[問題] 澳洲大學雙主修?

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1. 可以雙主修的資格是什麼?

2. 雙主修和一般普通大學生只有主修的差別在哪裡?

3. 澳洲大學幾乎都是三年畢業, 雙主修的話要修幾年呢?

4. 雙主修的相關資訊(有的話當然最好)

因為我對設計很有興趣, 可是家裡的人希望我可以去讀商

我就想到不知道可不可以試試看雙主修, 這樣就兩邊都可以兼顧了

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1. 可以雙主修的資格是什麼?


eg. ATAR for Commerce/Arts is 95 ATAR (For example, in UNSW). Make sure you get 95 ATAR or above and you'll get in.

For extra critera, check the university's website.

For even more information, check www.uac.edu.au

2. 雙主修和一般普通大學生只有主修的差別在哪裡?

多念一年(或兩年). 平均分數要Credit以上

3. 澳洲大學幾乎都是三年畢業, 雙主修的話要修幾年呢?


4. 雙主修的相關資訊(有的話當然最好)

Any of the universities that offer double degrees. Check their website. www.uac.edu.au is a good starting point. You can first search for available double degrees in Australia (which is PLENTY. Most common are Commerce/Arts, Arts/Law, Arts/Medicine, Medicine/Law, Engineering/Law, Engineering/Masters in Biomed engineering, Engineering/Arts Science/Arts, Science/Law, most bizarre one is Music/Medicine/Surgery)

因為我對設計很有興趣, 可是家裡的人希望我可以去讀商

Check out Commerce/Arts degrees then. Otherwise, you can negotiate with the uni you want to enter. Most degrees have free electives which you can use them to do commerce related courses if you want (many of my friends did that). Or, after you've finished your bachelor, you can do a commerce-related postgraduate degree which is what one of my colleagues did.

Edited by MikiRei
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