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文章 發表由 MikiRei

  1. Hmmmm...come to think of it, I have quite a list...

    Robert Downey Jr.

    Johnny Depp

    Cate Blanchett

    Heath Ledger (look - he nailed the Joker)

    Geoffrey Rush

    Christian Bale (ok - I know he's an a** - but he really is a good actor)

    Hugh Jackman

    Jonny Lee Miller

    Natalie Portman

    Emma Stone (maybe)

    I would say Jim Carrey. He actually IS a good actor - but man, some of his movies.....

    Maybe Samuel L. Jackson - only because he's Samuel L. Jackson

  2. 是美國好還是英國好??


    美國的教育, 以世界排名來講, 已大不如以前了

    反而是北歐國家, 像芬蘭, 瑞典或挪威常常排在全世界的頂端

    當然, 所謂的"好教育"也是因人而異

    但竟然想把眼界放大點, 哪放更大點也未嘗不是好事吧? (Just my 2 cents....)

  3. "Gave up" 是放棄

    e.g. He gave up on the competition as he thought there was no way he could win.

    "Gave off" is like emitting

    e.g. The box gave off a fishy smell

    "Gave over" means to hand over or entrust

    e.g. I finally gave myself over to the grief.

    "Give in" (or gave in) is to admit defeat or to yield so in this case, the bridge admitted defeat to the weight of the truck.

    To be really honest, people usually say "The bridge caved in under the weight of the heavy truck"

    "Give in" and "give up" may be pretty similar in meaning but I just never heard anyone say "The bridge gave up under the weight of etc.". To me, "give up" is a mental defeat.

    Anyway, that's my opinion. I had a discussion with my boyfriend just then and his opinion is that A and C could both be used but my argument is, I've NEVER heard anyone used "A".

  4. 看妳到底要往哪方面發展

    妳說的優勢, 是回台灣後有優勢嗎?


    是念MBA. 歐洲排名第一的business school


    如果妳念音樂, 去Conservatoire de Paris, 哪回台灣也一樣有優勢

    所以, 看妳往哪個方向走再做決定.....

    個人認為, 只要妳不是去混時間


  5. Both the i's are pronounced like "eye" usually. But seriously, in the end, it's a made up word in the last decade or so. Ask anyone and people will just shrug and pronounce how they think it should be pronounced.

    As for Taiwanese news.....*sigh*...makes me weep

  6. I really don't think changing the policies would make any difference. The politicians just don't understand the huge gap between policies and parents' mindsets

    I slightly disagree on that. Looking at all the Nordic countries (e.g. Sweden, Finland etc.), they've obviously got things done right. Government CAN make a difference. Whether or not we have competent politicians is yet another question.

    CURRENT politicians may be idiots at the moment - but it doesn't mean it can't change. Though yes, current situation does look pretty dire....

    To answer the OP's question, ultimately I think that STUDENTS should learn how to learn on their own. Anything else should come after that. Even college entrance tests.

    Agreed. Being able to learn on your own is incredibly important. However, I find that teachers and parents tend to have a role in this as well. Looking back, my dad was the one who taught me to always expand myself beyond the curriculum. I was also fortunate enough to have teachers who absolutely loved it when I bring new insights to the table. Because this is encouraged, students are more likely to explore on their own.

    Teachers on the other hand should receive additional training free of charge from the government. When I was in middle school there weren't ANY qualified earth sci teachers. All of them were phys and chem teachers who taught themselves ninth grade earth sci.....it's actually quite terrifying if you think about it.

    Oh dear. I just remembered my high school physics teacher. He has a Chemical Engineering background. Half the lesson was spent waiting for him to figure out the concepts he was supposed to teach us. We ended up just reading and teaching the curriculum ourselves. = =|||

  7. To me, a "good" education rely on 3 things:

    - sound government policies

    - competent teachers

    - positive parental support

    Government's education policies can make or break the education culture of a country.

    For example, if the government creates an education policy that is solely based on passing exams, then you create a culture where people only focus on passing the exams as both parents and teachers are forced to put their focus on exams. Students will then, also place their focus on passing exams only.

    It's a trickle down effect. Whether or not the above policy is sound is the question so it's paramount for the government to create policies that will encourage or steer the culture towards a positive learning environment.

    Competent teachers, in my eyes, are teachers that are unafraid of being challenged. They are willing to listen to students and encourage students to think outside the box and explore beyond the curriculum. There's a lot more to this of course, but you get the gist.

    As for parents, I find them to be extremely important. I teach piano on Saturdays and the difference between students who have parents who are willing to spend their time to make sure their kids work hard and parents who don't are like night and day. It doesn't even matter whether one student is "smarter" than the other. The one that doesn't work will be the one that eventually fail. At a young age, self-discipline is non-existent. If it exist, it also need to be maintained.

    I find students who become self-disciplined, or become BETTER at being self-disciplined, are usually the ones with parents that are determined and are willing to spend the time to support their child towards becoming self-sufficient.

    Of course, balance is required. Over-controlling parents usually do worse on their kids than better.

    Finally, I think all of the above need to work "together". Government policies need to support teachers, students and parents. Parents and teachers need to work together just as parents and teachers need to work with students.

    It's a balance between all of the above.

    Also, watch this video:

  8. 像是印度腔英文是公認最難懂的...



    倒是很重的Scottish accent我就聽不懂了

    看Billy Elliot我得放英文字幕才聽得懂

    真想像當地人的話可以找speech pathologist, 做accent reduction





  9. Maybe to add to this mix, I know ABC's that refuse to date Asian girls.

    But then there are also ABCs that I know that ONLY dates Asian girls.

    The former rejected their Asian heritage while the latter is desperately looking for a way to connect back.

    On another note, I have a Chinese friend who originally said she will never date non-Asians and can't see herself dating one.

    She's now happily married to a Jewish guy. People change. :)

  10. Here's my experience (I live in Australia).

    I've met many Japophiles/Sinophiles (spelling?) in my life. They all emit the same "aura". Not quite sure how to explain it but in general, it makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable. (And they're not all "white").

    I also know someone who kept changing wives - all Asians as well. ( =_=||| )

    So quick answer to your question - yes. Just as many Asians find the "exotic" fascinating, Caucasians also find the "exotic" fascinating. Just that what each side find "exotic" is obviously different.

    In Australia, there's also this fascination with accents. People seem to love Irish/Scottish accents. Really no particular reason. It's just "different".

    Personally, I don't particularly like it when people date other people based on their race. It's a form of racism in my view. I have been asked out by someone and he actually said to me he likes me because I'm Taiwanese. I didn't like that. Not one bit.

    As for your question about whether "white people" treat "us" differently - that depends on the person. At least, in my experience.

    For people in my generation in Australia, we all grew up with various different cultures. We're all used to it. As far as we're all concerned, we're all Australian.

    My boyfriend (he's Caucasian) certainly doesn't treat me any different to any of his other friends. Then again, we don't just hang with "Caucasians". Australia's filled with people from different culture. I have friends who don't even know what mix of race they are. We're all Australian in our view and as Australians, unless you're Indigenous, we're all from somewhere else. It's a given - and we don't let it dwell on us - at least not in my experience. The mix of culture is something that I think should be celebrated.

    Having said that, racism exist everywhere. Pockets of Australia, and various Australians, are certainly racist. I've met my fair share during my life - but that's for another day.

    Finally, my experience applies only in Australia. "White" people exist in all parts of the world. It also depends what immigration policies are like in each country. The attitude tends to be incredibly different in different parts of the world. They may all have "white" skin - but they're not the same.

    If you think about it, we don't particularly like it when people ask us what's the difference between Japanese and Chinese (oh, I've had that plenty of times). To many Caucasians, we look the same. That usually offends us. But the reverse is the same.

  11. Dexter

    Game of Thrones

    Walking Dead



    Breaking Bad

    Being Human (UK version - NOT the US version)

    Wilfred (AU version - NOT the US version)

    Sherlock Holmes


    Big Bang Theory



    The Office (UK version)




    Top Gear


    The Simpsons


    American Dad

    South Park

    Family Guy