【分享】開叫基本原則 (General Approach)

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General Approach

1. 22+ HCP = Strong artificial 2C Opener

2. 13~21HCP

1. Open the higher of long suits of equal length: 5-5 or 6-6.

2. Normally open five-card majors in all seats.

3. No trump openings show a balanced hand but can be made with a five-card minor suit.

1. 1NT = 16-18HCP

2. 2NT = 21-22HCP

4. Normally open 1D with 4-4 in the minors.

5. Normally open 1C with 3-3 in the minors.

6. 3NT = Gambling 3NT (Page N)

3. 6-10 HCP

1. Weak Two-bids in diamonds, hearts and spades. ( 6 card suit)

2. 3 and 4 Level Preempts.


1. 22+點 = 強2C,人為開叫

2. 13~21點

1. 相同長度5-5或6-6,開叫長門中高階牌組。

2. 不論第幾家,單純地開叫5張牌組

3. 無王開叫表示一手平均牌,但可以有5張低花牌組。

1. 1NT = 16-18點

2. 2NT = 21-22點

4. 4-4低花,單純地開叫1D。

5. 3-3低花,單純地開叫1C。

6. 3NT = Gambling 3NT。

3. 6-10 HCP

1. 方塊、紅心、黑桃的弱二(六張牌組)。

2. 三、四線阻擊叫。
