that shit), 1 bottle of Man cologne (smell good for your date and her mom also... maybe 3P is the only way that you can get out of house.), and a book about how to make you look like you know material arts (Foreign girls luv TW guys know Kong-Fu.) If you know to break dance, popping, locking, or even drink beer like a champ, congrats, you already win the first step. Now, all you need is buying my book... teach you how to sex girls up and make yourself look sexy also. Who knows, maybe you will date Jolin tomorrow and smack Jay's face & calling him bitch!



Will Radio Frequency identification (RFID) be the way of the future? Some are skeptical, while others are confident that the technology is the answer to problems that various companies are facing today. If you find yourself skeptical of the technology, here is something to ponder. If you, or someone you know, grew up in the 50’s, you might remember thinking the concept of a barcode would never be possible. Now you might have a hard time finding a product without a barcode on it. The same concept holds true for RFID, only RFID is still in the infancy stage. RFID has various potential applications throughout the supply chain, however, RFID is still in the infancy stage and there are challenges to overcome. No one can say for sure what the future holds, however, it is certain that RFID use will continue to grow and its benefits will be realized.

So what is RFID? RFID is an automatic identification and data capture technology (AIDC). According to the RFID Journal Glossary of Terms, AIDC is a broad term that encompasses ways to gather data and transmit it to a computer without the need for human involvement (p.1). Some examples of AIDC technologies are barcodes, biometrics, smart cards, and RFID. Although there are benefits of using other existing or emerging technologies, this research will focus on RFID, which uses radio frequency waves to transmit data. There is extensive documented research and many scholarly articles about RFID components, advantages and disadvantages of the technology, and potential applications of RFID. Therefore, this research will focus on a particular application of RFID, one that many companies are interested in. The topic of this research is RFID and its use with conveyor systems.

This research applies to companies that are relatively unfamiliar with the technology, and are faced with a major compliance problem. It also applies to the companies that are implementing RFID equipment and are requiring that their suppliers’ tagged product read when using their RFID equipment. With the increasing demand for automated processes, RFID equipment in conveyor systems is a viable way to utilize the technology. However, it will be a challenge to ensure accurate reads as product flies through conveyor systems at high speeds. This research seeks to identify potential problem areas and make recommendations involving RFID and conveyors.

So why is RFID and conveyor systems an increasing area of interest? Super giants such as Wal-Mart and the Department of Defense, as well as other RFID drivers, are currently requiring that their top 100 suppliers tag all products at the pallet and case level (Rommell p.2). In the near future, these companies plan on requiring all suppliers to tag their product with RFID tags, and eventually it will be at the item level. Currently, most are requiring that tags read at the pallet level, and pallets are not an issue with conveyors. However, the date is fast approaching when case level tags will be required to read as well. This brings us to the reason for this research.

A good majority of the cases of product that pass through the facilities of the corporations requiring RFID tagging are sorted and shipped in distribution centers via conveyor belt systems. For example, Wal-Mart and the Department of Defense will require that tags on cases read on a conveyor belt at speeds of up to 600 feet per minute (Rommell p.2 and Hartman p.3). For suppliers, this means they will have to ensure the cases are tagged properly to be read at these high speeds when traveling through a conveyor system. For the customers, this means they will have to implement the proper amount of equipment to best read the variety of product coming down their conveyor systems.

For this reason, we have tested the feasibility of RFID on conveyor systems to identify any weaknesses or potential problems and make recommendations based on conclusions from our research. We have tested a broad array of products, tag orientations, and antennae combinations to make these recommendations. Our conclusions are useful to a company when deciding which tag orientation and antennae setup will produce the best results when RFID is coupled with a conveyor system. The conclusions also address other options that companies have, such as redesigning the packaging material or adding additional packaging material, if necessary, to better work with RFID equipment.

This research begins with an overview of previous literature written about the areas of interest in this study, and then moves to an explanation of the testing methodology, next to a visual schematic of the testing model and diagram, and then an explanation of results and conclusions of the research study. Concluding the research will be a summary of the recommendations, which will be useful for companies looking into implementing RFID equipment within a conveyor system, or companies that are required to have their tagged product successfully read when passing through another company’s facilities. Finally, there will be a brief discussion of possible future directions for further research.

Literature Overview

Radio Frequency Identification has been subject to extensive research in recent years. Therefore, there is a broad array of information available, mostly through the internet that does an excellent job of explaining what RFID actually is and how it operates. Sources include the RFID Journal, Packaging Digest, and RFID equipment manufacturer websites. There are also a plethora of scholarly articles and other published documentation that extensively addresses the benefits of RFID, which range from inventory control to the tracking of small children in amusement parks. These sources available to the general public have explained the many applications of RFID in various industries across the market, as well as the challenges that accompany the implementation into these industries.

The demand for RFID systems is increasing as a result of RFID drivers such as Wal-Mart, as is the need for information on how to best apply RFID equipment with diverse product lines (ElAmin). Furthermore, as the use of automated conveyor systems increase, and the use of RFID increases, a viable option is to integrate the two. There is documented research that addresses the issue of implementing RFID into conveyor systems but does not offer enough data to confidently implement it (Selecting). However, after conducting research, it was realized that most articles suggest that RFID equipment needs are dependant on the product when using conveyor systems (Crook p.2). We did not find an extensive amount of specific research on how certain items react in these environments and what the needs will be when certain types of product are used, such as metal or water, which are known to be challenges of RFID. Furthermore, we did not find extensive recommendations as to the best antennae setup and tag orientation is for specific products when used in a conveyor environment.

Knowledge gained from several course labs helped us conclude that circular antenna usually has better reading overall. A Circular antenna tends to cover a broader area than a linear antenna (Lab 3, 8). We also learned tag orientations (Lab 2) and number of antennae (Lab 6) could also determine tag readability. Therefore we applied this information on setting up this lab and testing methodology.

Test Methodology

The purpose of this lab was to test the feasibility of reading cases of product when passing through a conveyor system. To determine the most efficient tag orientation and antennae placement system for different types of product, we tested various combinations of the variables mentioned.

We have chosen to use Sensormatic circular antennae in our testing, as read range is not usually the issue with conveyor systems. The circular antennae are less orientation sensitive, and therefore in most cases it is best to use circular antennae rather than linear antennae in a conveyor system. A conveyor with a speed of 270 feet per minute was used (see calculations). Although the speed doesn’t meet the Wal-Mart and other major retail store mandates, it gives sufficient representation of RFID application on a conveyor system.

The testing involved running product down a conveyor in six different orientations consisting of the tag facing the front, rear, east, west, up and down. The products used were a case of 14/13.5oz. boxes of Rice Krispies, case of bottled water (bottled by the lab), 50 pack of Memorex CD-R’s, a case of 12/12oz. Heineken aluminum cans, and a case of 24/500ml Biota Colorado Pure Spring Water.

Initially, the west antenna was used and each of the six products were tested a total of fifteen times in each of the six orientations. Next, the process was repeated using both the west and east antennae. Finally, the process was repeated using all three antennae (west, east, and above).


Conveyor Speed Calculation

One revolution = 5 seconds

One revolution = 270 inches

270 inches / 5 seconds = 54 in/sec

54 inches per seconds / 12 inches per feet = 4.5 feet/second

4.5 feet per second * 60 seconds = 270 feet per minute

Testing Diagram

Will include more later


Back to my last post

Results and Conclusions

Table 1: Read Data

14/13.5oz Case of Rice Krispies

Tag Orientation

Antenna Setup Front Rear East West Up Down

1 Antenna 15 15 15 15 15 0

2 Antennae 15 15 15 15 15 0

3 Antennae 15 15 15 15 15 0

Bottled Water (Lab bottled)

Tag Orientation

Antenna Setup Front Rear East West Up Down

1 Antenna 15 15 15 15 15 0

2 Antennae 15 15 15 15 15 0

3 Antennae 15 15 15 15 15 0

50 Pack Memorex CD-R

Tag Orientation

Antenna Setup Front Rear East West Up Down

1 Antenna 15 15 0 15 15 0

2 Antennae 15 15 0 15 15 0

3 Antennae 15 15 0 15 15 0

12/12oz Case of Heineken Aluminum Cans

Tag Orientation

Antenna Setup Front Rear East West Up Down

1 Antenna 15 3 15 15 7 0

2 Antennae 15 8 15 15 15 0

3 Antennae 15 9 15 15 15 0

24/500 ml Case of Biota Colorado Pure Spring Water

Tag Orientation

Antenna Setup Front Rear East West Up Down

1 Antenna 15 15 6 15 15 0

2 Antennae 15 15 15 15 15 0

3 Antennae 15 15 15 15 15 0

Overall there were good results reading tags on the case level. It can be concluded from the results metal and water were the primary causes of misreads. Of the entire product tested it was found than none would read with the tag oriented down. When the tag is oriented down it is positioned between the package and the conveyor. The failure to read can be attributed to the metal construction of the conveyor. The metal scatters the signal from the antennae making it unable to read the tag.

Our first test, Rice Krispies, had perfect read results other than when the tag was positioned down. A package of bottles, hand filled in the lab by a previous student was tested second. The water bottles showed perfect read results except when the tag was oriented down. In an effort to find a product or package that gave misreads a single package of compact disk’s was tested. It was known that the compact disk’s contained metal and would most likely cause failed readings. Our hypothesis was correct, when the tag was oriented to the East zero tags read using any of the three antennae configurations.

After the discovery with the compact disk’s a case of Heineken aluminum cans was tested. The aluminum cans caused failed readings when the tag was oriented to the rear and up towards the ceiling. Seven out of 15 read when the tag was oriented up but, 100% read rates resulted with the two antennae and three antennae configurations. The least successful orientation other than oriented down occurred with the tag was oriented to the rear. Misreads were recorded with all three antenna configurations. When the tag was oriented to the rear three out of 15 tags read with the one antenna configuration, eight out of 15 tags read with the two antennae configuration, and nine out of 15 read with the three antennae configuration. The metals scattering effect of the signal and the speed of the conveyor is the causes of the misreads. The four other orientations read because they were in line of sight and exposed to the signal longer with the two and three antennae configurations. The tag was exposed to the signal for a longer period of time allowing more time for the tag antenna to receive the signal and power up the tag. With the tag oriented to the rear signal couldn’t reach the tag until the package had passed the antennae due to the inability of the signal to penetrate metal. Once the package/tag had passed the antennae and was in line of sight, the package was moving away creating a much shorter amount of time to read the tag. The tag moving away from the antenna and the scattering affect of the metal greatly reduced the amount of successful reads.

We had hypothesized that water would have trouble reading during the test of hand filled water bottles. A case of water bottles bought in a store was tested to confirm our data and there were some differences in read results. With the tag oriented to the East using the one antenna configuration only six out of 15 tags read. This contradicts our lab filled water bottles 100% read rate. Through further inspection it was found that hand filled bottles had a significant amount of head space compared to the store bought water bottles. The head space allows for the signal to pass through the upper portion of the bottles and box to read the tag. The store bought bottles had low head space which means water is closer to the cap and there is less open space. The low head space caused the water to absorb the signal and give poor read results when the tag was facing away from the reader.

Our testing of cases on a conveyor showed the metal construction of the conveyor as the biggest obstacle. Zero tags read when oriented down because of the effect of metal on RFID. Water and metal also reduce readability on a conveyor. Metal proved to be more of an obstacle than water. Excluding the tag down configuration, water had 100% read rate with the two antennae configuration where as metal didn’t with any of the three configurations.


RFID is a new technology in which many people are only concerned with the end result. Focus is placed on how RFID technology could be used in many areas rather than evolving the technology step by step. Emphasis is put forth to eliminate line of sight for identification and reduced costs rather than on the state that the technology is currently at. Some products average tag readability is nowhere near 100%. Insufficient read rates will affect production line speed or even cause loss of inventory.

To avoid these issues there are several solutions to overcome them: 1. increasing number of antennae – this method could cover a broader area and increase tag readability. However, the cost of the antennae is still quite high, therefore the initial investment may enlarge due to increasing the number of antennae used per application. Well adding antennae is costly, this method may be the simplest way to improve tag readability. 2. Substituting package material – In order to achieve this, detailed research is needed. Understanding the product characteristics and predicting product shelf life could affect material choosing. Instead of using foil, high quality paper could be used to package the product. This method could improve RFID reading and still maintain the required shelf life for the freshness of the product. 3. Adding/eliminating/re-designing the package – Depending on the current package, the product may be either over-packaged or adequate. If the product is over packaged, possible reductions in the package material could reduce the costs and improve readability. If the product requires a certain package material to maintain shelf life, adding packaging material or increasing head space could improve RFID tag readability.

Works Cited

Ahmed ElAmin. “Wal-Mart RFID study serves as push for processors” foodproductiondaily 18, Oct, 2005


Crook, Andrew, Steven Weigand, and Daniel Dobkin. “RFID Solutions Article-Part 3.” 13 Nov 2005 http://www.wjcommunications.com/pdf/techpubs/RFID_SOLpart%203_rev1_DanEdit_8-16.pdf.

“Glossary of Terms.” RFID Journal. 13 Nov. 2005 http://www.rfidjournal.com/article/articleview/208.

Hartman, Lauren R. “RFID for the Department of Defense: the D o D Mandate.” Packaging Digest. May 2005. 14 Nov. 2005 http://www.packagingdigest.com/articles/200505/34.php.

“Lab 2 – Tag Orientation” PKG 491 RFID Lab.


“Lab 3 – Hardware” PKG 491 RFID Lab


“Lab 6 – Antenna Configuration” PKG 491 RFID Lab


“Lab 8 – Stretch Wrap” PKG 491 RFID Lab


Rommel, John. “Understanding the Wal-Mart Initiative.” 2004. Matrics. 14 Nov 2005


“Selecting the right reader for your applications” RFID Gazette. 12 Sep. 2005


This is just a paper I written for my middle school teacher... if you dont understand the words.... I feel bad for TW Govt












讀書只要有錢辦圖書館的證件就可以了,或著去書店晃晃。誠品、Page One 再貴,還是可以看白書。如果是學生或住在圖書館附近又更方便了,圖書館裡的英文書籍不少,有人「讀遍」了嗎?
















只是背的話並不會對語感有多少幫助,因為:一、就算在背單字的時候讀出聲音,這個聲音並不能和作文、說話的節奏連繫;二、字彙需要套用到敘述者的邏輯脈絡裡頭才有意義,也因此如何抓住正確的 "context",並且去利用,就變得很重要。


  • 3 weeks later...

只是背的話並不會對語感有多少幫助,因為:一、就算在背單字的時候讀出聲音,這個聲音並不能和作文、說話的節奏連繫;二、字彙需要套用到敘述者的邏輯脈絡裡頭才有意義,也因此如何抓住正確的 "context",並且去利用,就變得很重要。


目前小弟也努力準備中高--->(不自量力 歐)


我認為自言自語對於TALK的部分有幫助 每天都會很神經的自己和自己用英文講話幾分鐘

還有雜誌上的聽力部分 我覺得速度還是有點慢

因為我參加中高的培訓班上 唸的快的像什麼鳥一樣....尤其有時候融入生活化的情境

EX:軍隊中的口令(超饒舌) 醫生的問診&實驗室(好多沒聽過的名詞)........

所以我建議可以去一些外國的網站 有一些是可以聽到他們講話的~

有時候聽力測驗中 滿多連音 像含滷蛋一樣

至於大大所說字彙很重要 但重在方法的層面上我是大大的推崇啦

因為字彙是最重要的嘛 但重點是會應用 且聽到就直覺反應 不可以經過中文翻譯轉換

閱讀測驗上我很弱 應該會死吧


但根據我用的那一套書(長春藤) 像答案的那個答案絕對不會是正確答案......= =

以上小小偏見 根據自己不自量力的英文基礎上 還有可愛的英文口說老師的建議

至於考題的部分 是我說那套書籍中的 與現實不符 不要怪我....(歐)



